The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 744 - Disharmony

Burak waited until the very last moment before making his escape. The control panel that was made around the super-condensed Yin Qi crystal itself begin to broke apart before the timer finished.

It acted both as a temporary seal and a conduit that allowed most of its usual functions to continue as normal and with it gone, the last stone had been cast.

The gateway finally opened all the way and stabilized. Lazarus (that's the Djinn's name which it will be referred to as from this point onward) that was waiting on the other side poked its head just in time to see the Yin Qi crystal break into two pieces.


A wave of intense electrical energy shot out in every single direction, showering the entire room while a pillar of purple Qi shot straight towards the sky. It pierced, or rather 'passed' through the numerous layers of the pyramid, of which there were far too many to even count.

The crystal itself was sheer energy, pure and unadulterated essence that had been gathered from the heart of a dying sun. Its strength and intensity could not be so easily measured let alone controlled.

It passed through all physical matter that stood in its way and escaped to the atmosphere above, creating a unique phenomenon therein that could not yet be seen by the naked eye (previously described in chapter 689/691). What looked like a wormhole was coming into being right above the pyramid from the sudden discharge of pure Yin Qi.

As it is always the case, for life to flourish an equilibrium must always be maintained no matter the cost. Yin and Yang, the negative and the positive, cold and hot, only when both of them are available in just the right amounts can there exist life.

And when one overshadows the other, the world itself starts to become corrupted and the natural order is thrown into chaos, seeding disharmony among the natural elements.

That is what was happening here. The Yin Qi crystal that was like an overcharged battery had detonated and there was no stopping it now.

Copious amounts of energy escaped to the surface and gathered above the pyramid, creating a wormhole from the disproportionate elements. The Divine territory that was hiding within the crystal erupted forth in full force for one last time.

It was this same divine territory that was responsible for holding all of the information regarding the Prime Letters and all the rules related to the Celestial Webway. It was the True God's last will left behind in this world and its only function was to solve the mystery of the Webway.

Obviously, without someone to control it and give it direction, the territory would not be able to achieve anything. Within the crystal it had a safe and stable environment where it could emulate a great many theories without actually testing them out but now that the crystal had broken, all those theories that were in the form of the various rune sequences themselves were released into the world.

With the gradual disintegration of the territory, the runes would be released one after another and where most of them would simply disappear into the ether, a great many of them materialized with the help of the same Yin Qi that was being released from the crystal.

One after another various gateways opened up. Arcs of purple lightning bolts fell from the Yin clouds, powering seventeen gateways to their completion.

Hao Xuan wanted to erase all information regarding the celestial webway but neither he nor Baracus could have anticipated such a result. Although in the end he did "technically" achieve what he wanted.

But it was done at the cost of opening more than a dozen gateways that would not close until all the excessive Yin Qi from the atmosphere dissipated or the sequence itself turned out to be incorrect.

The only issue being, the Yin Qi held within the crystal had been gathered after billions of years before being further refined by some great artisans to power the pyramid and all of its facilities.

Which meant that at least for a few million years, there was absolutely no chance that this much energy would dissipate without some outside interference.

Hao Xuan and company had only crossed a single floor when the crystal that was powering everything broke into two. The constantly shifting hallways stopped dead in their tracks, in whatever placement they were in.

The numerous other gateways that were created either by some accident or due to the degraded security in various parts of the pyramid started to destabilize and shut down. And all the beings from each of these worlds that had crossed over into this one were left stranded.




A cacophony of pained shrieks, anger fuelled roars, and confused inhuman screams came one after another. They sounded their frustrations and started rampaging through the previously empty hallways.

Hao Xuan's heightened senses picked up on most of them, warning him of what was coming his way.

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