The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 973 - The Spread

*Last Chapter has been slightly modified*

"Hahaha," the laughter sounded just once before disappearing into the ether.

With a slanted brow, Jin Wang slowly turned towards the source which should have been right behind him but couldn't see anyone or even perceive any presence at all.

He walked a few steps forward finally realizing the peculiarity of the situation. It was too quiet, unnaturally so. He was aware of even the slightest sound his own body made which normally be tuned out by itself.

He slowly raised the right hand and swiped it horizontally from right to left. The air felt heavy on the skin, so much so that he could 'feel' its weight pressing against him.

The sound of heavy footsteps came from the entrance and a large demihuman walked in. He looked like a black wolf walking on two feet. His pierced ears clinked loudly in the eerie silence as he came to an abrupt stop upon seeing Jin Wang.

He looked at the grand priestess that was knocked out on the chair and suddenly his expression turned solemn.

"What did you do to her, human?"

He reached back and grasped the hilts of two curved swords hanging from his waist in the meantime. Jin Wang chuckled and waved his hand, "No need to be so cautious friend. She is just sleeping, you can check."

He moved aside allowing him to come and check her condition at which he let out a deep sigh of relief.

"She is just a little tired. When she wakes up everything will be better," Jin Wang mused.

"My name is Kart," the wolf demihuman hesitantly introduced himself but before Jin Wang could an abrupt scream sounded in the exact same manner as the laugh before. It sounded like it came from right in front of them.

Both Jin Wang and Kart exchanged glances but Kart didn't seem as surprised as one normally would be. Kart saw him looking at him with a questioning gaze so he gestured towards the back wall of the room.

"It's been happening a lot. You will find him in there."


Jin Wang turned to face the wall before walking up and inspecting it closely. He put one hand on it and closed his eyes to feel for it. There was indeed an empty space behind it but it was hidden so incredibly well that even he didn't catch it.

Kart saw him running his fingers across the surface and came forward to help. He tapped a few completely random spots on the wall and it slid open to reveal a door on the other side.

Jin Wang was amazed once again.


"No, just some ancient machinations," Kart answered casually.

But as impressed as Jin Wang was he didn't have time to inquire about it in detail since the doors carved out of solid metal shook wildly right in front of him. He reached out to open them but Kart grabbed his hand unexpectedly.

"Be careful," he warned and before Jin Wang could ask why he left with large strides.

Taken aback by the sudden warning Jin Wang couldn't help but chuckle inwardly. He could count on one hand the times he needed to be careful around others in the last ten lifetimes.

Putting in some strength he pushed and the doors moved on their own. He took one step inside and everything became dark. But a moment later when he could see again it became clear why Kart had warned him.

He looked down at his feet and saw a cloud of thick black smoke coming up to his knees. In fact it had covered the entire floor, not that he could even feel the ground anyway. It felt soft like freshly dug up soil.

He looked back but the door was gone. He reached out and touched the space but his hand went through the wall, or rather it would be more accurate to say that the wall turned into smoke and dissipated as well.

"It is, isn't it?"

A whisper echoed from somewhere nearby. He couldn't tell from where, only that it was relatively close by.

There was nothing else in sight, only smoke and darkness as far as the eye could see. Jin Wang felt strange standing there like his own body was out of place in here.

He took a few measured steps forward and suddenly the smoke took shape. It was odd, the shapes were barely distinguishable but enough to paint a picture.

There were several round tables placed around him but there was a weak whimpering sound coming from underneath one of them. He came to the one he thought was the right one and bent down to see a small child sitting there crying.

The smoke rumbled and the scene disappeared, returning to nothingness.

"I tried didn't work. It wasn't supposed to be this way, I am still missing a part of it," someone was talking to the left. He turned and saw a large man standing overhead.. The silhouette seemed a little familiar.

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