The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 493 - Journey Home Continued

In less than ten minutes the formation disk teleported more than 50 times, each time getting a little closer to the Origin Planets. Within the next couple of minutes they would reach the solar system and with one final teleportation sequence, arrive on the beast world.

But while Elder Wusahing had focused all his attention on controlling the formation disk, one of the participants slowly opened his eyes, a teenager barely 16 years old.

His eyes were completely white without any pupils. The only thing of note were the wriggling red veins that interconnected with one another in a vague flower pattern with five petals. Each eye moved independently of the other shifting left and right before focusing on the back of Elder Wushing.

Uptil this point he had not noticed the boy's presence for it did not belong to any thing he or the hundreds of formations inside the formation disk could detect.

60 seconds later the space twisted and the formation disk appeared at the periphery of the solar system.

Near one of the 32 moons of the seventh origin planet, a several thousand-meter large palace floated in space. In one of its rooms, two men in their twenties sat in front of a revolving hologram.

They seemed bored as both of them were watching different videos on their spirit bands when a blue dot appeared on the hologram.

"Hmm? What's this?" one of them looked over upon noticing the dot.

A registered 'vessel' had arrived in the solar system but it was being blocked by interplanetary arrays. Only by getting permission from one of these outposts would it be able to pass through.

The other man glanced at it once and waved his hand nonchalantly.

"Oh, that's going to the Beast World, the temple already informed us. They are bringing back some students or something like that. Let them through."

The first man whose hair was tied in a bun, frowned.

"Really? Should I ask for confirmation just in case? That IS the protocol."

The second man shrugged like it was none of his business, "Dunno. It's on you if wanna, we have our orders."

The first man seemed troubled. This wasn't the first time something like this had happened but this one gave him a bad feeling.

He reached out and tapped on the dot.

"Incoming vessel, please confirm your destination."


He waited for 20 seconds but there was no response. He looked over towards the second man who was also sitting up straight now.

"Please Identify yourself or we will be forced to open fire," he warned but there was still no response.

The second man shook his head, "Are you crazy?? The hell's the matter with you?! Just let them through, what does it matter to us? We are just following orders."

"But still-"

"No buts! Do you want to lose this job? You have any idea how many people are waiting for you to make a mistake? Just do as you were told!"

"...fine," the first man finally gave in with a gloomy expression and tapped the dot one last time, "You are free to go."

The formation disk teleported once again and reappeared in the atmosphere of the Beast World.

In the NW part of the continent of Tertitum, a team of twenty people was standing idly around a largely empty stretch of land.

Most of these people seemed to be in their 30s to 40s, belonging to many different races. A majority of them had beastly features but looked human-like for the most part.

One of these was a 2-meter tall man with colorful feathers covering his thick arms that were several times the size of an ordinary person. On his shoulder sat a lady whose eyebrows had similarly colored feathers.

The lady was looking towards the Sky while sighing every few seconds.

"Hey Kyria, how much longer will it be?? I'm so bored~" she complained for the 10th time in as many minutes.

"Stop whining. They'll be here soon," the man replied while looking at his Spirit Band.

"But it's already been so long! Maybe they're not coming?"

"They are. They left 30 minutes ago. Taking into consideration the time to get through customs, they should be here any second. Just wait," he replied again but upon noticing the time, he became a bit worried.

"Elder Warin," he called out a hunched back old man who was just a few meters away from him looked over.

"Any news?"

The old man's face was covered in so many wrinkles that you couldn't tell where his eyes even were. He shook his head, "It should be arrivi-"

But before he could finish, the space twisted and the formation disk appeared on the empty land.

"See its here," the man named Kyria smiled and raised his foot to step forward but froze.


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