Supremacy Games

Chapter 1225 Not Betting His Life On A Contract Technicality.

Chapter 1225 Not Betting His Life On A Contract Technicality.

"Please sit."

Felix nodded in appreciation and sat on the opposite chair. King Mahit poured him a cup of tea and placed it on a small plate in front of Felix.

Felix picked it up and took a sip before putting it back without much change of expression.

"A fine tea." He said politely.

He was never a fan of tea, so even if tea made out of divine leaves was put in front of him, he would still react the same.

"It is one of my people's specialties as Golden Oolong leaves grow only in our dimensional pocket." King Mahit shared.

"I see."

It was clear that Felix had no interest in this tea conversation, but still, he didn't bring out the destruction bloodline subject as he didn't want to show too much desperation.

He understood that he would completely lose whatever leverage he had.

Fortunately, King Mahit wasn't interested in playing mental games as he was really sincere about the tea subject.

The moment Felix didn't share the same love to tea as him, he switched straight to the main conversation, "What sort of NDA am I going to sign?"

Felix forwarded a premade NDA contract and said with a serious tone, "I won't share anything unless you signed it."

King Mahit ignored his statement and read the NDA contract at a slow pace...After more than fifteen minutes, he glanced back up at Felix and said, "Isn't this a bit too extreme?"

His reaction was understandable as the contract enforced him to never bring out any details about the upcoming conversation to anyone besides Lord Shiva, Felix, and his companions.


Any transgression would lead to immediate execution...It was a known fact that when it came to executions, Queen Ai was always faster.

"It's strict, but it's necessary for my protection." Felix anwsered.

'If he really has a method to help me meet my ancestor, then it's understandable that he wouldn't want it to be exposed.' King Mahit pondered deeply.

King Mahit might not show it, but he desired to meet his ancestor more than anything.

It was for the sole reason of asking him about his motives to destroy the universe, which caused them to get imprisoned for eternity as a punishment for his selfish actions.

While almost the entire population of Shiva's Apostles were taught from a young age that it was forbidden to leave their dimensional pocket, none of them knew of the real reason.

Only the royal family was burdened with the truth from one generation to another.

Unfortunately, the truth was too short and unconvincing for them to accept suffering from such an eternal damning fate.

'Let's hope it's worth it.'

In the end, King Mahit signed the NDA, knowing that this was a lifetime opportunity to finally seek some answers.

​ "Now tell me how can you help me meet with my ancestor?" King Mahit narrowed his eyes in focus.

"I am capable of awakening primogenitors' wisps of consciousness after reaching 99% of integration with their bloodline." Felix anwsered bluntly.

This was the first time he was telling anyone about this willingly without having any sort of trust between them!

It was a massive step up as Felix would have never dared to share any of his secrets before even if an NDA was involved.

This kind of confidence came only through having unquestionable strength!

"Why should I believe you? You might just be saying this to get my ancestor's bloodline." King Mahit was taken aback by Felix's answer, but he still didn't outright believe him.

"How about a contract?" Felix said with a serious tone, "I am willing to put my life on the line to prove it."

Felix planned before on making one of his masters come forward to help him prove his statement. But then, he realized that he could use a contract to do the same thing without needing to have his masters confirm their death to a stranger for his sake.

Obviously, King Mahit might be able to piece the dots and reach the conclusion that most of Felix's masters were dead, but it wouldn't be the same as a direct confirmation.

'If he is saying the truth, doesn't that mean his masters are actually dead and he merely has wisps of their consciousness?'

As expected, the first thought that went through King Mahit's mind was the life/death situation of Thor and Jörmungandr.

He might be isolated from the real universe, but he still received most of the important news.

The death of those two primogenitors in an epic battle was a big matter that was known to all authoritative figures...Though, it was put into question when both of them resurfaced.

'No wonder he doesn't want the news to go out.' King Mahit reasoned as he stared at Felix, 'If the Darkins hears this news, it would change the whole dynamic of their faction's conflict.'

"If I got Lord Shiva's bloodline and awakened him, I promise you that I will try my very best to convince him to meet you." Felix continued on, not wanting to give King Mahit too much time to think about the method itself.

"A promise to convince him?" King Mahit frowned, "This wasn't the deal."

"You really think I will be able to force your ancestor to meet you?" Felix shook his head, "I can only try my best to persuade him. The final decision is in his hands and I can't do anything about it."

