Supremacy Games

Chapter 1188 Kill Or Be Killed!

Chapter 1188 Kill Or Be Killed!

Although Nimo was quite fast, they still took more than two hours to finally cross over the Northern Forest and reach the empty expanse between them and the Third Ocean.

Felix enjoyed the wind blowing on his face as Nimo kept sprinting on the grass field, heading towards the nearest cliffs.

After they arrived, Felix jumped from Nimo's back and landed at the edge of the cliff.

He stared at the far horizon, where nothing but crystal-clear blue water was seen.

'The Cold Lone Island Tribe is at least five hours away from land even if I swim at my top speed.' Felix thought to himself, 'Might as well take my time and explore everything on my path.'

Without further ado, Felix covered his entire body in his void suit, leaving only his gills in the open.

Then, he bent his knees to the limit and launched himself away from the dangerous rocks at the bottom of the cliff.

Eee Eee!

Nimo might dislike water greatly but he didn't hesitate to follow after Felix.

Plop Plop!

With two loud splashes of water, Felix and Nimo dove deeply into the ocean and began their journey toward The Cold Lone Island Tribe from the depths, knowing that treasures existed only in unexplored and hidden places.

Just like on land, there were plenty of Elementals on the seabed born out of flat abyssal plains, mid-ocean ridges, deep trenches, hydrothermal vents, and Reefs.

Even Marine Plants had woke up their consciousness like Coral reefs, Open Brain Coral, Kelp, Soft Coral, Waterwheel plants, and other unique unknown plants.

'What a funny-looking fish.'

'Here, fishie, fishie, fishie!'

When Felix and Nimo swam by those plants and reefs, they kept hearing soft whispers in their minds.

Felix ignored them and continued on his journey, knowing that they merely want to ease their boredom with him.

'There is plenty of marine life here unlike on land.' Asna commentated after seeing many unique marine lifeforms, swimming in the area.

Although the planet was filled with Elementals, it didn't mean that there were no creatures living with them.

However, since nature had awakened its consciousness, it became at the top of the food chain, which meant that those living creatures were considered as either mere pets or food for their enjoyment.

That's why Emerland Glen villagers were caring for many livestock.

'It's weird indeed.' Felix nodded as he scanned those schools of fish, 'There is no way the Elementals will allow this much to exist since they need to eat them to survive.'

In a normal ecosystem, herbivorous creatures eat plants to survive and carnivorous eat them to survive.

But, when the plants gain consciousness and had the capability of defending themselves, this system got broken, which led to the extinction of many creatures.

This was what occurred on land, making it almost impossible to spot animals anywhere unless they were kept for food.

'Maybe the third ocean's consciousness has found a solution to keep the ecosystem balanced.' Candace guessed.

'Maybe.' Felix murmured with a half-interested tone as his eyes were allured to a nearby chasm, leading to utter darkness.


With a soft noise, Felix landed at the edge of the chasm and peeked at the abyss while using his night vision.

This allowed him to see through the chasm like a flashlight was spotted on it...Still, he didn't manage to find anything interesting. Even when he zoomed to the limit, he only saw a new level of the seabed.

However, just as he planned to leave, Felix was surprised to notice that not a single fish dared to swim near the abyss!

'They can't be scared of nothing, right?' Felix murmured as he jumped inside the abyss without hesitation.

As he was diving deeper and deeper into the abyss, he merged completely with the darkness with his void suit.

'Child, it's best that you return. This is a dangerous place inhabited by much deadlier behemoths.'

Abruptly, Felix heard an unfamiliar deep rugged male voice in his mind...He looked around him with a wary expression, knowing it must have come from a nearby Elemental.

'Elder, I appreciate your warning, but is it possible to know more?'

Felix projected his thought waves as electromagnetic pulse signals in the area, knowing that all the nearby Elementals would be able to pick them up and hear him.

This was a new electrical ability he mastered in the past century as it was deemed necessary in this Galaxy for smoother communications.

'I am this abyss's consciousness. My body has been inhibited by a school of Dawn Behemoths. Right now, they are out hunting for food and they will return soon...You better leave before then.'

'Dawn Behemoths.' Felix frowned, having no clue what creature were those. But, just from their name and the abyss' consciousness warnings, it was obvious that they were freakishly dangerous.

Although Felix was extremely strong and confident that he could pull his weight around, he still understood that underestimating this planet's lifeforms was an idiotic thought...Especially, Marine creatures.

