Supremacy Games

Chapter 1175 Miss Monaka The Guide.

Chapter 1175 Miss Monaka,The Guide.

"Let's go, it's been handled." Lady Sphinx said.


Still clueless, Felix could only request Queen Ai to take them to the nearest dwarf planet...This time, no one stood in their path or spoke to them telepathically.

Sometime later, The Eternal Nautilus docked at the biggest space station near a planet with a greenish atmosphere and white clouds covering most of it.

"We will wait for you here." Lady Sphinx said as she opened a new book and started reading it silently.


Felix and the rest exited the spaceship, leaving the primogenitors behind.

After passing through the bridge connecting them to the space station, Olivia and Bodidi couldn't help but exclaim in wonder at the magical scene before them.

There were Elementals as far as their eyes could see on the plaza.

All of them were unique and colorful as there were humanoid water folks, fire creatures flying in their direction while continuously taking new forms, giant golems made out of borders, humongous walking trees, and the list goes on and on!

All of them seemed to have happy facial expressions, unlike the rest of the workers from the other races.

Although the alliance's members weren't allowed to enter the Elementals Galaxy, it didn't mean that they couldn't get hired to help the elementals in their trades.

So, Felix and his companions didn't really draw any attention as they walked through the crowd, heading towards the space elevator.

"This is so mysterious...I can't believe there is an entire galaxy full of those elementals." Olivia uttered with a sense of wonder as she kept looking around her.

"It is quite marvelous." Selphie agreed with her as she smiled politely at any plant-folks her eyes landed on.

Most plant-folks bowed deeply in her direction and continued on with their business.

Unlike the others, she could recognize the plant-folks from her nine realms and the ones from the Elementals Galaxy even though they looked pretty much the same.

The nine elvish realms plant-folks were considered Lady Yggdrasil's true descendants so their birth wasn't similar to just gaining consciousness through the passage of time.

In a short while, Felix and the rest arrived at the space elevator...When Felix noticed the long queue, he called their guide to expedite the process.

After a couple of rings, the call was picked up and Felix was greeted with a soft melodious angelic voice, "Hello Sir Felix, I hope you didn't run through much trouble in your journey."

"Thank you for asking, Miss Monaka." Felix replied politely, "I hope I am not interrupting your busy schedule, but we have arrived at the space station and we are currently at the back of the queue for the space elevator...Is there any way to hasten the process?"

If the queue was going to take half an hour or such, Felix wouldn't have minded...But, he knew that space elevators' queues could range from one hour to six at least depending on how long was it.

Based on this queue length, he knew that they would be stuck in it for at least three hours.

"Oh, my apologies, I really can't do anything about this." Miss Monaka clarified with an apologetic tone, "Elementats don't give special treatment to anyone as we believe that we are born equal."

Felix wasn't really annoyed by this as he knew that Miss Monaka wasn't lying to him.

Elementals truly believe in an unbreakable sense of brotherhood and family with each other when it came to dealing with outsiders.

So, even though Felix's social status was insanely high in the alliance, he had absolutely no right to receive special treatment over another Elemental even if it was a mere talking pebble.

Still, Felix gave it a try so that when he get rejected, he would be given a reason to bring out the void realm.

"I see...Can I at least travel through the void realm then?" Felix inquired, "We will be next to you in a moment."

"Uhh...Give me a second, I need to seek permission from Elder Komiana." Miss Monaka replied.


Felix and the others waited for a couple of minutes before Miss Monaka spoke with them again.

"She agreed on the condition that the void rift closes instantly." Miss Monaka informed with a pleasant tone.

"No problem." Felix thanked her and hung up with a faint smile...Then, he told his friends to follow him to a less crowded area to be picked up by Candace.

"Why didn't we do this from the start?" Bodidi remarked with an annoyed tone as he dragged his giant stomach behind them.

"Well, if we opened a void rift or a wormhole in the planet without permission, we will be labeled as invaders and killed instantly by Elder Komiana." Selphie answered as she pointed her finger at the greenish planet.

"..." Bodidi gulped a mouthful and asked, "Have all of those planets and moons awakened their consciousness?"

"Not just them." Felix replied calmly, "Everything around the wormhole has awakened their consciousness."

"Even the cargo spaceships?!" Bodidi was shocked.

"Have you researched anything about the Elementals?" Felix chided him in annoyance.

He could understand Olivia's lack of knowledge since this information was locked at the seventh layer, but not Bodidi, knowing that deliveryworms had such access due to their jobs.

"Are those cargo spaceships really part of the elementals?" Olivia tilted her head in confusion.

"Yes, but don't be mistaken. They weren't cargo spaceships when they awakened their consciousness." Felix explained, "It's believed that they are part of the metallic god followers and they have transformed themselves into cargos after obtaining our technologies. This helped the Elementals avoid relying on our spaceships to enter their galaxy."

"He is right." Selphie nodded, "The Elementals used this method after finding out that some of the alliance's spaceships had hidden cameras, signal towers, and even spies from the shadowborns."

