The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 965 - The 'Mood'

But she was only the spark that lit the fires of delirium. Her scream brought the attention of all the other natives in her direction. When their eyes fell on Salome and the boy they all screamed in much the same heartrending manner.

Even the men couldn't help but scream as if their lives depended on it. Others might not know but Hao Xuan had experienced the ability of those creatures first hand. They could make people see their worst nightmares walking about, things they didn't even know scared them.

Their minds would be consumed by madness and they would lose all higher brain functions turning into little more than raving monsters by the end.

Tian Zheng had tried to use that ability on Hao Xuan but it didn't work on him for more than a few seconds thanks to the Lycan Bloodline that provided immunity to all outside influences.

But even those handful of seconds were dreadful. It was a feeling of dread and existential crisis that he had never felt before. And now all those terrible emotions were being brought out from the natives, directed towards Salome.

Hao Xuan's heart felt 'full' as if it was a size too big for his own chest. It became harder and harder to draw breath but all he could focus on were those images.

Ceni's eyes started to glow with a crimson light as she moved her hand to the top of Hao Xuan's head. Her Qi fluctuated and abruptly expanded by several times. It was like she was drawing power from his negative emotions.

Ma Jiang who was still watching from the shadows finally couldn't take it anymore and decided to intervene but a hand came from behind her and held her in place.

"Shh, let them be. It is not your place to meddle," a familiar voice said.

Ma Jiang looked back and saw the Grand Priestess standing behind her.

"Granny! When did you-No never mind that. Can you help him?"

The Grand Priestess shook her head listlessly.

"Even if I could I would not. This needs to happen to solidify his existence here."

"His existence? What are you even talking about?? We have to at least stop that girl from hurting him more. She is showing him those things on purpose!"

The Grand Priestess nodded, "I know. That too must happen. The threads of destiny have already bound them together. We needn't intercede."


Hao Xuan's hate-fueled scream brought an end to their dialogue.

The screen showed Salome and the boy being attacked by the natives. They had completely lost their minds and only saw what Tian Zheng wanted them to see.

And with such copious amounts of adrenaline coursing through their bodies each of them was much stronger than an average human being, at least for the next few minutes.

Salome's voice was drowned out by the cumulative shrieks of the other natives. At first he was confused and tried talking to them while pushing them away but when one of them snatched the boy off his shoulder he also retaliated.

His strength was already much higher than an ordinary person so none of them could stop him when he began to fight back. But that still didn't stop him from trying to talk sense into them.

"STOP! MISTER WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!?" he yelled at them as they tried to tear him apart with their bare hands.

He screamed the little boy's name, "HAYAT!" and moments later when he found him it was already too late.

The boy's arms and legs were ripped off his body, chunks of flesh bitten off his face, neck and torse. But by some miracle he was breathing, looking around at his attackers in shock.

Tears flowed down Salome's face as he pushed the attackers away and held him in his arms.

"What do I do?? What do I DO?! Brother Hao! He can help, he always knows what to do!"

He screamed Hao Xuan's name, screamed as loudly as his body would allow it.


But his voice only provoked them more, sending them deeper into a bloody frenzy. Salome tried his best to fight them off but there were too many. All he could do was defend himself.

The grisly scene lasted for close to two minutes before the adrenaline wore off. Most of the natives especially the youngsters simply drop dead from heart attacks while those still left breathing could barely move after breaking their own bones and tearing the muscles from their limbs.

When most of the commotion had died down Tian Zheng walked forward towards the ball of flesh and blood near the back wall. He pulled off the corpses and flung them aside until he saw what they were all trying to get at.

Salome was balled up at the very bottom, still alive.

Most of his skin was missing with numerous nails and teeth embedded deep into the flesh. There was not a strand of hair left on his head, ripped off with patches of scalp during the 'struggle'.

But when he felt the pressure lessen Salome raised his head and saw Tian Zheng standing over him.

"D-Do you know w-where brother Hao is?" he asked stutteringly.

Even the right side of his face was mangled beyond recognition but the boy was still held tightly in his embrace even though he had already passed away from blood loss. Despite his own gruesome injuries he was still worried about the kid.

Tian Zheng smiled while extending a hand, "Yes, Hao Xuan sent me for you."

Salome's eyes lit up, "Really?! W-We must hurry, Hayat is hurt badly. Everyone went crazy-"

He grabbed the helping hand but the very next moment screamed out in pain.

Tian Zheng pulled hard, ripping the arm cleanly off.



He is booming laughter echoed in the colosseum upon hearing the pain in Salome's voice.

"This is from your brother. Hao Xuan sent me to give you this present!" he announced while crushing both of Salome's legs under his feet.

The spectators had long gone quiet. Silenced by the sheer brutality of Tian Zheng's actions.

He crushed parts of Salome's body until there was nothing else left but the head and torso. Salome could barely keep his eyes open but his eyes were still focused on the boy's corpse, trying to see if he was still alive.

Tian Zheng bent down in front of him, whipping the tears from his face and forcing him to look him in the eye.

"This was a gift from Hao Xuan. He chose this for you himself. Do you like it?"

Salome's lips quivered and parted as he weakly replied, "Li...Liar, he-he would never-"

Tian Zheng's face contorted from anger and several more punches landed on Salome's face.



A blade appeared from behind him and cut off Salome's head the very next moment.

Xue Meng stood at the edge of the domed hall, looking down at him.

"That's enough.. Do not ruin the mood any further."

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