The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 813 - Memory Crystal

"Trust me, this is the only path of least bloodshed."

Jin Wang sat there in silence, allowing the crackling flame to light up his somber expression. After a few minutes of intense contemplation, he vocalized his thoughts.

"I...can't. I'm sorry, I just can't do it. Knowing all that bloodshed, all those poor souls will die because of me, I simply cannot have that on my conscious. That's why I left everything behind and moved here. And this thing, it was locked so far in the deep that I didn't think I could even make it back. There has to be a reason for that. We are not meant to tamper with forces of this magnitude, no one is!"

The emperor's gaze did not move from his direction throughout this interaction but upon hearing Jin Wang's response, he heaved another weary sigh before taking something out of his robe.

It was an 8-centimeter wide hexagon crystal with a silvery light moving inside it.

It was bright enough to attract Jin Wang's attention, who inquired about the Emperor's intentions for taking such a thing out.

"What is that now? I won't change my mind."

The emperor tapped on the crystal, throwing it over to Jin Wang.

"I didn't want you to see this initially. I was hoping you would move on without any more heartache but since you won't budge, so, look for yourself."

The emperor rested his eyes while waiting for Jin Wang to inspect the crystal. This was a memory crystal, able to hold forcefully extracted memories for a long time.

Jin Wang skeptically stared at the crystal's surface for a moment before the memory started playing like a prerecorded video. Only it was playing at several times the normal speed which to ordinary people would just look like a few pictures flashing past their eyes.

The crystal showed a naked girl that was tied upside down on top of an altar. Her arms and legs had serrated hooks embedded inside them, holding her in place as she cried literal tears of blood.

The blood was being gathered in a cauldron below her, slowly boiling its essence. The cauldron was placed on top of an altar with an eight-sided star engraved on its surface. On each of the eight corners sat a hooded figure, chanting in an unknown language.

Jin Wang's eyes opened wide from utter shock and disbelief, "T-This..."

He tried to speak but the words wouldn't leave his mouth. He couldn't look away from the crystal, only being able to witness these past events. The Emperor gave a little bit more detail about it.

"One of my men met a loose-lipped Blood Wizard who was "celebrating" hitting it big. He was telling everyone who would listen about being hired by the Temple of Light to find someone. An Eighth Circle Grand Mage that was hiding within the void."

"He was quite proud of it too. Bragging about locating the mage's bloodline and using that connection to find him. After a few days of obscenely foul rituals, they were successful in creating a locator spell through your blood bond. Unfortunately, they didn't leave anyone alive."

"Even as we speak the Temple of Light and the Temple of War have joined forces to move against you. They have created a special team led by one of their immortal puppets, the 'Abyss Walker'. Their only job is to find you and take that thing for themselves." (Abyss Walker is mentioned before in CH 618 'Undying Ones')

"One of their apostles foresaw the finding of an extremely dangerous object and as always, they wanted it for themselves. There were obviously other ways of getting into contact with you but they chose the most brutal one on purpose, to make an example out of you."

"These are the people you are trying to protect. To them, human life is inconsequential, as they have shown time and time again. When the old Abyssal Lords awaken once again, the flames of war will once again rage across the cosmos. And it is us who will pay the heftiest price, just like always."

"Brother, even if I hadn't come to you today, that 'thing' will have still fallen into their hands. The Abyss Walker is extremely strong, and he cannot be killed, trust me, I have tried. If you-"

The Emperor realized that throughout this one-sided conversation Jin Wang hadn't taken his eyes off of the crystal.

"She was your last living descendent in this life, right? I am sorry, truly. But you can at least rest easy knowing that every single person who took part in those rituals is already paying the price. They will suffer until their flesh gives way, and then their souls will suffer for as long as I live."

Jin Wang clenched his fist, destroying the Memory Crystal to smithereens. A tongue of flame escaped through his gritted teeth.

"It's not enough. Because of them, the souls of my descendants will forever wander the ether in agony and pain. Just this is not enough. I want the ones who ordered this ritual, and the ones who caused it."

The Emperor stood up, dragging his blackened left arm with him.

"You cannot kill the Abyss Walker, at least not in this life. His connection to the Gods makes him immortal for the time being. But if you follow my plan, I will make sure that in your next life you have the opportunity to do so."

"It wasn't easy but I managed to find a feasible body for your next life. And it will be more than enough to go toe to toe with the likes of them. It will be the last time you are reborn, but the strength you will possess will be unmatched."

Jin Wang stood up as well. The light in his eyes spoke volumes of his unyielding resolve.


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