The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 886 - -of Light

Everything that had happened on this planet from the very beginning was purposefully orchestrated in extreme detail, apparently by someone.

The world spirit kept everything in check, from the moment the first alien species stepped on the surface of the planet even until now.

When the moment called for it the world spirit would step-in in one shape or form to bring about the desired result. Either to guide its people or even lead them astray. Sometimes it would appear as a ghost of a loved one, other times as a mysterious beast, a voice, or even a long-lost memory in a dream.

It utilized a great many ways of communicating with the people in question and although none of its abilities were extremely overpowering, their range could not be measured merely by human standards.

It could see everything all at once that was happening across its many surfaces, listen in to the very thoughts and dreams of its inhabitants and so much more.

The planet, this world, was its domain. And for a lack of a better word, it truly was omnipotent here.

The puppet finally spoke up again, raising the curtain of silence.

"Then...what is my role?"

Uri took in a deep breath and looked up to stare at the colorful sky.

"Do you really care what role you play? Did you not accept my power for the purpose of revenge?"

"I did," the puppet quietly answered.

"Has you a new purpose now?"

"No, never!" the puppet swiftly answered.

"Then it matters not. You will ready your armies and meet the murders once they enter the inner world."

"What about them? The 'cultivators'? I alone cannot contend with them even with your aid. As long as 'the old one' is with them we will never win."

Uri smiled again when he heard that.

"You needn't worry. Through the river of time, my master has sent someone to help "

"Someone? Is it that boy?"

Uri shook his head lightly, "No. The boy's fate lies elsewhere. Only a monster of similar repute could contend against the old one, the legendary 'Abysswalker'. There is only one being capable of doing that."

The puppet went silent, unsure if it even wanted to know but soon its curiosity got the better of it.

"Who did your master send? Who could possibly be strong enough to fight evenly against an immortal?" as the puppet turned towards Uri for answers, it saw him staring back at him with a wide toothy grin.

"What do you know about the 'Titans'?"

The puppet's head tilted to the side in confusion as it tried to recall everything it knew.

"Only what you have told me. But did the titans not go extinct eons ago? The last one vanished in the era of antiquity, killed during the siege of Heaven."

"Mhm, that is indeed correct. But it was not killed during the siege. The titans are beings of terrible power. They are born of the World's essence and cannot be killed in the traditional sense, only locked away or put to sleep for all of eternity by distributing their powers to lower beings."


"So, my master found one. It was one of the first of its kind, true to its name. I know not what it calls itself, only what others of its time called it. The 'Titan of Light', the swallower of the sun."

The puppet could not possibly hope to comprehend the powers of such a being but it did voice a major concern.

"But if the titan uses its powers here, would everything not be destroyed along with the Abysswalker?"

Uri confirmed, "It most definitely would. I would simply perish the moment he used his powers for the first time. When he manifests its true form the planet will collapse and all the laws of the world would be turned upside down. Nothing would be left."

"Then...what do we do?"

Uri shrugged and turned around to casually walk back into the shadows. His voice drifted over the wind a moment later.

"We do nothing. It is not up to us how it ends. We simply do what can be done."


At the same time down in the inner world, Jin Wang was sneezing over and over again.




"My god-"


"-who is talking about me so much??"

He opened his mouth but closed it a moment later. Sitting across from him the Grand Priestess threw him a curious glance.

"Are you sure it's safe? Going down there alone?"

In front of them was an extremely old-looking parchment with what appeared to be a map of some kind detailed on its surface.

Jin Wang wiped his nose with his shirt before nodding.

"Yeah yeah, it's no problem. I'll be quick, in and out without making a ruckus. Right now I just need to find the location of the hidden room and see what kind of defenses it has. I'm sure the traps won't be anything to laugh about since they were left behind by 'him' of all people."

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