The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 78 - Poison

"Poison?!" Hash, Maddy, and Jin Wang had just walked in when they heard the healer talk.

"Is everyone okay?" Kuo asked from behind her. "Yes, they are all outside," Maddy replied.

"What's this about poisoning our precious little captain?" Jin Wang came forward and asked with a smile. Looking at his unassuming smile the healer and 1092 were scared to their core. An unknown pressure descended on the entire 300 sq meter cavern. Hundreds of spider folk outside the room and everyone inside felt like a heavenly beast was staring right at them.

"I-Its your last bet. H-He will die otherwise," the lady that was so inattentive a second ago felt like her very life depended on her answer. If it was not satisfactory then she and everyone here would be dead, no doubt about it.

"Please explain," Jin Wang asked with that horrific smile still plastered on his face. The Healer took a second to gather her thoughts and started explaining.

"Poison usually works by entering the bloodstream and each one has a different effect. Some can deprive the cells of oxygen, some can stop the heart or other organs and some can mess with the nervous system."

"Continue," he said and the pressure on the cavern subsided and she felt finally felt like her life was her own. Wiping the sweat from her forehead she continued.

"There was a legend in our tribe that mentioned using a heavenly poison on people as a last resort. Of course, it's not a sure-fire method and has a very high chance of failure, but if it works then not only would he live but also have some strange abilities. The only problem is that I am not strong enough to make the potion. I'm not an alchemist. I also don't have the recipe, you would have to talk to the Matriarch."

"Matriarch?" Hash inquired from the back.

"Yes, our leader. This is is just a minor tribe that has branched off so we don't have much to offer. You have to go to the main branch and ask her for the recipe, but the chances of that are very low. The Matriarch doesn't meet with outsiders and is even less likely to give you the recipe. But that is your only chance."

"All of his organs are ruptured and dying and not only that, but there is a rampaging energy in his body as well. If someone tries to use any healing techniques then it would explode, killing him instantly. I can give him something that will halt his bloodforce and keep him in a state close to death until you can try your luck. But you must hurry, this method will only work for a month at most."

Kuo's expression turned worse after hearing her story. He knew about the Spider Matriarch. She was a legendary character that had lived for countless millenniums. Let alone him, not even a general of the kingdom would have the authority to meet her face-to-face.

"Alright, use whatever you have to. I'll get the recipe," Jin Wang said in his usual casual tone and turned around to leave.

"Eh?" Kuo was shocked speechless. There was no way Jin Wang didn't know about the Matriarch's power, how could he promise something like that? But before he could ask, Jin Wang's voice came from the outside.

"Don't worry, I will get the recipe. Just take care of him," he said and then disappeared in an instant as if he was never there.

The healer woke up from her daze after a few minutes and started running around to gather the things to halt Hao Xuan's bloodforce.

She brought back something that looked like a coffin that was filled halfway with a milky white liquid. She put in a bunch of different herbs and even some bugs and insects.

"Lay him down inside, slowly," she ordered Kuo. He followed her instructions and put Hao Xuan inside. The liquid came up to his cheeks. Just as everyone was about to leave bubbles came out from the liquid and a wet Zhurong suddenly came out from under his head. He slowly paddled his way up to Hao Xuan's body and got up on his chest.


It sounded like he was trying to talk to Hao Xuan but there was no reply. He went up to his face and licked and licked but still nothing. Mia who had heard the meowing came rushing in and saw the little puppy trying to talk to Hao Xuan and felt her heart bleed.

"Little one, the captain needs to rest. He will be fine, just let him sleep for a bit," Kuo bent down and said consolingly. At first, Zhurong kept trying to talk to Hao Xuan but after hearing him he quieted down and just sat on Hao Xuan's chest, guarding his master.


He meowed once looking at Kuo as if saying I will protect him. Everyone's heart shook looking at the cute little beast trying to act strong.

Mia slowly walked out of the group and stretched her hands out saying, "Let him sleep, you must not disturb him."

Initially, Zhurong ignored her but then he turned around and took another look at Hao Xuan's injuries. There really was no place for him to even sit. Hao Xuan's entire chest was caved in and there were blood and bones popping out of every place.

So he carefully went up to his face and licked him a few times and then jumped into Mia's hands. She, of course, was more than happy to keep the little furball company.

"I will stay here," Kuo said somberly and sat down beside the coffin. He held out his hand an energy field covered the coffin.

Hash and Maddy looked at each other and sighed.


Jin Wang walked out of the tunnels and jumped back up through the ravine. All the Jia soldiers were gone.


Just as he turned around to leave a massive shadow landed in front of him. It was an Azure Bull king. It had the head of a bull, body of a lizard with what seemed like human hands, looking extremely bizarre. It stood there with a body size of about 80 meters, blocking the sun.

"Little thing, move out of my way now, I am not in a good mood," Jin Wang said in an annoyed tone as he met its eyes. The Bull King was a high-Level Demonic beast that had cultivated for thousands of years. When it heard Jin Wang's words it's eyes went red and with another roar came charging straight towards him.

Jin Wang shook his head and with a sigh and circulated his Qi for the first time, disappearing from the spot. He reappeared more than 500 meters away with a bloody hand and a massive azure beast core in his hand.

The Azure Bull King's charging body collapsed with a loud bang and he was dead without even knowing how. There was a small hole between his eyes from which blood was pouring out, coloring the ground beneath crimson.

Jin Wang stored the core in his storage ring, took out a clean cloth to wipe his hands and with another step appeared outside the cave where the Cui siblings and rest of Mad Saints were.

He told them that the mission was a success but the others had something to do it would take a bit of time until they could return. After putting down a shield formation near the entrance he disappeared once again and appeared several hundred meters away, in a clearing.

With a shake of his hand, he summoned his contracted beast but this was not the one he usually used. This one was completely grey in color and was about 30 meters in size. It had the head that looked like a dragon and the body of a horse. On its sides were massive leathery wings that were even bigger than the body. He jumped and landed on its neck.

"Let us leave, we have to be quick," he bent down and whispered lovingly to the beast who nodded with its huge head and with a loud woosh, took off into the sky.

This was a mutated dragon-horse with a wyvern bloodline.. With just a couple of flaps of its gigantic wings, it was already hundreds of kilometers away and flying straight towards the Fortune City.

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