The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 701 - Making Sense

What if all those restrictions are gone? What if there was a way that anyone could use to move from one point in space to another without much risk, without costing fortunes? I'm not talking about moving from just one solar system to another but crossing entire galaxies, expanses the likes of which only a rare few could ever hope to cross in their lifetimes?'

'How much value would such a method hold?'

'How much of a strategic advantage would it give to any force that could send its entire armies to their enemy's doorstep, cross billions of lightyears in a matter of days or months? What do you think will happen then?'

Hao Xuan's brow naturally furrowed while he digested the information bit by bit.

'A lot...a lot will change if something like that came to light, no?' he asked for confirmation.

At that moment Hao Xuan could almost feel Baracus smiling from ear to ear even though there was no way that could be physically possible.

'No, not a lot, it would change everything. The known universe would be thrown into chaos, every ruling power would do everything possible to get its hand on such a method. To say that it is priceless would be the understatement of an era.'

'From the Heavenly True Gods to the Archaic Demons, from the human Ancients to the Immortal Lords of the Abyss and all those numerous other creatures and races in between, every single one of them would stop at nothing to acquire such a method. Whoever held it would be the most wanted being since the beginning of time itself.'

Hao Xuan couldn't help but nod along, getting carried away with Baracus until he remembered to ask the most important question. A pit formed in his stomach.


He swallowed a mouthful of saliva to wet his parched throat before asking.

'Does that mean there is...such a method?' Hao Xuan crossed his fingers praying for a no just this one time.

All the noise suddenly died down as he waited for the response. And the most likely response that COULD come in this situation, came, shaking Hao Xuan to the very core of his being.

'I am currently looking right at it.'


Hao Xuan keeled over right then and there, emptying the watery contents of his stomach onto the floor.


Just when he tried to get up another wave erupted forth and he fell to his knees. Burak who was standing in front of the markings heard the noise and came running over.

"Oi human, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?" he asked worriedly, seemingly concerned for his well being.

Hao Xuan used the panel to lift his weary body up and feebly fell on the chair, his head still hanging low.

"Yeah...I'm...okay..." he waved his hand to send Burak away who wanted to ask more questions but upon hearing the duress in Hao Xuan's voice, all he could do was go back.

'Are you okay?' Baracus asked after giving Hao Xuan a short moment of respite.

Hao Xuan let out a hollow chuckle by accident, 'Okay? You hand me a death sentence and ask if I'm okay? What do you think?'

'....Apologies. I understand this can be a little overwhelming bu-'

'No, it's not overwhelming at all, in fact, it all makes sense now. If this method is as valuable as you make it out to be, then it all makes sense.'

'Makes sense? What does?' Baracus wasn't following Hao Xuan's line of thought.

'Everything. Why all this bullshit is happening. I don't believe in coincidences, not in this world. But with this it all makes some sense now, it was because of this thing.'

'It makes sense why so many powers have gathered here. Enemies became friends, a god reached out to a mere mortal like me for help. Under the guise of looking for the world spirit, they were looking for this.'

'You mean...'

'Yeah, this is it. I always thought it was a little weird, putting in so much work to find one world spirit. Even if it joined their side there was only so much it could do, it also has limits.'

'From what Gavril has told me, even though the words of power are quite unique they are not all that powerful by themselves. Like with every other system be it cultivation, magic, or anything else, only a select few can reach the top. So why would a great power like the Academy covet such a method so badly?'

'Sending the likes of Dai Zhi, Xue Meng, and all those other overpowered cunts to a place like this just for the words of power, I always thought it was a little strange. I thought maybe I was just underestimating their real worth but...they weren't after the world spirit at all.'

A short bout of silence followed after, during which Baracus didn't dare disturb him. Only when he heard the main door creak under the constant barrage of attacks from the strange creatures outside did Hao Xuan speak up again.

Letting out a deep sigh he asked, 'So...what is this method?'

Baracus who was waiting for the question immediately answered, 'The project is referred to as the Celestial Webway.. It is the same thing that was spoken about in the passage written in Ancient Sumerian.' (CH 671)

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