The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 884 - Like You Asked


His authoritative tone of voice did not leave any room for negotiation, not that 89 had any thoughts of negotiation in such a precarious situation.

Now that he was standing just a few meters away from Hao Xuan he could tell the source of the killing intent was not him. And even though he couldn't pinpoint its location, it would be useless because as an experienced individual himself, he knew the chances of surviving a surprise attack coming from some unknown direction would be abysmally low.

At the very least Stasa would lose his life since they could probably protect themselves at his expense.

But before he had the chance to say anything Stasa spoke up yet again.

"Did no one teach you any manners? Is that any way to speak to someone higher than you? You have no authority to order us to do anything. Get out of our way!" Stasa vocalized his 'concerns' through a furrowed brow with an expression that accurately communicated his revulsion for Hao Xuan's actions.

Hao Xuan finally looked Stasa in the eye with a raised eyebrow before quickly glancing towards the tree behind them where the Prince was hiding.

At first he was a little surprised at Stasa's bravery, to still be talking shit even under the threat of certain death was no small feat and left quite an impression on Hao Xuan. But when the Prince informed him that Stasa wasn't even enough of a threat to warrant his attention, Hao Xuan swiftly realized it wasn't bravery but blissful ignorance.

Whereas the other two's reactions were just as expected. They stayed still for the most part without making any hasty movements and kept the conversation civil. This earned them Hao Xuan's respect not only because they were so obviously stronger and more experienced than Stasa but more importantly, knew their current predicament.

But in Stasa's simple eyes Hao Xuan was no threat. He wasn't giving off any strong energy readings nor 'looked' imposing in any way. In fact, it was the other way around since he had just gotten out of a fight.

Meanwhile, Stasa walked even closer while continuously chiding Hao Xuan.

"What? Have you gone mute all of a sudden? Nothing to say anymore? People like you really need to know your place. Just because Lord Dai Zhi and the other Protectors invited you out of pity, doesn't mean you can act like you..."

Hao Xuan let out a deep, audible sigh.

He truly was speechless at Stasa's behavior. The man was talking down to him, demeaning and even cursing at him all the while standing just a few meters away. He was wide open and if Hao Xuan struck right at this moment, Stasa would be dead before he could wrap his mind around what had happened.

'Is he really that ignorant? Where did this confidence come from? Does he think I won't do anything just because he threw out Dai Zhi's name?'

Hao Xuan straightened his back while using the glaive for support. Stumped, he met Stasa's gaze one last time.

"Man, you talk a lot of shit for someone in the melee range."

Hao Xuan wouldn't even have to get up. If he wanted to, Stasa's head would go flying through the air in less than a second. Not that he even needed to make a move himself.

The trees behind him parted as the four Orc Warders finally caught up with Hao Xuan. Their shadows blotted out the light and covered Stasa from head to toe.

It was dark and they were covered in blood from head to toe but even without that, just the visual of these four 'super orcs' towering over a single human was terrifying to behold. Their appearance was rather tame by Hao Xuan's standards but he had seen too much crap to mind a few sharp teeth and contorted faces.

Stasa instantly became quiet, and understandable so. His eyes were locked onto the Orcs which made Hao Xuan smile.

"You were saying?"

A short bout of deathly silence had fallen over the group.

The Warders were psychics themselves even if their powers hadn't matured yet. One look at Stasa was enough for them to read his aura and determine he was real worth. Their gazes filled with mockery and no small amount of killing intent, making him freeze on the spot like a deer caught in the headlights.

From the back both 86 and 89 shook their heads inwardly. Any thoughts of fighting back were squished in an instant with the appearance of the Orcs.

They neither had the advantage in numbers anymore nor in strength.

89 waved his hand and the cube flew up from Stasa's palm. It set floated in the next to him before expanding to its original size before disappearing completely.

Princess Ceni appeared in the same state she was sealed in, attacking head-on. Coincidently, Hao Xuan was the one in front of her now and was not expecting that at all.

Her whip continued on its path and pierced straight through the side of his abdomen.

Both he and the Orcs reacted too late. The Orcs lunged forward axes swinging down. They were going to retaliate for the injuries Hao Xuan had so suddenly received but he stopped them by sending them back to the Mind Palace.

Even he was unsure they would listen to his orders in the heat of the moment.

Princess Ceni realized what had happened and her face flushed.

"Wha- How did you get there?! I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine," Hao Xuan waved his hand and stood up. The wound wasn't serious even if it left a small hole in his body. He would heal up in a matter of hours.

But then, surprisingly, his lips arched into a smile as he leaned to the side and glanced towards 89.

"You said 'let her out'. I was just doing like you asked."

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