The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 858 - Poor Soul

All Hao Xuan could do was stare, wide-eyed and incredulous if what he was seeing was actually real or something metaphorical being manifested within Ma Jiang's mind palace.

But when he thought about all the other strange things surrounding her, somehow it made sense.

The black chains tightened around the horned face and managed to keep it at bay, while the lava continuously thrashed about behind it before eventually 'absorbing' the face back inside.

Hao Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and slowly backed away from the edge. He turned around and saw Ma Jiang sprawled out on the stone platform, breathing heavily.

He stood up and walked up to her, staring down at this new face. Just one look at her real appearance was enough to reveal her true identity. She was the girl he had been looking for all this time, Ryfon's niece.

Even if he ignored those eye-catching pointy ears which were a salient feature of the Elven race, the sparkling black eyes and almost picture-perfect features that had more than a little in common with Ryfon himself could not be overlooked. It had to be her, especially since he had already checked everyone else.

She was hiding her real identity, and now it made sense why. If this really was her Mind Palace, then guessing from the chains and the stone platform that controlled everything, that 'thing' was sealed here by someone else.

Earlier when she was referring to her father unconsciously he always came out to as a villain. So assuming that was the case, it was more than likely he was the culprit. But...why seal it in her mind palace? Why seal it all?

Hao Xuan's mind raced as he fell deeper into a myriad of thoughts.

'It is most likely that she escaped from her father's grasp and changed her name to stay safe. And going by that logic, she was probably trying to find her maternal family to ask for help or assistance but instead fell into that Elven general's hands, whatever his name is.'

'If that's true then there is a big chance he told her some made-up bullshit about Ryfon and others so even if I straight up tell her the truth, she probably won't believe it. I need to gain her trust first.'

He saw her pale complexion that was almost devoid of all life. She couldn't even open her eyes let alone sit up.

'That earlier ritual must have done a number on her. Poor kid. Betrayed by her own father, probably lost her mother and then thrown out into the world to deal with it all by herself, all the while hiding this creature inside her mind palace. It can't have been easy. Not many people would have been able to come this far.'

Hao Xuan knelt down beside her and spoke up softly, "Are you okay?"

She opened her eyes halfway and managed to nod with some effort, trying to crack a smile.

"Mhm, I'm...good."

But her inner thoughts said otherwise.

'I can't feel my legs. I'm so tired, cold, and hungry. I wanna go....back home...I wanna's food again...mama...where are you...?'

Hao Xuan never really had any strong maternal feelings towards his own mother but that didn't mean he couldn't empathize with other's.

His hand subconsciously reached out to caress her hair, "Let's go. I haven't eaten anything in so long, I'll make you something good."

"Eh? I'm not hungry though..." she said blinking at him with a straight face which made Hao Xuan almost smack her head.

"Yes, yes. But I am so I want to eat. do we get out of here?" he looked around but couldn't find any obvious exit.

The ridge that was one of the chains couldn't be used anymore even though it was more than big enough to hold him. He was too tired and didn't trust himself to not fall, which was not an option since the bottom of the mountain was filled with lava and was home to whatever that being that was sleeping inside it.

And if they fell down, it would be more or less certain death, at least for him.

But just as he had feared, Ma Jiang pointed towards one of the nine tunnels from which the chains were coming from.


Hao Xuan's expression darkened, "Is that the only way out?"

She nodded weakly, "Yes. I could send us out but I'm too weak right now. Maybe in a few hours I could..."

But Hao Xuan didn't have that much time. He could feel his body dying in the outside world. His soul had been gone for far too long.

He racked his brain trying to come up with different solutions for a few minutes until he felt something moving. A strong grip on his back in the outside world. And then that same sensation was transferred to his soul in here.

A pulling force trying to connect the two. Someone was trying to bring him back!

'Is that Jin Wang?!'

But he didn't question the good fortune and bent down to pick up Ma Jiang.

"What are you doing?"

"Going out!"

"We can't leave, only I can send us-"

Before she could finish Hao Xuan felt a burning sensation on his right shoulder and he opened his eyes back in his frozen body.


He flexed and shattered the frost encasing him and everything nearby. Without Ma Jiang to power it, it broke apart in an instant freeing him and the others.

Elated, Hao Xuan looked behind to thank Jin Wang and scold him for taking his time but came face to face with Ceni instead.

"I-It was you??"

Ceni looked a little different from what he remembered of her a moment ago. She was a little taller and more...beautiful? But her expression was cold as she hastily pulled back her arm and turned around.

"Send me a message when you are about to leave. I too have been summoned and must go to the gathering," she threw out the words before walking away.


Ma Jiang's rumbling empty stomach brought him back to reality.

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