Supremacy Games

Chapter 1227 The Sixth Stage Of Replacement Lord Shiva's Edition!

Chapter 1227 The Sixth Stage Of Replacement, Lord Shiva's Edition!

'Is he serious?'

Felix was stunned as he assumed that King Mahit would have extracted the bloodline from other shivians.

As the king, it was doubtful that anyone would reject his request even if he didn't explain himself. Yet, he still chose to extract his own bloodline even if it meant overdoing it!

'No wonder he took hours to finish.' Asna commentated.

Felix swiftly beamed the bottles in his spatial card and thanked King Mahit for his efforts.

He didn't bother to question him about his decision as he understood that it was his own personal matter.

All he cared about was getting Lord Shiva's bloodline and he didn't mind the source too much.

"If I somehow need more, I will let you know." Felix added, "Of course, I will return the extra if I needed less."

"No need, just do your thing." King Mahit rejected it.

"Alright then, have a nice day."

Just as Felix tried to teleport back to his spaceship outside of the dimensional pocket, he was stopped by King Mahit.

Felix assumed that he wanted to request to hold the extraction process in front of him, but he was far from the truth.

'I see an unspeakable evil roaming around you ever since you got near my home. I didn't know if I should bring it up or not.'

King Mahit spoke telepathically with a deep frown as his third eye was fixated on Nimo who was eating void energy in the void realm near Felix.

'Oh, much appreciated for the warning, but it's coming from Nimo.' Felix smiled kindly, 'He is a good friend of mine.'

'Good friend, huh?' King Mahit shook his head as he warned one last time, 'It's not my business, but most of the evil aura is directed at you. It carries a bone-chilling malice to your existence.'

'What do you mean?' Felix's smile changed into a solemn expression as this accusation seemed out of place.


He knew that Nimo would not harbor any ill intent against him...But at the same time, he understood that King Mahit had absolutely no reason for him to lie.

'If you are lucky to awaken Lord Shiva's wisdom eye, you will be able to see for yourself.'

King Mahit excused himself as quietly as he arrived, not caring that he had completely messed up with Felix's thought process.

"Nimo, come here for a second." Felix requested with a deep frown.

Eee Eee!

Excited as always, Nimo blinked in Felix's lap and began licking him in the face, melting all of his worries and doubts.

'He must be confused, right?' Felix asked for some backup from the tenants as he just couldn't imagine Nimo harboring bad intent at him.

It just didn't seem possible from this ball of fluffiness.

Unbeknownst to him, Lady Sphinx and his masters all shared a solemn expression the moment they heard the warning...They knew that it was related to that incident when Nimo ruined Lord Heatiaz in the void realm.

'He might be on to something.'

Lady Sphinx said, semi-agreeing with King Mahit's assessment...This took Felix by surprise as he didn't expect his rational master to agree.

Soon, Lady Sphinx decided to tell him about Lord Heatiaz's situation after this matter reached this development.

If she was near him, she might have remained quiet until she got better proof of Nimo's awakening.

But Felix was all by himself and if something were to happen, it was best that he would be prepared for it.

'Nimo might have awakened...?'

After hearing everything, Felix didn't know how to react as the news was really somewhat hard to stomach.

He might love Nimo dearly, but he understood that if he awakened, this meant his entire persona might drastically change to resemble that of the Paragon of Sins.

When that happens, there would be no more Nimo...Just The Guardian of Void and Seven Sins...

'The only way to confirm this for sure is through awakening the wisdom eye. Through it, you can see if Nimo really harbors evil intent at you without us knowing.' Lady Sphinx said.

That was indeed enough confirmation since Nimo would really never hold ill-intent at Felix, but the same couldn't be applied to the Paragon of Sins.

'I understand.'

Eee Eee?

Nimo tilted his head in confusion after seeing the peculiar way Felix was looking at him. It was a look filled with confusion, doubt, sadness, and a bit of dread.

Before Nimo could think too much about it, Felix smiled kindly again and stretched his cheeks in a lovable manner, making Nimo squeal in happiness.

