The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 570 - Royal Blood

Throwing caution to the wind, Hao Xuan held the glaive horizontally and swung it from left to right without any regard for his own safety. He put every little bit of strength he could muster behind that swing.

Only in a situation like this would such a wide and open attack had any chance of connecting with its intended target.

His movement was so sudden that the mermen were completely caught off guard. No one expected him to do something so utterly preposterous.

The first and the closest mermen to Hao Xuan were those carrying light weapons like serrated swords and daggers. There were five of them and they were also the ones that took that attack head-on.

Hao Xuan's body swung in mid-air like a top. Using that momentum and the force generated by the previous movements, he only used raw strength to go against these monsters.

It looked flashy but the idea behind it was very simple, to hit hard and fast.

With Hao Xuan's long arm and the already gigantic Glaive, the attacks reach was more than 4 meters with every swing.

The first swing cut two mermen in half. Their lower bodies kept running and went past Hao Xuan while the upper bodies were thrown to the side.

One full rotation finished and the second swing came in.

The mermen's superhuman abilities exhibited themselves at this moment and they quickly reacted.

Of the remaining three, two of them ducked and the third one that was on the outside used his sword to block the glaive head-on.

Yet how could it be so easy? The glaive itself weighed dozens of kilograms not to mention the force Hao Xuan had put in.

Soon as the sword came into contact with the glaive's blade it shattered into pieces. The pieces shot into that merman before the glaive reached him, turning him to fish paste almost instantly.

The sorcerers also reacted at this point. Both of them started reciting spells. aiming for Hao Xuan's body.

"AAAAH!" Hao Xuan shouted trying to stop himself from doing another rotation but that was easier said than done.

His left arm was almost useless at this point and his right arm was not enough to stop the glaive.

All he could do was aim it in the general direction of the mermen and throw it like a boomerang, which he managed to pull off somehow.

With a loud whooshing sound much like the blades of a helicopter, the Glaive shot towards the sorcerers before they could finish their spells, forcing them to jump out of the way.

Hao Xuan himself was still spinning in the air. Without the glaive to keep him balanced he was like a kite with its string cut off and was thrown to the left, impacting back-first with a tree, breaking it in half.

Before he could get on his feet, a high-pitched noise sounded from his front and left sides. Still a little dizzy, Hao Xuan looked towards the source and saw the sorcerers once again preparing to cast their spells.

He tried to stand up but his body was not listening to him just yet and he fell to his knees.

"Full power to defenses!" Hao Xuan ordered inwardly as a last resort but he knew if those attacks hit, there was very little chance to come out of it alive.

"NIDHORA!" he shouted trying to activate her abilities.

He could feel her power bubbling inside of him but it did not come out no matter how much he tried.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" he roared in anger, realizing what was happening.

Nidhora was holding her power back on purpose.

The high-pitched noise got so loud that he could not even hear himself think anymore. Left with no other choice, Hao Xuan covered his head with both his arms as a last resort, hoping that would be enough.

So much had happened in such a short amount of time that Hao Xuan had completely forgotten about the girl he had asked for help.

Fortunately, she did not abandon him in his time of need.


Something exploded in front of him.

Hao Xuan felt a sudden spike in temperature but didn't feel any pain. Curious, he opened his eyes halfway and saw one of the sorcerers hovering in the air not far from him.

A blazing red chain was coiled around him like a serpent, digging into his flesh. He let out a blood-curdling scream fueled by pure terror but before anyone could do anything to help him, his body shriveled up and turned to ash in the blink of an eye.

Hao Xuan followed the chain to its source and saw Ceni standing on the other end.

She looked furious!

She lightly waved her hand and the chain moved back like it was alive. Hao Xuan could hear a low thrum emanating from it.

"A weapon spirit!" he shouted.

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