Supremacy Games

Chapter 1216 The Origin Realm’s Enhancements. II

Chapter 1216 The Origin Realm’s Enhancements. II

"But still, isn't a jump from 50k to 550k a bit too much?" Selphie said a bit enviously.

As a High elf, she might be considered a monstrous talent in spellcasting, but her talent didn't affect her physical strength one bit.

She knew that her race could never get such enhancements.

"It's actually slightly lower than I anticipated." Lady Sphinx shocked everyone with her statement.

"What do you mean?" Fenrir asked.

"From my understanding of the bloodline integration system, each replacement level gives a small all-rounded enhancement due to having merely 1% human bloodline to accept it." Lady Sphinx explained, "But, in the case of Origin Realm, the human bloodline becomes 100% and perfectly merged with the last devoured bloodline, which signified the ability to accept much larger enhancement."

"If we assume that Fenrir's true physical strength goes beyond 1.5 million BF, then Noah should have logically gotten more than 700k BF increase as his race could be considered now a quasi-primogenitor."

When it was put like this, no one felt that the enhancement was too big anymore as they understood that becoming a quasi-primogenitor warranted a much bigger enhancement.

After all, Noah didn't just replace his bloodline but actually evolved into another race, which was two whole separate matters!

One was using borrowed strength and the other owned said strength.

"It must be because the breakthrough wasn't 100% natural." Felix suggested.

"My thought exactly." Lady Sphinx nodded.

Everyone knew that the universe was fair and just when it came to rewards/effort.

If we considered going through the Origin Realm without anyone's interference as having a 100% clearance rate, then Noah possibly cleared only 80% or so.

He received the rewards of such clearance.

Still, Noah didn't seem too upset by such information as everyone thought.

He knew deep down that he already went beyond his limit to obtain that clearance rate and if he desired a perfect score, then he was just being a greedy idiot.

He gave it his all and was satisfied with the results...Nothing was going to change this fact.

'What do you think?' Asna asked.

'Noah wasn't able to get a perfect clearance because of his other bloodlines being a hindrance in his breakthrough.' Felix anwsered with a firm tone, 'But, I don't have such a problem. It won't be fair to not attempt a natural breakthrough.'

'You are saying this even after seeing what Noah went through?'

'That's exactly why I am saying this.' Felix narrowed his eyes, 'If I am going to go through the worst torture in my life, I might as well seek the greatest reward from it.'

Felix hadn't perfected his bloodline path just to ruin everything at the end line...So, regardless of difficult it was going to be, he was aiming at a natural breakthrough!


Two hours later...

Noah had finished almost all of his tests after doing them as thoroughly as possible.

The end results had truly confirmed Lady Sphinx's hypothesis that Noah's race could be now considered as a quasi-primogenitor with a human bloodline as the base!

He aced the intelligence-based tests as his cognitive reasoning and memory got boosted immensely, giving him similar traits to primogenitors.

His consciousness prowess's enhancement affected his mental energy and mental defenses, making him one level above Felix in this department.

Reaction speed was also affected positively as it was now closer to Lord Heatiaz.

Even his longevity was tested, making Lady Sphinx realize that Noah might not have obtained true immortality, but he was able to live for billions of years before his body give in!

This was more than enough to convince anyone that Noah's new race could be considered a quasi-primogenitor.

"Now, to the final and most important test." Lady Sphinx eyed Noah with a solemn look and requested, "Try to create a random ice figure."

Noah nodded and gave it a go...He closed his eyes and extended his palm forward while imagining an icy sphere on it.

He may not have had ice manipulation before, but he was taught about the principle of creating abilities from Fenrir in anticipation of this day.

At the start, it didn't seem that anything would appear on Noah's palm no matter how much he tried.

However, before they could start to lose hope, icy particles began to arise bit by bit until a tiny icy sphere was created.

It was as small as a marble, but in the eyes of Noah and the others, it was as big as the world!

"Congratulation Noah!"

"It really worked!"

"When the rewards will end?!" Bodidi stated enviously, "Human's cultivation system is really too busted."

"I got it." Noah murmured with a faint smile as he eyed the icy marble...Ever since his sister's death, nothing made him feel an ounce of happiness.

Even his breakthrough merely satisfied him instead of making him ecstatic. However, obtaining ice manipulation was different.

He was happy not for himself but for the fact that he finally could be considered a worthy student of Fenrir.

After all, it was really shameful to have the god of ice as your master, but not be able to learn anything about ice.

"Perfect Ice manipulation...He really got it..." Felix uttered with a dazed look.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves." Lady Sphinx said, "It might be just limited manipulation. We have to test for it."

"Noah, try to summon the inscriptions." Fenrir said, "All you have to do is think about them."

Noah closed his eyes and did as he was told...After waiting for a few minutes, nothing much appeared on his snow fur.

"I guess you have gotten only limited manipulation." Lady Sphinx noted down.

Noah seemed to not mind much on the outside but he was kinda disappointed.

"No need to feel like that." Fenrir said calmly, "Perfect manipulation isn't really that important when the only technique we get from it is elemental conversion."

"Ahm." Noah nodded in understanding.

Sure, elemental conversion was extremely useful, but in the case of Noah, he might not need it too much since his elemental tank had increased immensely after his breakthrough.

It would allow him to cast any ability and out of any magnitude without problems...With his affinity increasing as well, he could absorb ice elemental energy from the stones much faster.

'I really thought he will get perfect manipulation.' Felix sighed in disappointment. He was feeling this way not for Noah but for himself.

He used to think that if it was possible to get perfect manipulation from the breakthrough, then he could pick almost any primogenitor's bloodline as his last without caring if they were alive or dead.

After all, alive primogenitors wouldn't mind allowing Felix to use their bloodline when they had no clue that it would give him a copy of their perfect manipulation.

This would really broaden his options.

'It's not decided yet.' Lady Sphinx mentioned, 'There is still a possibility of getting perfect manipulation through a 100% natural breakthrough.'

It was clear from her test results that Noah's primogenitors' gifts were affected immensely because of his imperfect clearance rate. His immortality was affected, his consciousness prowess was weakened, and the list goes on.

So, it was only logical to assume that his manipulation could have been downgraded as well.

'That's one big if, and I am not going to risk using an alive primogenitor's bloodline to test it out.' Felix shook his head, 'The plan still stands.'

'Well, at least this ensures that you will get destruction limited manipulation if Lord Shiva rejected you.' Asna said.

'I guess that's true.' Felix smiled for a moment before frowning, 'I have to find a way to get it as soon as possible.'

Felix planned on spending his entire stay in the Elementals Galaxy training and only seeking out the bloodline when he was done with everything.

But after seeing Noah's breakthrough, he knew that he couldn't remain patient for another millennium...Especially, when he wasn't sure yet if this was his last bloodline or not.

'You better keep thinking, I don't see a way of you getting out of here and return...'

Before Asna could finish her statement, suddenly the words were stuck in her throat after she felt an intense godly pressure freezing her soul.

She wasn't the only one experiencing this sensation as everyone on the outside and the inside of Felix's mind were put under the same influence, causing each of them to react differently.

"Lord Zurvan has requested your attendance in half an hour."

Just as they wanted to react, a cold distant feminine voice resounded heavily in their minds. Lady Sphinx and the tenants recognized it immediately as they were too familiar with it.

"Siaseme." Lady Sphinx narrowed her eyes coldly, "You are as impolite as always."

"Sphinx, you are as irritating as always." Foremother Siaseme replied indifferently.

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