The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 898 - Matrimony

Monk had already informed Hao Xuan of the temple's renewed efforts. They had sacrificed dozens of their own cultivators and thousands of locals trying to create a path into the prison.

'But...if that is true, then-'

One by one Hao Xuan glanced at the faces of each of the protectors around him.

'-they are all my enemies.'

He felt a lot colder all of a sudden. Maybe it was because he finally realized that he had no friends here or maybe it was because he finally understood that he never would.

'They are not your people, don't you see?' a whisper burrowed into his ear.

But Hao Xuan didn't even register it. To him, it sounded like his own train of thought...and maybe it was.

'I know. I was never looking for that.'

'Yes, you were. Isn't that why you keep putting off the inevitable?'

'I don't know what you mean.'

'Yes, you do. You know what needs to be done. The table is set and all the players are revealed. The heartless prince looking out for himself, the cuckold swordsman looking for vengeance, a beast of the old bloodline looking for a branch to perch on, the battle-crazed loner looking for his next fix, and the ignorant children putting their hands down the slumbering monster's burrow.'

'Each of them wants something different, and there is only so much of you to spare. Who will you protect? Who will you fight for? Who will you sacrifice? Tell me, warrior, at what point do you stop being you and become something else? How much of yourself are you willing to throw away?'


"Now then, since we are all here let's get started, shall we?"

Dai Zhi's loud voice brought Hao Xuan back to reality. He looked around and saw Dai Zhi standing on the opposite side of the bonfire.

Hao Xuan rubbed his temples and eyes as a headache slowly caught up to him.

Dai Zhi completely ignored Hao Xuan and focused his attention towards the others.

"I would like to personally relay my gratitude to everyone for answering my call. The official gathering will start when brother Tian Zheng gets here but Lord Stasa has informed me that it will not take longer than a handful of hours so let us get the formalities out of the way first."

Stasa, Dima, and Feng Huang all nodded to show their understanding.

"Excellent!" Dai Zhi snapped his fingers and the bonfire extinguished at once. In its place appeared a giant square of light that had various numbers and symbols inscribed on its surface.

"As previously discussed, the Hall will work together with my personal forces and in 3 days' time descend into the inner world. Everyone that joins our ranks beforehand will be shown mercy. Those that continue to fight and spread anarchy will be eliminated on the third day."

"Brother Dima has mine and brother Tian Zheng's full cooperation. We will not interfere with the Temple's work at any point and if requested, provide as many 'resources' as needed."

"I will discuss the specifics of your roles with each of you personally once the gathering is over and...if I am to take brother Tian Zheng's wishes to heart, there will be a small ceremony at the end of the gathering."

Xue Meng suddenly came to upon hearing of the ceremony.

"What kind of *Hic* ceremony? Will there *Hic* be fighting?"

Dai Zhi faltered for a short moment but quickly regained his composure.

"We can *cough* set something up for brother Xue Meng if he so wishes but...the ceremony will be the gathering of our two clans."

Dai Zhi put on a cheerful smile that could light up any room. Holding back false tears he looked at each person one by one while speaking.

"Brother Tian Zheng has shown ardent interest in my dearest of sisters, Princess Ceni. She has reciprocated his feelings and I am informed that they have fallen greatly in love over the course of the last year. After much consideration and no small amount of insistence from both parties, I have agreed to be their host and allow them to join in holy matrimony later today."

"I humbly request the presence of everyone here as witnesses for the ceremony. I hope you will grant me this small favor."

As expected, the announcement went down pretty well with almost everyone other than one person. And surprisingly, as shocked as Hao Xuan was it was not him but the brawny girl next to Dima that raised her hand with a deep frown.

"Yes, Lady Natalia?" Dai Zhi looked at her with the same smile but the tone of his voice was much less merry.

Lady Natalia stood up, growing an entire head taller than Dai Zhi both physically and spiritually. She crossed her hands in front of her chest with a displeased expression.

"Is Prince Dai Zhi not a member of the Order of the Holy Light?"

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