The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 452 - Leap Of Faith

Seeing as it was time, Dai Zhi cleared his throat and turned around to face the impatient crowd.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," with Nel and Aer standing beside him, he spoke up, quickly gathering the attention of all the hundred or so youngsters in front of him.

"You know why you were called so I won't waste too much time explaining. But for those that don't know, an outer tribe has brought it upon themselves to not only trespass on our planet, but also kidnap and kill many of our fellow members!"

His voice was loud and heard clearly by everyone present. These hormonal teenagers needed just these few empty words to fly into a rage and get their blood pumping. They didn't even blink when Dai Zhi called the planet theirs, even though they had just arrived here themselves.

"They have some guts."

"Do the seniors know about this? Is this allowed?"

"What does it matter? We'll kill all of them!" they talked back and forth, not hiding their interactions at all.

Dai Zhi smiled, "The 'Seniors' do know and consider it a part of the tournament now. You will get points from this as well so don't hold back."

All these people were from pretty well-off backgrounds and if everything went okay, they would join the Academy without any problems so to them, the higher-ups of the academy were already their seniors. To many, this was just a vacation.

"Hahaha, let's have some fun then!" a burly man raised his fists into the air, followed by a few others.

On the side was a young man silently watching them with knitted brows. He was one of the rare few that had managed to reach the city this time around after arriving here.

Micha (CH 369) only joined because many of the people he hung out with were going. He had only been in the city for less than 24 hours when Dai Zhi called for them and he came answering as well.

Even though he had only recovered about 70% of his cultivation by now with the city's help, it was enough to not lag too far behind in this group of silver-spooned young masters.

As usual, the participants were mainly divided into two groups. One belonged to the Kingdoms and Empires, consisting of many Princes and Princesses. The second group was of cultivation families.

Dai Zhi was one of the rare individuals that belonged to both of these groups since he was a Crown prince of a 1st-grade power and a personal disciple of a powerful expert from the Academy. Micha also had a similar background with his family nurturing many great warriors.

As compared to the first group, he was in a much better situation. Not to mention he wasn't so easily riled up.

So he kept his head down and stayed near the back, keeping a low profile.

Dai Zhi suddenly laughed loudly, "Haha that's what I like to hear! Show these monsters how we do things on the Beast World!"

"Hell Yeah!!"

"Let's go!!"

"Good, follow me!" Dai Zhi finished and turned back around to face sea of clouds underneath. He took one step forward and fell straight down, disappearing into the white 'sea'.

Nel and Aer followed right behind him, falling down in a similar lifeless manner.

Suddenly the surroundings quietened down. The others looked at each other with some hesitation apparent on their faces. They had all arrived here together on a flying beast and landed directly on top of the mountain peak so they had no idea how high up they actually were. Even for them jumping from too great a height would not end well, especially since they didn't know what was waiting for them underneath.

It was at this point that Dima stepped out of the crowd.

"Worry not fellow cultivators, Senior Dai Zhi would never do anything to hurt his friends," he said amicably and with a slight running start, jumped down as well.

After him were some other people that looked like they had seen some blood that jumped down at once. Only the first group was left here now which had about 40 or so people. Micha sighed looking at them. These future kings and queens were so afraid that they couldn't even take a single step. If they couldn't do something like this, how would they rule over entire Kingdoms in the future that required so much more of them?

"It looks like our downfall is imminent..." Micha mumbled under his breath before walking out. He knew much more than others and knew of the whispers floating around.

He looked back at the crowd of his peers disappointedly and jumped. 'At least I'm better than you guys,' he thought.

The cloud layer was about 30 meters down and pretty soon he fell in with a whooshing sound. After a couple of seconds, his vision became clear as he came out of the other side and saw the scenery below.

Below him, at about 700 meters away was a small body of water that was constantly getting bigger and bigger.

His pupils constricted to the size of pinholes and his right eye twitched.

"What the fuck is this HEIGHT!" he yelled.

They were all in the spirit realm and weren't able to fly yet so falling from such a distance could definitely be fatal!

"Oh my god, why did I have to act cool!"

The lake came closer and closer until it was only a 150 meters away.. Micha circulated his Qi and channeled every bit of it into his defensive barrier that looked like a giant hexagon.

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