The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 850 - Come To Me

Mr. Hyde stood in the corner like a ghost, eavesdropping on the conversation between Hao Xuan and Jin Wang.

Throughout the two or so hours it took for them to come to a conclusion, his eyes never left Jin Wang's for even a moment.

'The existence of the Weave is one of the most well-kept secrets of all time. No one outside of the main successors of the great pantheons even knows of its existence, and the ones that do would never willingly reveal it to any outsiders.'

'The only reason I found out was because of Lord Maymun. He lent me a small portion of his great powers to allow me to peek at the weave and see what father was planning so I could go back through the river of time to the right place.'

'So what is this boy's origin? Could it be that he is someone like me? Or maybe another spiritual being possessing the body of another? But to what end? Was he sent by father or is there someone else within the shadows? Regardless, he knows far too much to be of humble beginnings. I need to take care of him before he derails my plans anymore.'

Seeing as they had finished speaking Mr. Hyde returned to Hao Xuan's Mind Palace, thinking no one was the wiser. Yet, the moment he disappeared Jin Wang looked in the direction he had materialized in, letting out a sigh of relief upon sensing that it was now vacant.

Having been reincarnated so many times and experienced so many different things, even without any great powers there were some things that Jin Wang still knew how to do like sensing the disturbance created in the surrounding energy when a spiritual entity manifests itself.

'I need to separate him and Hao Xuan as soon as possible. He is far too significant of a threat to be ignored any longer. But if he is indeed the one Emperor was talking about then I can't outright kill him. I need to get to the control room as quickly as possible to read the last bit of the Emperor's instructions.'

'Most of the memories related to the upcoming events were lost during my reincarnation so I'm working blind right now. The only thing I can still clearly recall is him mentioning that secret control room somewhere within the prison. It will have all the materials that I will need to complete my task.'

Hao Xuan got off the bed and stretched. He had found a lot of information from Jin Wang and with his help managed to etch out a rough plan.

The three timelines that he experienced were the most powerful candidates to replace the one he was living currently. They were very similar to one another in the sense that the city of Argham was destroyed in each one so all he needed to do right now was to make sure that what happened during those timelines didn't happen in this one, i.e save the city from destruction.

Unfortunately, that was easier said than done.

In the first timeline the city was attacked by cultivators. The ones that he saw were in a uniform he had never seen before but they were speaking the Beast World's native language so it was pretty obvious to find their origins.

In the second timeline the city was overrun by crimson beasts. Hao Xuan found out that these beasts had already made an appearance, although their numbers weren't anything to be concerned about right now. They were coming out from several places, both down here and on the surface. Jin Wang believed they were coming directly from the prison which meant their source was in there as well.

The threats of the last timeline were the ones that caught Hao Xuan most by surprise. It was something he had no idea even existed and without Jin Wang's help, he still wouldn't have until it was too late to do anything about it.

Jin Wang told him that the enormous skeleton was the corpse of a god. It was left behind after the God's death, probably the same one that was supposed to take care of the prison. For some reason his remains became tainted and the divine power still remaining in its body brought it back to life as an undead.

The wraiths and all those other manner of otherworldly creatures were given birth as a consequence of the divine power leaking into the earth.

The good thing was that now Hao Xuan knew what he needed to do. The bad part was that he couldn't do it alone no matter what. Be it fighting against the other cultivators, the crimson beasts, or the many legions of the dead, he needed more hands, an army of his own.

Hao Xuan closed his eyes where he stood and reached out with his soul connection, calling out for Gavril.

'Come to me!'

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