The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 656 - Born Anew

Some distance away in a cave somewhere deep inside the Endless Forest two silhouettes sat beside a small pool of dark yellow liquid not more than 4 meters in size. A continuous stream of gurgling sounds filled the cave that emanated from the thick liquid.

Large bubbles the size of a person's head came off of the pool's seething surface and popped, releasing various sounds that for some reason, sounded like the cries of young children. Five blue petals floated on it's surface, getting displaced by the force of the popping bubbles.

The two silhouettes sat on either side of the pool facing each other. One of them belonged to the neat and tidy countenance of an old man, sitting quietly with his eyes closed. If there was anyone else here they would recognize him instantly as Eurig the Viper.

Across from him was a youngster, not more than 14 or 15 years of age. He was covered in sweat from top to bottom, his face scrunched up and expressions continuously shifted between one of agony and relief.

His eyelids fluttered rapidly as if he was trying to open them but some invisible force was keeping him from doing so.

Both of them were in the exact opposite states right now. Eurig being as calm and composed as possibly could be, as if he was sitting in a field of flowers and not a cave filled with horrendous smells and sounds.

The teenager looked like he was being tortured alive but no matter how much he tried to struggle free, his body could not move an inch.

This continued for over three hours until an abrupt hissing noise erupted from the walls and reverberated throughout the cave for a few seconds. The teenager opened his eyes slowly, his expression finally returning to normal.

His lips parted and the previous rotten gums, ruptured blisters and boils that filled the inside of his mouth were completely gone, replaced by a brand new set of teeth and healthy gums. (CH 637 for details)

He reached out to the side and picked up a mirror, inspecting and then soon after 'admiring' his handsome visage contently.

"Hmm, not bad, not bad at all," he mumbled out loud for the first time in what was probably months. His voice sounded identical to Eurig the Viper's.

He gave a toothy smile and a wink to the mirror before finally putting it down. Standing up he took off his clothes revealing a gaunt figure. Wobbling every other step, he walked into the pool of viscous yellow liquid until his entire body was submerged from top to bottom.

The viscosity of the liquid continued to decrease along with the horrendous smell until some 12 minutes later when it had turned completely transparent. He walked out, now exposing an athletic physique that looked like it belonged to a professional boxer. Neither too much nor too less, just enough for him to have some pronounced muscles but not enough that they stood out like a sore thumb.

He stretched, letting out knocking and cracking sounds from his body.

"Hahaha, what a splendid feeling! This new body will serve me well," he said through peals of laughter.

"Finally I can go have some fun, huh?"

He looked to his side towards Eurig the Viper's body and slowly pushed it from behind with his leg.

As if an empty husk, Eurig was sent headfirst into the pool and within the blink of an eye dissolved completely, not even leaving a single shred of his being behind.

Through some miracle or perhaps a calculated series of events, Eurig the Viper had managed to discard his old body and take over a much younger one, one that belonged to his own grandson.

After putting on some clothes Eurig walked out of the cave where a row of seven old men and women that looked like walking corpses waited for him. Each and every one of them was standing behind him when he had led the human tribes a few hours ago.

They looked at him with wide eyes full of disbelief, shock, a hint of fear, and quite a lot of obvious greed.

Eurig grinned, "So, do you believe me now?" he said opening his arms wide and turning so they could look at him from every angle.

One of the old men that had half his face burnt off came forward, "I-Is it really you?!"

Eurig smiled and leaned forward to whisper something in his ear while the others watched incredulously.

The old man with the burnt face turned towards the others and nodded robotically, getting even more gasps in response.

They talked amongst themselves for a moment before the same old man came out again.

"Can we also change? Like you?"

Eurig nodded, "Of course. As long as you follow me, I can help you live a very long and fulfilling life. So, what do you say?"

The answer was obvious. All seven of them agreed instantly.

Eurig nodded contently looking at the hunger within their gaze, knowing full well that they would do whatever he asked from now on.

But then as if remembering something his expression turned somber instantly. He reached out into one of the pockets and took out a petal. It was bright blue in color.

"Did....someone else find you?" he muttered to himself.

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