The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 913 - Shadow Realm

Hao Xuan stayed around for a few more days to make sure Altron wasn't actually messing anything up, and he wasn't.

Despite his "unique" character once Hao Xuan told the Orcs to follow Altron's directions to the letter, they started taking him more seriously. And how could they not when their savior had given the orders?

Altron was more than a little quirky and a tiny bit annoying but he didn't laze around. In fact he even improved on Baracus's blueprints by readjusting them to the Orcs' specific needs and capabilities.

The timeline for the first facility to be fully up and running was set to approximately 6 months away. And Hao Xuan having observed all he could finally took his leave, leaving the Orcs to strip the city and nearby forests and mountains for resources with Altron guiding them and expanding on Baracus's efforts.

Hao Xuan journeyed over to Nidhora's gargantuan slumbering figure to ask for her help. She actually looked like a small mountain range after finally adjusting to the laws of the world. Her size increased from some 500 meters to almost 2000 measuring from head to tail.

"I need to elevate my Chaos law," he called out, unsure if his voice could actually reach her.

But a wall of one of the mountain ranges shifted and opened up to reveal a giant yellow pupil. Her eye was only half-open but to Hao Xuan it was like the sun.

'And what do you expect me to do about it, human? Have I not given you enough?' her booming voice slowly sounded inside his head.

"Really? I thought you would be happy to since I was planning to go against Abyss Walker's plans."

Her pupil contracted. She was not expecting to hear that today.

'You will fight the Abyss Walker? YOU?'

She could not hide the sheer contempt in her voice even if she was trying to, and she wasn't.

"No, I never said fight him, just spoil his plans," Hao Xuan clarified, ignoring the rude tone of her voice.

She went silent for a moment, obviously deliberating the choice before looking down at Hao Xuan.

'And what if I refuse to help?'

Hao Xuan smiled inwardly. He saw this was coming from a mile away. But his expression remained honest before turning slightly despondent.

"Then...nothing. As you said, you've done enough. Just you being here is enough of a threat to keep most predators at bay. I would most certainly appreciate your help but not force you to do anything."

He expected Nidhora to say something like that. It was obvious Hao Xuan had gotten the better end of the deal by severing her which she did not like at all. She wanted to know she was still in control, which was perfectly normal.

Once a being of supreme power was now forced to hide and run away from her enemies like a rat, she needed that bit of confidence boost even if it was fake. She needed to know that she was still in control and Hao Xuan was more than happy to oblige and play along.

He chose to go with the carrot instead of the stick.

Nidhora stared at him for what felt like an eternity and Hao Xuan kept up the facade, answering all her ego-boosting queries. It was more like coaxing a spoiled brat than proper negotiation at this point.

'Alright, I will do it. But in return, I want to stay here for as long as possible.'

"And by here you mean...?"

'In this shattered plane. It obscures the eyes of my pursuers while still allowing me to recover, even if at a snail's pace. Promise me you will let me stay here and I will help you.'

It sounded like she was also tired of staying cooped up inside Hao Xuan's meridian. And he couldn't really blame her for that.

"Sure, no problem."

Suddenly the sky dimmed and Hao Xuan fell through his shadow. The world lost all colors, painting everything with shades of grey.

Hao Xuan looked at his hands and saw double as if he was drunk.

"What is this place?"

'The shadow realm. Here I can use more of my power without affecting the laws of the outside world.'

Hao Xuan turned around and peered towards the Orcs that were shuffling about in the far distance. He could see numerous other indistinct shadows floating around them like flies, congregating around each Orc.

"What are they?"

'Denizens of the plane of shadows. You needn't worry about them. As long as you stay within my shadow they will not see you.'

Despite the strange reeling sensation coming from the pit of his stomach Hao Xuan went along with her plan.

Nidhora wanted to use the power of her own laws against Hao Xuan. All he would have to do was use his Chaos Law to fight against the invading power of her shadows until he ran out of Qi.. He was to repeat this process until there was a significant enough improvement in the Chaos Law at which point he would go into secluded cultivation in an attempt to comprehend and ponder the basics of Chaos once more.

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