The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 361 - Voices


The scorpion king stood on the gargoyles back, ripping off one of its stony wings with his bare hands. The gargoyle was trying its best to fight back but there was no competition to speak off. It was afraid of going into the battle so the result was already determined.

Ensis's hand that was placed over the black sword's handle shook every now and then, and with every shake, a pirate would die, sometimes several. No one could see how he attacked, let alone avoid it. He casually walked through the battlefield taking lives one after another without the slightest change in expression.

Monk towered over even the biggest beastman, instilling fear into their very hearts from just a single look. His right hands (Plural, since he has two arms on each side) gripped a spear of at least 5 meters of length, and in his left was a sickle with which he hooked any unsuspecting victims, tearing them in half with brute strength.

Hao Xuan was once again standing in the middle of all this bloodshed with closed eyes. He was facing the sky as a light drizzle fell down through the broken barrier. His ears were constantly twitching and occasionally he would move his head left and right as if listening to someone, and he was.

He could hear voices in the air, whispers. Some loud, some too soft to even understand. Most didn't make sense but a few did.


The cawing of crows was the loudest one followed by a few voices that were audible.

"I once saw the other side of the universe. Everyone there was a copy of us, but they had no souls. Their eyes were as dark as the blackest black, absorbing everything within. They always stare at us no matter where we are or what we're doing, waiting for an opportunity to take us. I fear they may already be here..."

The sound of a man's raving came into his ears. He sounded very concerned and completely believed what he was saying. It sounded like he was talking to someone but Hao Xuan could only hear first.

Soon after came other voices. A sound of a little girl talking this time.

"I saw a place that sometimes exists and sometimes doesn't. It is everywhere, yet nowhere. You can always find it but...never get out of it. Do you want to see? Hehe..."

It was like she was trying to convince someone.

The next one was the quarreling of a younger and an older man. Hao Xuan felt like they were telling a story.

"I once saw a serpent in the depths of the abyss. It was bigger than reality itself, so much so that we could all fit into one of its scales. It was trying to eat its own tail but could never finish. It is still there and one day when it does eat itself, we will all cease to exist," said the old man.

"No no, how could that be true?", the younger man retorted. "Nothing is real in the first place so how could we cease to exist? This is all but a dream. Its something we made up to keep us from thinking of the inky truth. That nothing is real. Not us, not this world. There is only darkness. That's why it is our first memory and will be the last one as well. Hahaha!"


The cawing came again and the voices slowly died down. A bout of silence followed after, albeit momentarily.



The clanking of chains followed by a low growl of a beast. A monster! A sleeping monster. A chained monster.

A cold tingling sensation went down Hao Xuan's spine, prompting him to forcefully open his eyes.

The first thing he saw was a dark, cloudy sky above, pregnant with lightning and thunder.

Then he felt the cold raindrops on his skin, and then something warm in his left hand. He looked down and saw himself holding a spine, a human spine. There was a body just below his feet.

He looked up and saw a few unfamiliar faces. He was in the middle and there were two groups facing off against one another to his left and right. The left group had a few familiar faces, Alte and his people. There was a giant creature at the front with the skull of a beast as a head.

It was looking straight at Hao Xuan with literal fire in its eyes. It looked...surprised?

Next to him were three girls. Two of them were looking away while covering their mouths while the third one, the prettiest of them all, she had an intoxicating smile on her lovely face.

She was biting her lip, enjoying herself. She was looking at him like a hungry wolf.

There were a few other people beside them, all exuding powerful auras.

To his right were a group of hooded figures. Only the one in the front was showing his face and it was plastered with shock. His eyes were open wide as he stared at Hao Xuan's hand and then at the dead body below his feet.

Hao Xuan looked behind him and saw all his severs standing there at full alert. He looked towards Ensis, confused.


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