While this situation would make anyone fear for their lives and simply throw Nimo as far as possible to secure their safety, Felix just felt sad.

Sad that this moment has arrived faster than anticipated.

Sad that Nimo would change completely from a lovable idiot to one of the most fearsome beings in the universe.

Most importantly, saddened by the fact that their relationship was coming to end if he received the confirmation.

Still, instead of moping about it, Felix decided to enjoy the few last moments of his normal interaction with Nimo...


A Week Later...

Felix could be seen sitting on the floor of his training hall in his spaceship while Meriam, The Ruiner, and Mammon were watching him from a distance.

He had all the necessary tools to attack the sixth stage of replacement...The most important one was Lord Shiva's bloodline bottle.

The five of King Mahit's blood bottles were more than enough to extract 99% of Lord Shiva's bloodline, which was the best situation possible as Felix didn't want to return to ask for more.

On the other hand, Felix had already boosted his destruction affinity to 100% after unlocking it randomly with the tens of other elements during his affinity enhancement marathon.

Though, destruction energy stones were quite difficult to obtain since they could be harvested only in areas that were known for a long exposure to rich destruction energy.

There weren't many known areas like those in the universe...Fortunately, Lady Sphinx had some in her stock from the old days.

'Are you ready?' Asna asked with a slightly worried tone.

'Don't worry too much, I am fine.' Felix replied with a peaceful tone while meditating with his eyes closed shut.

He took an entire week to prepare for this replacement because his mentality getting affected negatively by Nimo's subject.

He had to have complete focus and it was hard to reach such a state when a side of him knew that he was being watched by the Paragon of Sins.

But, he managed to control such negative emotions by spending more time with Nimo and seeing that he was still the lovable idiot.

Felix might not trust or know the Paragon of Sins, but he trusted Nimo more than anything...He didn't have an ounce of evil when he look at him.

This was enough for Felix to regain his focus.

'Let's begin.' Felix snapped his eyes open, sending a faint shockwave around him through pure pressure.

He reached out to Lord Shiva's bloodline and used a customized sharp needle to extract the percentage he desired.


He halted at 20% sharp, not daring to take any further even though his previous replacement was done at a significant 25%.

Felix never wanted to go above 20% ever again even if it meant potentially losing more mutations...It was the right decision since 25% was really too much to handle for anyone.

He might have gotten lucky the last time, but no one was sure that he could pull it off again.

If it wasn't for Felix's desire to get the eye of wisdom badly, he wouldn't even attempt 20%.

Because he already had Gemstone Root on his forehead, he had to push extra hard and pray a whole lot more to land on one of the rarest mutation conditions a bloodliner could receive.

Mutation Assimilation!

As the term stated, it happened when two or more mutations overlap with each other and one couldn't get rid of the other.

Usually, the permanent mutation had the upper hand since its genes were already well established in the DNA...But, there were always exceptions when it came to genetics manipulation.

In some rare cases, both mutations would end up assimilating and becoming one mutation if neither side managed to out the other before the integration process ended.

In this case, Felix knew that Lord Shiva's genes were too aggressive and dominating, which meant, there was a small chance of it either assimilating with his Root Gemstone or even his Truth Vision!

So, instead of having Lord Shiva's third eye, one of Lady Sphinx's eyes might turn into Lord Shiva's eye and he would obtain benefits from both eyes!

Though, all of this was still a big if and Felix wasn't putting his hopes too much on it happening.

With that being said, Felix took a deep breath and stabbed himself in the heart with the needle for the seventh time in his life and probably his last.

"Here we go." He murmured softly as he drank pain relief potions of the highest caliber.

"Candace always said that our king's integration process is something to not wish for even on our enemies." Meriam giggled, "So far, it doesn't look too ba..."


Meriam went mute instantly after seeing Felix's body suddenly explode into pieces, with mushed-up limbs thrown in every direction, and a blood cloud hiding what remained of their king...

The explosion was instantaneous and sudden, which stunned everyone who was watching the process.

"Is this normal?" Meriam murmured with a dazed look.

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