Supremacy Games

Chapter 1304 The Battle For Tartarus! I

Chapter 1304 The Battle For Tartarus! I

1304 The Battle For Tartarus! I

A couple of days later...

The SGAlliance's forces began to slow down their invasion as they were spreading their fleets way too thin.

However, the end results were worth a celebration as more than 60% of the seventh demon realm Tartarus had been conquered.

This translated to tens of enslaved races being saved and an unfathomable number of lesser demons receiving their ending.

Those results made Prince Beelzebub absolutely infuriated, but he could do nothing but watch from his capital.

He knew that the SGAlliance's forces would reach his capital sooner and later.

His brothers' plan was to gather their forces near it and attempt to secure their first victory and turn the battle around.

The SGAlliance knew that the capital wouldn't be easy to take down due to Prince Beelzeubub's existence, so they were smart enough to slow down their invasion and gather most of their troops to launch a singular unstoppable attack.

"Commander Nethereal, we will leave it to you." Queen Alfreda said with a stern tone.

She was in a meeting with the other leaders and commander Nethreal, discussing the plan to conquer Tartarus' capital and proclaim the entire seventh demon realm as the SGAlliance's territory.

"Victory is ours." Commander Nethreal assured with a confident tone before taking off.

"I still think we should just use the planet destroyer weapon on the capital." High Chieftain Lokaka said, "The planet must be packed with demons and evil energy. Even if we won, no one will dare to step in it."

"It's best to keep our planet destroyer weapons as hidden as possible." Queen Allura shook her head, "We still have six more demon realms and one is tougher than the other."

"She is right, if the weapon was exposed, the princes might use whatever it takes to destroy it."

While the demons didn't seem to be on par with the SGAlliance's forces, it was still better to be cautious since the seven princes' had yet to even show themselves.

A few more days later, the SGAlliance's spread-out forces began to gather up near planet Gorrana.

With the space worms being available, there was no need to fly straight to the capital planet when they could open multiple wormholes and surrender the planet from multiple directions.

This wouldn't have been possible without the new compass device and the Intel they gathered along the way.

The moment the SGAlliance's fleets got into their proper formations, Commander Neathreal ordered, "Move out!"

Six massive wormholes were opened up in a straight line with plenty of distance from each other.

The space fleets sped through them rapidly in perfect formations, disappearing into the cosmos.

When the space fleets emerged on the other side, the capital planet was seen as a tiny red dot...It would be foolish to open wormholes right next to it after all.

While SGAlliance's forces were marching in the direction of the capital, they had no clue that Prince Beelzebub and his brothers were waiting for them with their monstrous demonic armies stacked around the planet!

The capital planet Quelos lay under the sinister shadow of a demonic space monster army. Swirling clouds of darkness hung ominously in the planet's atmosphere, shrouding the once-bustling cities demonic cities in an eerie gloom.

The vile creatures, under the command of the six demon princes, had established a stronghold, their presence heralding an era of despair and chaos.

The space monster army comprised an array of abominations, each more terrifying than the last.

Massive Leviathans, their elongated bodies adorned with serrated spines and writhing tentacles, loomed over the smaller vessels.

These behemoths possessed the ability to manipulate gravitational forces, wreaking havoc upon anything unfortunate enough to be caught in their cosmic grasp!

Accompanying the Leviathans were swarms of smaller demons, grotesque and nimble.

They resembled twisted hybrids of alien insectoid creatures and humanoid forms, their jet-black carapaces glistening with a sickly iridescence...Razor-sharp claws, dripping with acidic venom, extended from their sinewy limbs, ready to rend apart any resistance.

All of those demonic monsters were once space creatures minding their own business until they were captured by the demons and forcefully demonized.

"Do you guys think this is enough?" Prince Beezlebub asked with a somewhat nervous tone.

His entire territory was on the line and from all the news he was hearing in the past days, his confidence was really at a new low.

"We brought out Leviathans and even ourselves...Trust me, it's more than enough." Prince Satan stressed coldly.

Although there were barely ten such enormously big demonic creatures, the majority of the demons had a cocky confident hint in their eyes as they waited patiently for the alliance's forces to arrive...One could only wonder why.

Sometime later, the SGAlliance's forces were seen surrounding Quelos and the demonic army around it.

There was a decent distance between both parties as they remained still in their formations, resembling the calm before the storm.

Usually, in such epic battles, the commanders of both sides would give it one last attempt to coerce the other side to surrender through intimidation.

But in this case? Even if both parties were somewhat intimidated by each other's forces, surrender wasn't an option on the table.

"I guess these are the Leviathans." Felix said as he watched the entire scene from the comfort of his cockpit away from the conflict.

Based on the information extracted from Malgrath and other captured demons, Felix and the rest of the leaders pretty much knew almost everything about the demons' armies and their secret weapons.

So, they created their own preparations to deal with their unique powers.

Just as Felix was about to contact commander Nethrael, the demons' armies were the first to commence their attack!

The space monsters surged forward, their unearthly shrieks going silent through the vacuum of space...Their sheer numbers were overwhelming, but the SGAlliance fleet stood resolute!

When the demonic space monsters got too close to comfort, Commander Nethreal ordered loudly, "FIRE!"

The warships opened up fire simultaneously, sending volleys of photon torpedoes, plasma beams of various colors, and antimatter missiles, unleashing a brilliant symphony of destruction!!

The demon princes, cunning strategists, had empowered their monstrous fleet with evil energies, granting them the ability to revive themselves when destroyed!

So, even when those laser beams and volleys landed on those space-demonized monsters, their bodies had gotten reconstructed to their peak forms and continued their assault!

"Keep Firing!"

The SGAlliance's forces had anticipated this much and didn't falter even a second in their barrage, knowing that those demonic monsters could not revive forever with limited evil energy around them!

So, this caused many of them to end up dying for real and being left behind after taking too many direct shots.

Still, the majority of those monsters had gotten too close to the SGAlliance's forces formations, allowing them to kickstart their own barrage.

"Kill them!"

Prince Beelzebub screamed furiously as he watched his armies of demons opening their mouths widely and releasing crimson beams of potent evil energy in the direction of the fleets!

The evil energy beams weren't simple in the slightest as even the hardest known alloy could only succumb to the corruption and get weakened!

"Captain! We have been hit!"

"Mayday! Mayday! Starship 48D5 is going down!"

"Argh!!! Help me!! I can not think!"

The worst part of being hit by those beams was the sinister energy getting inside and ending up corrupting all the crewmates!

With its great potency and those crewmates being not so strong physically/mentally, the corruption had seeped into their minds easily and made them have nothing but evil thoughts!

This resulted in some of them turning against their own fleets and firing deadly plasma beams at their friends before their spaceships turned into a piece of junk due to the corruption.

This created a chaotic scene on the battlefield as those demonized monsters kept running amok, hitting and corrupting whatever was in front of them.

"Send out the agile fighters and tell them to isolate those monsters from the larger warships!"

Commander Nethrael devised an ingenious tactic to counter the monstrous fleet. He deployed squadrons of agile fighters, engaging the space monsters in breathtaking dogfights, distracting them, and creating openings for their larger vessels.

The battleships, armed with colossal railguns and ion cannons, pounded the demonic armada, rupturing their hideous forms and casting them into oblivion!

Still, there were just too many of them as the demonic monster army were a combination of six realms' armies united as one.

The worst part? With them exploding left and right, they release great quantities of evil energies across the entire battlefield, adding to the already existing dangerous amount.

"It feels like we are fighting air with this much evil energy around." Emperor Lokhil commentated with a worried tone,

"This'sn't looking too promising."

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