"Instead of cutting relation with the alliance at such a transgression of their privacy, they decided to turn this trade operated solely from top to bottom by elementals." Felix concluded, "Besides those hired workers in space stations to handle the paperwork of the traded elemental stones, the entire operation was closed shut."

"Jeez, they really don't want anyone to step inside their galaxy like we are carrying a plague or something." Bodidi said with an irked tone.

"It's their freedom and always remember that we are just guests...So, behave like one whether you think you're alone or not." Felix warned him before stepping inside the void rift.

Felix understood that his strength and reputation meant absolutely nothing before those elementals.

So, unless he wanted to waste this heaven-sent opportunity, he would always seek permission for anything that was deemed as off-bound.

That's why he didn't travel through the void realm from the very start.


In a short moment, Felix and the others exited Candace's aircraft and she closed the void rift immediately after putting them at the door of a grand guest hall.

The door was open, allowing them to see the high ceilings and large windows that let in streams of sunlight.

The walls were adorned with intricate moldings and paintings, while the floor was covered in a luxurious carpet.

A large fireplace stood at one end of the room, surrounded by comfortable armchairs and sofas. A long, polished wooden table was the centerpiece of the room, surrounded by elegant chairs.

The air was filled with the scent of freshly cut flowers from the vases that sat on the mantelpiece and side tables.

Before Felix and the others could scan the rest, blobs of water jumped from the flower vases and gathered into a single point, turning into a curvy humanoid female elemental...There was a silver AP bracelet swimming in her body freely.

"Nice to finally meet you all."

Miss Monaka greeted softly as her lips moved to mimic a person talking even though her voice was manifested out direct vibration in the air by using her consciousness.

"The pleasure is ours." Felix bowed his head slightly and was followed by the others.

"Please, take a seat."

Everyone sat down and eyed Miss Monaka who remained floating akin to a fairy in the middle.

"Elder Haemir has informed me that you guys have been given permission to stay indefinitely in our galaxy. Since our Foremother hasn't enforced any rules, I hope we can work on them now so your stay in our home will be as pleasant as possible." Miss Monaka stated softly.

"Of course."

Neither Felix nor the rest found any issue with this as they already knew that it would be impossible for them to be given complete freedom in the Elementals Galaxy.

That's why they were given a guide or more precisely a supervisor to keep track of their movements and actions.

"Firstly, you have to pick a planet to stay on from this list and obviously, all of you will be staying in it collectively." Miss Monaka said as she displayed a long list packed with unique holographic planets with their details below them.

Everyone glanced at Felix, knowing that this was his trip and they were simply his add-ons...So, he had the right to pick any planet he wanted even if it wasn't beneficial to some of them.

Obviously, Felix wasn't that selfish as he made sure to read the details of each planet and pick the best one for his companions as well.

After a thorough reading of the entire list, Felix finally picked a planet and highlighted it for everyone.

"What do you guys think?" He inquired.

"I think it's perfect." Selphie smiled charmingly as she eyed the magnificent world of vibrant colors, where nature flourished in all its splendor.

The others agreed with her assessment as well.

This was one of the few planets where every type of environment was available, making it possible for Felix, Olivia, Noah, and Selphie to take advantage of them for the sake of their strength improvement.

In the case of Noah, he needed cold environments to get more in touch with his element so his mind would be in sync with it when he attempt to break through Origin Realm.

As for Olivia and Selphie? They might be runic spellcasters, but they also utilize the same elemental particles.

This meant rich environments would help them get easily in touch with those particles and master new spells.

"I guess it's decided then." Felix smiled, "Our next destination is planet Strauvis."

'Are you really not going to warn them?' A sudden deep elderly voice resounded in Miss Monaka's mind.

'Why? Look how happy they are, elder Komiana.' Miss Monaka giggled in her mind, 'Plus, they are the ones picking it out of hundreds.'

'You are really mean sometimes.' Elder Komiana sighed.

'How am I mean?' Miss Monaka pouted, 'I was the one getting assigned this rewardless job of babysitting outsiders for probably thousands of years. Is it so bad to get some entertainment out of it?'

Elder Komiana remained unresponsive, knowing that it wasn't her business to keep interfering in this matter.

Meanwhile, Felix and the others were still discussing their stay on Strauvis, having no idea that it wasn't going to be pleasant one bit.

Unbeknownst to them, it wasn't all rainbows and sunshine inside the Elementals Galaxy...In fact, it could be considered one of the most conflict-packed galaxies in the entire universe that would make even Milky Way seem normal!

Elements treated each other like brothers and sisters when dealing with outsiders, but when it was just them?

They were even worse than humans when it came to conflict as they fight for anything they desired!

Planet Strauvis was rich in all types of environments alright, but this also implied that there would be countless factions and civilizations in each environment.

They were all in a contest with each other for one resource, which was considered gold for those Elementals.

It was none other than the most traded resource between the Elementals and The SGAlliance.

Food from all cultures in the alliance!

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