Supremacy Games

Chapter 1282 Evil Energy!

Chapter 1282 Evil Energy!

1282 Evil Energy!

While his teammates weren't taking his finding too seriously, Felix's facial expression turned solemn all of a sudden.

'Couldn't it be evil energy?'

Felix was told that the other side's rulers neither manipulate elements nor laws...They could manipulate only one type of unique energy...That was Evil Energy.

'If it's evil energy, you better advise them to never take their spacesuits off. Asna warned.

'Already on it. Felix swiftly ordered the squad, "Protect your spacesuits with your life."

Since the order came from Felix, no one dared to take it lightly...Everyone raised their guard to the limit.

"Is it really that serious?" Queen Alfreda asked.

The rest of the leaders turned to stare at Felix, knowing that he had multiple all-knowing masters who wouldn't mind sharing information with him, unlike their ancestors.

"I believe it's evil energy." Felix clarified before anyone could ask, "It's a unique type of energy that is born only in environments rich with high levels of pure evil. When I say pure evil, I mean the worst of the worst that your mind can't even fathom."

"I know evil is bad in nature, but what can 'evil energy' do to them?" Emperor Lokhil asked.

"It is able to corrupt anything it touches whether alive or not." Felix answered with a stern tone, "I believe this planet was once beautiful and warm...But after long exposure to this kind of energy, it was turned into this lifeless disgusting environment."

"If our people weren't protected with these highly advanced nano spacesuits, they would have gotten corrupted just as badly."

"What do you mean by corruption?" High Chieftain Lokaka questioned, "Is it like making one have evil thoughts?"

"Evil thoughts? If only it was that simple." Felix shook his head and continued on, "When one consumes too much of the evil energy, his mind gets twisted and his thoughts will become prioritizing negative and evil thoughts...This will make him become distrustful, vengeful, aggressive, and hungry for anything pure. It's like evil energy is using his body as a host to further taint anything that is good and pure."

"If he doesn't expel such evil energy and get purified from it, it will start to twist his appearance until he becomes demonized." Felix said, "The moment this process ends, he will lose all relation he has to his past self and becomes a newborn demon whose main desire is to devour anything that is sinless."

The leaders were left as silent as mice at the end of his narration…Their solemn expressions were enough to showcase that their attitude was shaken by the horror of such diabolical energy.

It was even scarier than void energy in their eyes since void energy was contained in the void realm and never left it on its own.

Meanwhile, evil energy was able to corrupt anything it touched...This planet's current screwed-up appearance was enough proof.

"I am not done yet." Felix smiled wryly as he shared, "The scariest thing about evil energy is the fact that it is able to corrupt elemental energies and make them unusable. In other words, you need to rely on internal abilities most of the time and use quick attacks to avoid long skin exposure to evil energy."

"You knew all of this and only now you tell us?" Queen Alfreda spoke with a displeased tone.

In her eyes, this was too much vital information to be kept hidden from them...Especially, when the grand supreme was the one having it.

The others also weren't too happy about this as Felix wasn't an individual person anymore but a

representative and a leader of the entire alliance.

"I honestly didn't think that the first planet we will explore will be infested by it. I was going to tell you all about it after the trial run ends." Felix gave his excuse.

It might seem weak, but Felix really didn't think for a moment that the closest planet to the great void would be infested by evil energy.

That's because his master had told him that the demons were situated mainly on the opposite side from the great Void and their territories weren't that big.

He didn't expect that the demons' corruption would have already reached this far as the implication behind it was just too bad for the alliance in general.

Before the leaders could bother him about hiding this Intel from them, Felix continued on, "Since planets can't give birth to such evil energy, it only means it has been added here externally by the previous habitats and abandoned after there was nothing more to corrupt."

Felix advised the squad, "That's why it's best that you guys finish your exploration as fast as possible. The evil energy will be targeting you and anything brought from the outside."

"He is right! My spacesuit seems like it's turning redder in shade!" The spirit fox exclaimed.


When the others examined their spacesuits, their expressions couldn't help but turn ugly at the sight of their spacesuits getting corrupted by the evil energy.

The fact that the entire planet seemed lifeless and brittle made them understand that their spacesuit would be extremely weakened until the materials would die on their own and they would be left exposed in the open to the source directly!

"Isn't it best to retreat and explore the planet from outside?" Emperor Lokhil said.

"No, they are already down there." Felix ordered the werewolf, "Clayton try to follow the disgusting smell and you will find its source."

"On it."

Without second-guessing Felix's order, Clayton spearheaded the exploration squad as he sprinted on all four...This forced the others to match his speed to not get left behind.

As they were sprinting at moderate speed so Clayton wouldn't lose the scent, the scenery on their path was littered with soaring, craggy mountains and vast, gaping chasms that appeared to plunge directly into the planet's core.


Just as they passed by one of those chasms, a school of featherless and skinless hallow birds emerged from it and covered the entire sky, casting a massive shadow on the squad.

They were forced to a halt as they lifted their heads and saw that those birds were rushing towards them with blood-red eyes!

"Leave it to me." The humanoid black dragon said coldly as he stepped in front of the pack. He exposed one finger to the outside and pointed at the approaching school of birds.


Then, he fired a pitch-black thin beam at them.

The instant it touched the first bird, the beam suddenly expanded in size until it covered hundreds of meters and engulfed the entire school behind it!


The skinless flesh hideous birds weren't able to even utter a cry of pain before they got turned into a rain of ashes.

Smoke emerged from the black humanoid dragon's finger as he protected it with the nano spacesuit again.

"Good job Rhaegal, At least they aren't immune to attacks." The spirit fox sighed in relief as she watched the rain of ashes.

Alas, she realized that she had spoken too soon as the ashes began to gather up into one point, seemingly trying to merge with the other!

"What the..."

Under the dumbfounded eyes of the viewers, the point became bigger and redder until one humongous crimson fleshly bird was born!!

It was the exact copy of the small ones, but it looked more terrifying and disgusting, making many viewers in the chat stream actually vomit into their screens!!


The gigantic bird roared with its head lifted into the sky and dreadful blood eyes affixed on the squad.

"King Maxwell!!"

All the leaders turned to Felix with livid expressions simultaneously. feeling like he was playing with them by hiding such deadly information from them.

"Believe it or not, I actually had no clue about this either." Felix uttered with an innocent look.

All he knew was the general knowledge about demons and the evil energy, but about the specific species and such. He was just as ignorant about them!!

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