The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 501 - Threads

The spider spent a few minutes gently swaying back and forth as its fangs made barely audible crackling sounds.

"Alright, it's about time we have our talk, don't you think?" Hao Xuan's voice came from a distance, alerting the dazed creature.

Its body suddenly lowered back down towards the ground and the several inches long hair on its legs and fangs wriggled in the air. Even without any eyes, it took less than 5 seconds to pinpoint Hao Xuan's location which was already over 200 meters away.

Its legs pulled inwards and it positioned itself in such a way that the only thing that could be seen from a distance was an oval rock in the moonlight. Slowly and without any sound whatsoever, it moved through the shadows and foliage until Hao Xuan, the hunter and the Scorpion King were a little more than 20 meters away.

All of its hair extended outwards, in the direction of each person one by one.

The first one to be targeted was the hunter who was groveling on the ground, talking through his snot and tears.

The second one was the Scorpion King. When the hair pointed towards him, all of them instantly wilted in less than a fraction of a second, but that was still too long.

The Scorpion King's giant body slowly turned around and he looked towards the spider's direction from the corner of his eyes.

His eyes focused on every single object within his sight but not finding anything out of order, he turned back around to look at the hunter.

The spider stayed still, unmoving for a full two minutes before slowly letting out its fangs again. This time its target was Hao Xuan and as soon as the hair pointed in his direction, they shuddered like an electric current had gone through them.

Its four fangs almost convulsing in merriment. As cautious as it was, when it saw Hao Xuan its beastly nature took over completely. It had never seen such a prey before. Even though it was scared of the Scorpion King, it still believed that its abilities would significantly shorten the gap between their powers.

It moved back and went into the treeline, circling around until it was only 7 meters away from Hao Xuan's back. Extremely slowly, it crawled at a snail's pace until there was no obstacle between itself and Hao Xuan.

And then it slowly raised its rock-like abdomen and pointed it towards Hao Xuan. A horizontal crack appeared that started expanding until it cleanly divided the abdomen in half. And then the rock-like skin pulled back, one half down and the other up.

When it was pulled back all the way, its abdomen resembled a boiled egg because of the jelly-like white texture.

The moonlight fell on its surface and was absorbed non-stop. About 20 seconds later a pattern slowly started to appear on the abdomen.

It was unintelligible by any human standards and looked like random doodles at first glance but then the pattern started moving around and ended up creating two semi-circles around a red dot that was connected to the two patterned semicircles through numerous small threads.

When inspected from afar, it would look like a giant eyeball. Only by examining closely would the pattern and threads become clear.

When the pattern solidified, the spider was finally able to see everything around. But what it could see what was vastly different from what a normal creature of heaven and earth would see.

In its vision, there were only two colors. Everything that was around it was painted in a greyish color, including the three beings in front of it.

And then there was a second color, a dark red. Threads as small as hair, countless in numbers were connected to each of the three in front and were going in every single direction.

The hunter had the fewest threads and the thinnest.

The Scorpion King had a few hundred more and a handful of them were as thick as kite strings.

But Hao Xuan had the most threads out of all of them. There were so many that his actual body wasn't even visible anymore among them.

And of them, there were tens of thousands that were thicker than yarn threads.

The spider's fangs moved up and down in delight as it looked at the bigger threads, its eye shifting between each one with greed.

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