The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 389 - Gou Yang Part 2

Hao Xuan almost jumped out of his skin hearing that voice and abruptly turned around to face its owner.

Ryfon also turned to face him with a scowl.

"Henrik, I see you still aren't taking this training seriously."

Hao Xuan took another look at Henrik. Now he somewhat looked like a man.

His long blond hair came down to his chest. He was about 6.2 feet tall with a slender physique. There was not a single bulging muscle anywhere on his body which along with his face that would put most 'heavenly beauties' to shame, made him look quite feminine. His extremely long, pointy ears were proof of his thick elvish bloodline.

He actually looked more like an elf than Ryfon himself, who carried the direct bloodline of the Elf King.

It wasn't Hao Xuan's fault that he mistook him for a girl. Henrik was a famous personality in the Academy and even the city. Because of his looks, most men usually kept a distance from him while women went crazy just hearing his name.

Henrik Biric was very famous in the city and was the official face and spokesperson of the Biric Clan's younger generation. He was 160 years old this year and was known to have a somewhat impulsive personality. He was rude to most people regardless of age, cultivation, or social standing.

Most of the younger generation loved him while the older folks didn't want anything to do with him. He was also a pretty famous flirt, almost dying several times after being caught 'in the act'.

"Haha, cousin knows me too well," Henrik didn't even try to hide anything and sheepishly grinned instead.

Ryfon's scowl deepened and he swiftly made a fist and landed it squarely on Henrik's head, making him stagger back several steps.

Ryfon's expression turned ugly as he looked at Henrik through squinted eyes.

"You little sh*t, the next batch enters in a month. If you don't have your Law refined by then I will personally whip in you in front of all your friends!"

Henrik rubbed the area where Ryfon's punch landed earlier and an even wider grin decorated his face.

"Cousin, don't threaten me with a good time!" he said shyly and looked away. His acting was top notch.

The four individuals standing behind them tried their best to contain themselves but couldn't help letting out stifled laughs.

Even Hao Xuan was taken aback by his "unique" response and cleared his throat to stop himself from laughing out loud.

Ryfon's face turned slightly red from embarrassment and he opened his mouth to berate him but in the end, stopped. With a deep sigh, he looked away.

"1 month, that's till when you have. And this is Hao Xuan, everything he says is coming from me directly. Help him out with anything he needs and take care of him."

It looked like this Henrik was too much to deal with even for Ryfon and he simply didn't want to bother with it anymore.

He looked at Hao Xuan, his expression one of remorse for some reason.

"Come, I'll introduce you to Guo Yang."

Hao Xuan gave another meaningful look to Henrik who winked back in response, giving him goosebumps. He took a stride forward and followed after Ryfon.

They walked for about five more minutes and reached the periphery of a new area. They were in the desert but the ground in front of them was crushed into fine dust. The boundary between the two areas was so neat and precise that it felt like someone had made it with a machine.

"Hoh, we came in at a good time, looks like he is refining his Laws even now," Ryfon murmured and bent down to pick up a handful of 'sand'.

Ryfon raised his foot and stepped into the new area and started walking towards a small hill in front of them, about 60 meters away which was their destination.

But when Hao Xuan entered the area he felt a repulsive force trying to push him back out. He tried his best to force his way in with brute force but even with his strength that was enough to stop a charging train dead in its tracks, he couldn't do anything.

He looked up towards Ryfon who was already 10 meters in.

'Qi then?'

One by one he started circulating the Qi's from different meridians and only when the Force Qi coursed through his veins did the repulsive force lessen significantly.

Hao Xuan bit down and used the Force Qi to push away the incoming repulsive force, slowly making his way towards the hill. Unfortunately, the closer he got to it, the stronger the repulsive force became.

14 meters was the most he could achieve. Sweat poured down the side of his face as he used everything at his disposal but couldn't move even an inch forward. It was like a normal human being pushing against a concrete wall.

Ryfon had stopped at the 20-meter mark and he was looking at Hao Xuan expressionlessly. When Hao Xuan had given up, he snapped his fingers and the force vanished like it was never there.

He walked over and picked him up. Hao Xuan was breathing heavily and was drenched in sweat from top to bottom.

"I wanted you to experience this first hand. This is Guo Yang's law. Laws are like the rules of this limited space, no one can go against them. Only another law of the same tier and comprehension can counter it, if the cultivator is good enough that is."

He held Hao Xuan's arm and walked with him up the hill while explaining.

"This is the difference between a cultivator that has comprehended Laws and one that hasn't. No matter what type of energy you have inside your body until it evolves into a Law you are still far too weak. Your one and only goal is to evolve at least one law here before you go into the tournament, otherwise, it's useless."

By the time he finished speaking, they were already at the top.

The hill was only about 30 meters tall and looked man-made. At the summit, they saw one man sitting crosslegged with his eyes closed. He was serenely floating a foot above the ground but the environment around him was going crazy.

There were tens of small and large rocks revolving around him in different radii. Some were as small as a few inches while others were bigger than cars. Every single one of them revolved at the exact same speed no matter how far the distance from him.

There was a strange low hum coming from each of the rocks, it sounded like they were vibrating as well.

"Yo, as diligent as ever I see," Ryfon suddenly shouted and quite loudly at that, but there was no change in the motion of the rocks.

Ryfon seemed impressed. He snapped his finger and all the rocks came to an abrupt halt. The man sitting in the middle slowly opened his eyes and stood up.

Hao Xuan looked at him up and down. So this was Guo Yang, the Holy Son of the Divine Temple!

He wasn't 'pretty' like Henrik or handsome like Ryfon, but there was a strange grace in his movements, in his very being, something that made people want to be close to him.

There was an insignia of a crescent moon in the middle of his forehead, gently radiating a very dim white light. He had short, black hair and wore a very simple white shirt with black pants. He looked more like a scholar than a fighter.

"Senior brother, I was waiting for you," Guo Yang let out a smile that was not a smile and clenched his fists.

Ryfon expected him to say that and was ready. He pushed Hao Xuan back, "Watch carefully," he mumbled solemnly and started walking towards Gou Yang.

"What are yo-"

"Oiii~, its starting! Hurry up!"

Hao Xuan heard a shout from behind him, cutting him off. He turned around and saw 6 figures came running up the hill. They stopped right next to Hao Xuan. They all seemed quite excited.

"Oh this is gonna be fun! Finally, someone will teach brother a lesson!"

Gou Min shouted. Gou Min was Gou Yang's younger brother by 3 years but didn't look like it. He had a mustache, a large muscular build, and was just a few inches shorter than Hao Xuan himself, coming up to his ears.

He looked like a man in his early thirties while Gou Yang looked like a 20 something artist that wandered in here by complete accident.

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