Supremacy Games

Chapter 1278 Losing Hatred Gaining Hatred.

Chapter 1278 Losing Hatred, Gaining Hatred.

1278 Losing Hatred, Gaining Hatred.

While Felix was spending hours and hours of his time absorbing Elder Dragon's potent royal gemstone, he left one of his clones in the UVR to handle the investigation of his people to get rid of the clan heads off his back once and for all.

With Queen Ai's assistance and the low numbers of void citizens, the process ended in no time and the results were sent to the four clan heads.

It didn't please them one bit.

Alas, they realized that nothing much could be done to Felix anymore unless they managed to somehow find a piece of evidence or he came forth and confessed.

As for making him stand in a trial before Queen Ai and see if she would back him up? They knew that Felix wouldn't agree to it without evidence.

So, this situation ended with them writing apology letters to the void citizens with their hearts burning in anger and resentment.

Sometime later, Felix could be seen logging into the UVR and entering his private training room.

"Let's see how big of an enhancement I will get." He said with a look of anticipation as he massaged his hand while walking towards the testing machine.

He knew that the enhancement wasn't going to be even close to the bloodline replacement, but he could feel that it would be much better than both Devourer and Dragon marks by miles.

As he got in front of the machine, he swiftly whipped out his fist akin to a lightning bolt, smashing the red pad into oblivion!


The feedback was perfect as the shockwave traveled many kilometers like he just threw a nuke!

Felix retracted his illuminating fist and glanced at the screen. In a short moment, a final number was displayed on it.

808,487 BF!

"Jeez! It boosted your physical strength by a whole 100K BF even at this high level?!" Candace was the first to react with widened eyes.

"Well, the stone is born after absorbing most of the ancient dragons' royal gemstones." Felix replied with a wide satisfied smile.

Knowing that getting just five hundred BF increase at this level was extremely difficult made this result even greater. Felix wasn't having any complaints at all.

'He is now only 200k BF away from the one million line. If Sphinx managed to find a way for him to hit another replacement and he made sure to add more marks on his cultivations, I don't think it will be impossible anymore to become a deity without origin realm.' Thor discussed this with his peers.

'That's a lot of ifs...But, it seems somewhat possible now.' Jörmungandr nodded in agreement.

When Felix was three hundred thousand BF away from the million line, no one bothered entertaining the idea that he could reach it even with another replacement enhancement.

That's because the last one hundred thousand was the same as a thick swamp that wouldn't allow a person to even move their legs an inch.

Elder Dragon had spent an entire month devouring tens of thousands of royal gemstones and he still didn't manage to pull it off naturally.

But now? There was really hope. Though, this hope relied heavily on Lady Sphinx's ability to find a way for Felix to add another primogenitor's bloodline to his 1% human bloodline.

'I already found a couple of methods, but each one had its own risks and sacrifices to pull it off. I am focusing on filtering the best one now.' Lady Sphinx replied calmly.

Since her clones were oblivious to the truth about their existence, they were carrying the experiments as normal.

"That's great to hear... Thor wanted to get happy, but he found out that he just couldn't do it.

It wasn't that he lost faith in Felix or anything, but he just couldn't feel the same way about his enmity with the darkins now that he knew it was the perfect source of entertainment for those beings.

It made him feel like he wasn't fighting for himself, but for the sake of making those beings amused, which was really a massive blow to his pride.

Jörmungandr and also Fenrir started having such thoughts...This was a normal reaction as they were clearly having an existential crisis.

Though, Felix didn't seem to give a sh*t about any of this as his hatred towards the darkins wasn't affected in the slightest.

In fact, it was getting stronger and stronger each day that went by.

Now, he wasn't even fighting for the sake of his masters, but for his own revenge, and nothing was going to make him stop!

Speaking about the darkins, they could be seen gathered in Manananggal's cozy living room in the UVR, discussing Felix's irritating movements.

"We can't catch up to him like this. We have to set up a trap and wait for him to come on his own." Saurous said with an irritated tone.

His reaction was understandable as just when they began to narrow Felix's location in the federation, he picked up his stuff and arrived at Icarius Galaxy in less than two weeks!

Meanwhile, their trip was going to take months!

The moment they decided to embark on the trip, Felix was seen moving to another location again at an incalculable speed. This really was about to drive them insane.

"The trial exploration run is going to happen in less than two months." Wendigo suggested with a cold tone, "He is most definitely going to attend it with the rest of the ten rulers and inner circle alliance leaders."

"His current direction does point to the great void." Manananggal mentioned.

"The only issue is that the area is going to be crowded." Wendigo said.

"That's not an issue, that's a bonus." Manananggal said with a faint creepy smile.

Without much discussion, the decision had been made.

"Saurous, contact Lord Dune and offer him another trade to create a wormhole directly to the great void." Wendigo said with an icy smirk, "Manananggal has to be there much earlier to welcome him."

"As for us? It's time that we take our leave."

While they finished plotting one of the most sinister assassination attempts, Felix could be seen traveling in the void realm towards the great void, oblivious that he was heading in direction of his


One Month Later…

As Felix exited from the void rift with Nimo on his shoulder, he came across an isolated planet unlike any other.

From space, it looked like a swirling mass of blues, purples, and pinks, with clouds of glittering gas and a faint aurora dancing in the sky.

This was considered the last discovered planet that was the closest to the great void.

Worthy of its title, Felix looked behind it and the only thing that came into his line of sight was pitch darkness.

There wasn't a single star in front of him even when he zoomed to the limit of his vision.

'Happy to see your end results?' Thor snickered at Lord Shiva, who was seen chilling in isolation.

Lord Shiva merely gave him the middle finger with all of his four hands without bothering to even glance at him.

'Tsk! Thor clicked his tongue in vexation and focused back on Felix who seemed to be casting a spatial spell.

In less than a second, Felix's body looked like nothing happened to it but at the same time, it went through a drastic change.

'You used spatial imprisonment on yourself again?' Asna wondered, 'Isn't better to use concept

destruction trident.'

"The trident consumes too much of my energy and it won't be worth it as a mere precaution. Felix replied as he cast a levitation spell on himself and descended into the planet.

Felix had no clue if he would be targeted by his enemies during this gathering, but he was smart enough to use some defensive measures for extra safety.

After all, the location and the time had been published months ago, which he knew was the perfect recipe for disaster.

Although he understood that Lord Khoas should be scaring the darkins into not making a move on him, he wasn't foolish to put his safety on hopes and prayers.

The death of his people taught him the hard way to always think ten steps ahead when dealing with the darkins.

In fact, if he wasn't the grand supreme and his presence was a must during the trial run, he wouldn't have even bothered to come here.

As Felix made entry inside the planet, he noticed that the atmosphere was thick and hazy, making it difficult to see more than a few meters in front of him.

Still, he continued on his journey as he was flying in the direction of the location given to him by the ten rulers.

In a few minutes at best. he arrived at a gigantic illuminated glass dome that seemed like a beacon inside a foggy ocean.

This was Xalaxar City. a property owned by the alliance collectively and was habituated by only permitted individuals.

This was the gathering location for the ten rulers. inner circle leaders, outer circle leaders, and other important figures in the alliance.

After Felix entered the city without much of an issue. he flew towards the center plaza, where the alliance headquarters was situated.

On his way there, he noticed that the city was heavily guarded by the strongest fighters in the entire alliance!!

There were even royal dragons. and knight guards patrolling the city.

This was understandable when most of the authoritative figures in the alliance were gathered in

one location.

'You finally arrived, brat..Hmmm?'

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