The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 769 - Ma Jiang

"What are you waiting for? Move!" he shouted, startling the poor girl.

"Y-Yes!" stuttering, she started running at her own MUCH slower pace.

Hao Xuan brought up the rear to keep an eye out for the hunter, all the while listening to her ramblings without any other choice. Out of everyone here, her thoughts were the loudest for some reason and the clearest.

'How long do we have to run? Should I ask someone? Maybe that person behind me...?'

'No way! He looks so scary! But...I won't be able to run for very long. I can't even see where others are...'

'Am I even going the right way? I just started running without even asking them where to go....'

'Oh my god, my feet hurt so much.'

'Eww, I stepped on something wet. What even was that?'

'I'm getting tired already. My feet feel so heavy.'

'You can do it Ning'er! Don't give up! Keep fighting!'

One after another all of her thoughts wandered into Hao Xuan's mind as if it was the only refuge. He felt a headache coming on, caused not by the process but the sheer number of random things this girl was thinking.

'Did she call herself Ning'er? I should ask for her name first before calling out to her.'

He sped up a little until he was almost right behind her. She still didn't detect his presence but Hao Xuan wasn't sure if that was due to his own ability or her complete lack of situational awareness.

"Girl, what's your name?" he asked in a low voice.

"AAH!" startled by the sudden query she missed a step and almost faceplanted straight into the ground, if not for Hao Xuan's quick reaction. He grabbed her hand to hoist her up.

She dangled in the wind like a doll. Hao Xuan's brow furrowed upon noticing her weight, or lack thereof. It was like she didn't weigh anything at all. Most of it was from the clothes. Not to mention how small she was.

Although Hao Xuan was relatively big himself, the top of this girl's head only came up to his chest making her out to be around 1.5-1.6 meters tall.

"T-Thank you," she muttered in a low voice not even looking at him in the face.

But her thoughts were booming in his mind.

'OHMYGOD! That was close! I thought my heart was gonna stop.'

'Ning'er you stupid girl, why didn't you pay more attention? He only asked for your name and you-'

'Ouch! It hurts! Why are his hands so rough!'

"You're welcome," Hao Xuan loosened the grip around her wrist but instead of letting go, he threw her over his shoulder.

"Stay there until we reach their camp. You're moving too slow."

"EEEK!" she tried to get off of him by instinct but upon noticing the presence of the four-legged shadowy silhouettes that were following closely behind them she calmed down.

'OHMYGOD this is so weird! Please don't be a pervert and touch me somewhere weird.'

"I-I'll depend on you then," she said somewhat hesitantly. This was a popular phrase that was very commonly used back on the beast world among the teenagers and even though Hao Xuan hadn't used it himself, he did pick up on it.

"You're here for the entrance exams? From Beast World?" Hao Xuan swiftly inquired in the Beast World's language.

To say she was shocked would be an understatement. She completely lost her strange train of thought and turned around as much as she could to look at him.

"Eh?! You know about that? Are you also here for the exam?!" she asked in the same language.

"Yeah. Who are you with? The temple? Academy? Or..."

Before he could finish she promptly answered, "The academy! My name is Jiang! Ma Jiang"

'Ma Jiang?' Hao Xuan glanced in her direction instinctively but only came 'face to face' with her backside. He quickly looked away, blushing ever so lightly.

'Why did she tell me a fake name? And it sounds so weird too, like I've heard it somewhere before...'

"An-And if you don't mind me asking, who are you with...?"

"Academy. The name is Hao Xuan."

"Hello, it is meet you...Senior brother."

It was pretty obvious she forcing herself to make small talk since everything she said felt so unnaturally awkward that it could almost be considered a gift. But Hao Xuan still appreciated the effort nonetheless. At least she was trying.

'Oh.My.God! What are the chances of meeting another person from the academy?! And all the way down here too?? That is such a huge conincedenc- ...or is it not?'

'Did he come here to find me? Is he working for 'him'!? No, I need to get away before he takes me back to him! What do I do?! Should I ask for help from sister Helena? But she probably won't help if it is actually 'him'. But I can't go back, there is still time!'

Her inner monologue rattled inside Hao Xuan's main like a delirious serpent. He could feel her anxiousness and desperation.

She was hiding from someone? Who was she referring to as 'him'?

He wanted to reassure her that he wasn't working with anyone or even knew who she was but how could he just bring it up?


Somewhere nearby a loud growl sounded off from the thicket, distracting Hao Xuan.

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