The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 434 - Arrival Continued (2)

Hao Xuan kept a distance of about fifteen meters from them and watched without making a move. 'This could be a trap, I mean as soon as I land I see a mortal being chased by a beast? Kind of a cliche isn't it?' he thought inwardly.

He would only make a move if there was absolutely no other option.

Hao Xuan watched the tubby man fumble through the forest, being as clueless as he possibly could be. It looked like he was a city dweller that had never even seen a tree up close.

After about five to six minutes, the naked feline beast had had enough. It didn't find any enjoyment in toying with the ''human'.

It landed in front of the man and swung both its tails in a circle, sending him flying away into a tree. With a 'bam' the tree trunk caved in slightly. Even Hao Xuan was surprised by how powerful that seemingly gentle tail swipe was.


'He should be dead...'

There was no way a normal person would be able to survive such an impact. It was like getting hit head-on by a bus. But to his surprise, the man's body twitched and he raised his left hand in front of him.

"K-Kityy....b-be good!" he spoke stiffly, clutching onto his abdomen with the right hand. Hao Xuan's brows furrowed for a couple of reasons.

One, he understood him perfectly. He was told that the people here spoke a language similar to one found on beast world, but Hao Xuan could understand him perfectly.

Secondly, how he spoke sounded like a child. The vocabulary was what one would hear from someone that was still learning to speak properly.

The beast growled from both its heads. Drool dripped down along its jaws and onto the ground, burning the old leaves and branches. Apparently it was strongly acidic in nature.

"B-Bad kitty!" the man spoke, stammering at every other word.

Hao Xuan stood in the shadows and watched, but there was nothing out of ordinary. If he did not intervene, this person was going to be eaten alive.

"Fine then," Hao Xuan mumbled to himself.

He tapped lightly on the branch and jumped into the air. The beast heard a wooshing sound and quickly moved several feet away, its back against a tree.

Hao Xuan landed squarely between the creature and the stammering man.

"Shoo now, piss off," he waved at the creature. The fact that it wasn't able to detect him until now was proof enough that it wasn't very strong, so he wasn't scared of it.

The feline beast looked at Hao Xuan with squinted eyes, looking him up and down. He looked much healthier than the other person but was giving off a dangerous aura.


It hissed in a low voice. One head was still looking at Hao Xuan while the other observed the surroundings.

Hao Xuan smiled, "It's just me, don't worry. Come on now, go away. I just got here, don't make me dirty my hands," he said once again. For some reason, he always saw these beasts as individuals rather than mindless creatures. But that didn't really stop him from killing them or any humans.

The creature looked at Hao Xuan dead in the eyes. It's vertical pupils constricting every now and then.

It seemed to be around late in the evening. The sun was slowly going down and a cool wind blew through the silent forest. It was eerily quiet.

Hao Xuan's smile faded as he saw the look in the creature's eye. It was that of a predator that had found its next prey. It was waiting for the sun to go down, keeping its distance till then.

His face expressionless, Hao Xuan couldn't help but feel angry at the thing. If he so wanted, he could've killed it in one go. But he showed kindness and gave it a way out.

"Maybe you really are mindless..." he said plainly.

Right now Hao Xuan had his guard up. Not because of the beast, but because of the strange feeling he was getting from this place. The coldness from before still hadn't gone away and he started to feel a deep discomfort. It wasn't anything special, just a feeling.

A feeling that said he should not stay here for too long.

"This place is not for you," it said.

A gust of wind blew along the forest floor, bringing with it brown leaves and a rotting stench. The last of the sun's rays fell behind the thick canopy and a darkness swiftly overtook the gloomy forest.

The stench was actually too much and he couldn't help but cover his nose. It was just for an instant that he was distracted but in that single moment, the feline beast disappeared.

Without a single sound it appeared behind Hao Xuan. Its maws opened wide and bit down. One aiming for his head and the other for his abdomen.

But before it could do so, a black shadow passed before its eyes. The world turned upside down and the last thing it saw was its own body separated in two.

With a light muffled sound, the creature's heads fell a few feet away from Hao Xuan. A pair of black draconic wings had come out of Hao Xuan's back. One of them blocked the beast's body while the other cut straight through like a hot knife through butter.

"Piece of trash, making me waste my time," Hao Xuan spat on the ground and turned around to face the man that was still sitting there lifelessly.

His eyes opened and closed, it seemed like he was losing consciousness. There was a pool of blood under him.

With some effort, he raised his head and looked at Hao Xuan who was now standing over him with his giant wings.

"An...angel...hehe.." he laughed weakly and his body went limp.

Hao Xuan's brows creased up as he quickly bent down and felt for the man's pulse. It was weak but still there.

"Oi oi, hold on, don't die on me!" Hao Xuan picked him up in his arms and quickly left the area.

He jumped from one tree to another, crossing hundreds of meters in a matter of minutes.

A few minutes after Hao Xuan left the area, a thick fog slowly rolled in from nowhere. Tides upon tides of white fog covered everything on the ground.

The fog reached the feline creature's corpse and covered it completely. Some crunching and cracking noises came from under the blanket of fog and a figure slowly rose once again. It was the same beast. Its heads had been reattached, leaving a conspicuous mark along the necks. Other than that it looked completely normal.

The only noticeable difference was in its eyes. They were completely white, without any pupils at all. That and its chest which was heaving up and down before with every breath was now deadly still.

It stood in place without moving for several minutes while minute tendrils came out of the fog and entered its body.. When that was done, it casually turned towards a random direction and started running.

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