The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 975 - Tuning In

A woeful sigh escaped from Jin Wang's lips.

"Hao Xuan, can you hear me?" he tried to jerk him back to reality but he didn't seem to respond to him, not anymore.

"Damnit," he stood back up closed his eyes while quickly retracing his steps.

Every time he would raise his foot it would be automatically pulled towards another direction. So he had to depend on his own memory to find the exit again, after closing off all other senses so they wouldn't be affected by all this Chaos energy.

A few seconds later he was out and the door closed behind him by itself. Jin Wang looked around for Kart but found another demihuman guard standing just outside near the staircase.

The guard with small goat horns nodded at him when he stepped out.

"I am here in case you need any assistance," he spoke in a strange accent, one that Jin Wang hadn't heard before from among these people but he didn't think anything of it.

"Well you're in luck, I do need some help. Can you bring Princess Helena over here? Tell her it's urgent."

The guard hesitated for a moment before sprinting down the stairs. Jin Wang went back in and waited. Barely 3-4 minutes later the Princess in question was standing in front of him.

She was a little out of breath after running all the way here.

"You're back..."

"Yes, come follow me inside," he grabbed her hand and pulled her into the room before she could really say anything.

The smoke took various shapes left and right creating all kinds of different scenes but Jin Wang had his eyes closed since that was the only way he could pass through the fastest.

When they neared Hao Xuan the smoke pulled back to a great degree to reveal his kneeling figure. Only then did Jin Wang let her go so she couldn't get lost in the chaos.

Princess Helena looked around in amazement inspecting the surroundings.

"H-How is this possible? This room is barely half the distance we just covered."

Jin Wang waved his hand as if it was no big deal, "The space is bending and stretching around him, don't think about it too much. I need you to do something else," he said pointing at Hao Xuan.

"Do what?"

"I need to talk to him, to get inside his head. Help me do that."

"W-WHAT?! How?? I can't do that-" she stutteringly tried to explain but he cut her off.

"Yes you can. It is the same process as those prophetic visions and thoughts you get every now and then. Your grandmother can do it and so can you. All you have to do is reach out and connect both of us together. I will guide you through everything..."

After a few minutes of confidence-boosting Princess Helena finally agreed so he gave her a warning.

"No matter what happens, do not look inside his head. The sheer quantity of his thoughts alone will rip your consciousness to shreds. Do you understand? Just send me in and wait for instructions."

She made an audible gulp but nodded nonetheless. Jin Wang sat down cross-legged a foot away from Hao Xuan and Princess Helena stood in the middle while he told her exactly what to do.

"Put your right hand on my head and the left on his. Close your eyes and feel for my soul by sending a thread of spiritual sense into my body. Do the same for him simultaneously using the other end of that same thread. That's all."

"It might get a little hectic along the way but all you need to do is keep your hands on our heads while keeping the thread of spiritual sense in one piece and it will be fine. Try it now."

Princess Helena closed her eyes and followed his instructions down to the letter. Jin Wang was impressed by how quickly she managed to separate her spiritual sense and create a single thread from it.

Such a thing was easier said than done and only cultivators above the Profound Realm could easily pull it off. But just like her grandmother Princess Helena was talented beyond Jin Wang's expectations and she got it right just on the second try.

Jin Wang felt the thread enter his body and lowered his defenses to allow entry. Hao Xuan was not even conscious so naturally there was no resistance from his side.

After taking a single deep breath Jin Wang closed his eyes. He felt the thread connect with his mind and the other end with Hao Xuan's. His eyes were still closed but there were flickers of light trying to come into existence in front of him.

It was like tunning into a radio and was just a matter of finding the right frequency. The only problem was that he had greatly underestimated how much energy would be required for such an endeavor.

Princess Helena's body suddenly shook as she almost fell to her knees right then and there. It was like her body was being hollowed out. That one single thread of spiritual sense was burning with a bright golden light, drawing in copious amounts of energy.

"AAAH!" she screamed as her legs went weak and she slammed against the ground with a loud thud. But her hands still didn't move.

"P-Please hurry, I can only hold on f-for a few minutes!" she muttered through gritted teeth, unaware that Jin Wang could not hear anything right now.

He was standing on a rope bridge with Hao Xuan behind him and several tens of men blocking both sides.

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