King Mahit couldn't argue with him about this matter as he knew that no one would be able to force his ancestor to do anything...The fact that he tried to destroy the universe was a clear sign of his strong will to get his way.

"I don't believe in promises with strangers." King Mahit said calmly, "Make it a contract and we have a deal."

As mentioned before, King Mahit wanted this meeting to happen more than anything even if it meant trading multiple bloodlines bottles of his people for the sake of a small chance.

Still, he wasn't foolish to trust in Felix's words and not bring Queen Ai into the mix.

"Fair enough." Felix nodded in approval.

King Mahit went silent for a couple of minutes as he drafted the contract...When he was done, he forwarded it to Felix.

After reading it, Felix couldn't help but knit his eyebrows in disgruntlement at the strict and vague conditions.

"How can Queen Ai measure how much work I put through convincing your ancestor?" Felix shook his head, "I can't put my life on the line for something that can't be calculated."

Felix wouldn't mind signing a strict contract as long as the terms were clear...In this case, his life would be endangered for something that couldn't really be measured.

"Then, how about adding a term that ensures your conversation with my ancestor gets shared with me in case of failure?" King Mahit said, "I will be the judge then."

"I can agree to the term if the conversation shared was limited to only the discussion about the meeting and nothing else." Felix added, "Moreover, the judges will be my masters instead of you. Who says that you won't decide to terminate me even when the conversation demonstrates my hard efforts?"

"Your masters..."

"My masters have a reputation to uphold as primogenitors and they won't side with me if I really failed to uphold my part of the deal." Felix sighed, "Let's be honest, all of this is mere extra unnecessary work, you know deep down that if your ancestor wanted to meet with you, he won't need me to convince him."


King Mahit went quiet at the sound of that...He knew that Felix was right, and what he was trying right now was merely hard coping.

In another sense, Felix's words were really not going to have much effect on his ancestor regardless of what he said.

"Alright, let's do it your way." King Mahit caved in at the end, knowing that this conversation was leading to nowhere.

Felix would never place his life in other people's hands unless he was too desperate.

At this moment, there was still the option of violence.

If it didn't work, there were other bloodlines to pick from. As much as it sucks to not get the destruction bloodline, it was better than losing his life on some contract technicality.

King Mahit knew that Felix had other options while he had only one.

So, he added the new terms and forwarded the contract to Felix who signed it after reading it carefully again.

"You may not trust in my word, but I promise you that I will try my best to convince your ancestor." Felix promised again with a serious look.

"We will see." King Mahit suddenly stood up and offered, "I will be preparing the bloodline bottles. You are free to visit the Wisdom Palace and wait for me to finish."

Before Felix could reply to his offer, King Mahit broke into light particles.

"For him to offer me this, he either knows that I am nearby somehow or he predicted that I won't contact him unless I got close to his home."

Felix turned extra guarded at the realization that King Mahit might be having his eyes right now on his spaceship even when he had parked it tens of thousands of kilometers away from the dimensional pocket!

He knew that it was possible through his third eye as he was told that it was able to detect anyone with evil thoughts about the owner no matter how slight!

It was called The Eye of Evil for a reason.

'I didn't have any evil thoughts about him, but the same can't be said about those four.'

Felix was referring to his subordinates and Nimo who was the manifestation of evil itself.

He might not have spotted him, but he could have easily picked up on Nimo's evil energy even when they were tens of thousands of kilometers away and his evil energy wasn't directed at King Mahit!

This meant that if Felix and his subordinates dared to get physical with him and his people, they would have been prepared thoroughly.

Felix already knew about this and still brought his subordinates as he knew that his fate would be even worse if he decided to fight alone.

"Good thing the deal went through." Felix sighed in relief, "It would have really gotten too ugly."

While he was relieved that the peaceful option had worked, Nimo didn't seem to share the same joy.

'Next time, next time his words won't make a difference and you will beg me again to lend him a hand. When that happens, I will finally get rid of you.'

Nimo's eyes flickered again to a red color as the voice kept speaking in his mind with the creepiest tone ever.

Before the voices could get stronger, Nimo retook control of his mind, turning his eyes back to green again.

Eee Eee...

Nimo knew that the red-eyed entity was right as he only needed to absorb a few more laws and he would finally gain the upper hand on him.

When that happen, he had no idea what he would do to Felix...The only thing he was certain about was that he would never kill him.

Unfortunately, there were plenty of fates much worse than death when it came to dealing with the Paragon of Sins himself...

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