Still, Felix wasn't planning to escape as he knew that the risker the situation the bigger the pay.

'Elder, will I anger Third Ocean Queen Merlinia if I killed any marine lifeform?'

'Hmmm, I don't know why you are asking that, but you shouldn't worry about her wrath.' The Abyss' consciousness anwsered calmly, 'It's kill or be killed in her gracious bod...So, each to his own devices.'

'Good to hear, thanks.' Felix smirked faintly and continued his journey to the bottom of the abyss.

When the elder saw this, he stopped talking to Felix.

He already did more than enough to warn Felix, if he ended up dying because he ignored his warning, that's not on him.

In other words, no one was going to help out Felix even if they could...As he said, it was kill or be killed.

'Since an entire school inhibits this place, there must be some natural treasures or minerals untouched here.' Felix reasoned as he kept scanning the giant holes, and crevices on the abyssal's walls.

He knew that nonintelligent creatures eat only what was in their diet, which meant that even if there were many natural treasures before them, they wouldn't bat an eye at them.

'This must be one of their homes.'

Felix stopped his dive after spotting a humongous cave slightly hidden between mutated Red Algae and Kelp.

Felix added an infra-ray vision plus to his night vision, allowing him to check if there was anyone inside the cave.

'Is that them? Are they sleeping?'

To his surprise, his x-ray vision picked up tens of giant skeletons stacked near each other...They weren't moving in the slightest.

'Based on their bone structure, they must be undeveloped eggs.' Lady Sphinx shared calmly.

'Makes more sense.' Felix agreed as he knew that the abyss' consciousness wouldn't call those creatures behemoths if they had this size.

'It's now or never.'

Knowing that the school of Behemoths would return anytime now, Felix swiftly dove inside the cave and kept swimming at a careful pace until he reached the end of the cave.

'Oh dear!'

Even though he anticipated eggs, Felix still felt chills course on his spine at the size of those bad boys. Just one egg had triple the size of a great white shark!

There were hundreds of them positioned on the entire cave walls, making it resemble a bee hive...Those eggs didn't have hard shells like birds' eggs. In fact, they resembled Fish Roe even though their size was too uncanny!

'What kind of monsters can lay such eggs...'


Before Felix could finish his thought, his eardrums exploded instantly after they were hit by a sudden low-pitched sonic boom!

It came from nowhere and not even his void suit was able to block it properly!

'They have echolocated you and they are coming to get you.' The Abyss' consciousness said with a flat tone, making Felix recognize that his situation wasn't optimal at all!

Albeit deaf and in pain, Felix's reason wasn't clouded at all...He scanned the entire cave as fast as he could for natural treasures or even minerals.

However, he found nothing but normal marine plants. Felix even searched behind the eggs and still found nothing.

Rumble Rumble!

'Sh*t, they are already here!'

Felix didn't even hear them as he knew that they were already in the abyss after the cave began shaking!

Although he knew that he was cornered in this cave, Felix was still not too worried by them but more upset that he found nothing.

'You might as well take some eggs.' Asna suggested lazily, 'They must taste good if you cooked them.'

'F*ck it!'

Knowing that it was possible to get stronger from cooking ingredients of superior species, Felix could only bet on this option and steal a dozen of eggs at their early stages of development.

Rumble Rumble!!!

The moment he beamed them in his AP Bracelet, a sudden tremor shook the ground beneath Felix's feet, almost causing him to lose his balance!

Looking behind him, he saw a massive creature emerging from the darkness, towering over him with its gargantuan size. It was a behemoth, with dark, matted skin and eyes that glowed like hot coals in the dim light!

The behemoth let out an ear-splitting roar that echoed through the entire abyss and traveled hundreds of kilometers, causing Felix to get propelled by the pressure into the eggs!

He bounced off them akin to landing on a trampoline, making him get launched back into the wide-open jaw of the Behemoth!

The moment Felix noticed the dreadful set of sharp white teeth, he didn't hesitate to cast his teleportation spell!

With a brilliant flash of light, Felix disappeared from within the Behemoth's mouth and appeared on top of the ocean's surface.

"Phew, that was a close call." Felix wiped his sweaty forehead as he looked below him and saw more than a hundred of those humongous behemoths gathering around the abyss!

Each of one them had four times the size of a whale, which made their gathering appear even more menacing!

'All of this for dozens of eggs? Let's hope they are worth it.'

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