The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 892 - No Relations

Hao Xuan glanced at Micha who didn't even bother meeting his eyes before looking back at 89 for answers.

"Does she not need to go meet her brother as well? Where are you taking her?"

All he could saw was 89's unwavering smile under the robe which covered everything else. He shook his head once.

"She does not. Lord Dai Zhi has chosen another place for the Princess. She will be taken to her private quarters so she has time to rest and prepare for the gathering," or so he said but all Hao Xuan could hear were Dai Zhi's words echoing in his ears that were said to Tian Zheng about 'taking care' of Ceni.

This was a gathering of all the protectors which meant Tian Zheng would definitely be here. And since Princess Ceni was called here even without holding such a position, it would only mean Dai Zhi wanted to execute his plan now.

But...there was not much Hao Xuan could do in his position. He was a guest here and most importantly, they weren't on good terms. He hadn't even met Dai Zhi yet so going against the host's commands might make him drop all pretenses of restraint and go at him at full force.

There was nothing he could do, nor had any valid reason to do. Time and time again Hao Xuan had stopped Ceni's advances and now she had also given up which became pretty obvious from their interactions throughout the last day or so.

Just then, before Hao Xuan could come to a conclusion on his own, he felt a dainty hand wrapping around his shirt pulling him forward.

He looked ahead and saw Princess Ceni standing in front of him. She didn't meet his gaze either and instead fixated it on his shirt collar as she propped it up and started patting the wrinkles right in front of numerous deathly stares.

"What ar-"

'Hold your head high and walk confidently even if it all seems lost. Do not show them any weakness or else they will hold onto it for the rest of your life,' her words rang inside his head, cutting him off.

'Don't be afraid no matter how many threats he makes. He will not do anything too out of bounds as long as you are here. To people like him, there is nothing more important than image. They care how others perceive them and will hold themselves back in front of an audience to maintain that image.'

'Speak loudly, clearly, and without hesitation. Don't let them look down on you. They are not better than you in any way. All they have is more time and resources, nothing that you can't get. Remember, they have nothing over you.'

Shocked speechless at first Hao Xuan's brow quickly locked into a tight furrow a moment later. He grabbed her hand that was brushing the dust off his chest and slowly pulled it away.

"What...are you doing?!" he asked out loud.

'Why are you still giving me advice when your own life is in danger? You have to know that!'

She finally looked up and flashed a smile, the kind of innocent and pure smile he would have never expected from her.

'Stay respectful even if they are rude. Do not fall to their level. You are better than them. And if-'

From the side Micha who was stunned into a daze by Princess Ceni's bizarre actions finally came to.

His expression turned ugly as he yelled through gritted teeth, "Escort the Princess!" prompting all six of the female guards to take action.

They surrounded her in one coordinated swift move and pulled her away from Hao Xuan. In that last moment she finally reached out and tried to grab his hand but to no avail.

She was hauled away but kept looking in his direction for as long as she could until they left the room and within seconds disappeared into one of the many other hallways.

Only Hao Xuan and 89 were left standing there.

89 glanced in the direction they had gone off to and let out a sigh.

"She was crying, you know, at the end."

Hao Xuan looked at his empty hand, somehow still able to feel her presence in front of him. The touch of her skin and her lingering scent proved to be too strong for him to ignore at this late a stage.

"Are you not going to go after her?" 89 spoke up again seeing as Hao Xuan had no reaction before.

Hao Xuan took in a deep breath and wiped his hand over his shirt to get rid of that sensation. He looked 89 right in the eye, "Why would I do that? We have no relation."

"Even though she cares for you so?"

"Does that mean I must reciprocate those feelings no matter what? She is young and naive. It is only a fleeting emotion that she has for me. In a few years, she won't even remember who I am..."

89 stared at him in silence for a good few seconds before turning around and walking in the opposite direction to where Ceni was taken to.

He did not like the answers he got and Hao Xuan knew that but chose not to say anything. They walked through several more hallways before coming to a gold-encrusted door.

Depictions of various mythical beasts could be seen fighting on its surface and sounds of muffled music were leaking from the other side.

89 stood aside.

"Lord Dai Zhi is waiting on the other side."

Hao Xuan placed his hand over the door and felt a warm energy pass through him. But he paused momentarily before opening it, "Is Tian Zheng here yet?"

89 thought about it for a second before answering.

"Not yet. His party will arrive just before the start of the gathering."


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