The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 331 - New Deal

In a closed-off room, somewhere deeper underground stood a group of people in front of a dusty fountain that was slowly filling up with a bubbling black liquid.

"Did you find them?" Uthyr asked the hooded figures kneeling in front of her.

"Yes mistress, they are outside the storage area. I fear they may be thinking of attacking it," the figure at the very front replied.

"Hmm," Uthyr rubbed her chin in deep thought. The leading figure hesitated once before asking, "S-Should we stop them?"

"Hmm? Oh yes, go and get them for me," Uthyr waved her hand thoughtlessly, almost like shooing them away.

They didn't wait around either and left with hurried steps. A minute or two after they left she slowly turned around faced the black liquid. She extended her right hand over the liquid but faltered. It was clear she wasn't sure about something and was having second thoughts.

She stayed like that for a good 20 minutes or so, standing above the fountain with a raised hand before finally making a move. Using a knife in her other hand she cut open her right hand and squeezed, letting a few blood drops fall into the black liquid.


The frequency of the bubbles in the black liquid saw a sudden jumped and within a few seconds more than 20 bubbles came up to the surface and popped at once. A dark fog was released from these bubbles which slowly took a vague shape.

5 white eyes, 2 pairs of nostrils, and 4 horns were the only clearly visible features on this beastly 'face'.


A plethora of deep voices thundered inside Uthyr's mind, making her take a few steps back. It sounded like a few hundred people had spoken all at once, their voices making her knees go weak and she fell to the ground helplessly.

It sounded like the hissing of snakes, the crying of children, the breaking of glass and wind howling, but all at once. Several of these voices were speaking in a completely foreign language that Uthyr could not understand at all.

"Your humble servant requests a meeting with the Great Seeing One!" she spoke as humbly as she possibly could, kowtowing in front of it.

All 5 eyes focused in on her, making her break out in cold sweat. The eyes moved up and down her body like they could see through everything and stopped on her chest.

"You have the mark of that rotting lizard. What possible reason could a slave of his have to contact me?"

"My lord, my king, I seek the Seeing One's help. Lord Ra has all but abandoned us, leaving us stranded in this accursed place. Please, my Lord, help us!"


All 5 eyes opened so wide that they couldn't believe what they were hearing.

"HAHAHA~" a burst of roaring laughter came from nowhere, echoing in the closed chamber.

"You wish me to...."help" you people??" the voices asked, trying their best to speak through the laughter.

"Yes, my lord!" Uthyr seemed determined and didn't back down at all. She was covered in a cold sweat from head to toe but she still didn't stop talking.

"We have a lot of ancestral essences here which has been accumulating for millions of years. It will all be yours if you can just help my people!"

The laughter froze and silence fell over the chamber.

"This ancestral essence you speak it the same thing as I think it is?"

"Yes Lord," she replied quickly.

The white eyes stared at her for a few seconds before continuing.

"Show me."

Uthyr put her hand in her gown and took a small glass bottle filled with the purple liquid. She opened the top and emptied it inside the fountain. It was absorbed by the black liquid in an instant. The 5 white eyes closed for a few seconds, almost like they were cherishing the taste of something extremely delicious. before opening back up once again.

"It really is it!" it sounded surprised. "How much of it do you have?" it followed up hurriedly.

"Entire rivers of it my lord," she answered, making the eyes squint in delight.

"Rejoice, mortal, I will speak to the Great Seeing One on your behalf."

"Your slave thanks you my lord," she kowtowed once again, banging her head on the floor until she was bloody.

The head seemed like it liked what it had seen and gave one last look before disappearing into thin air.

Uthyr stayed in that position for a few minutes before getting back up. There were bloodstains on her face and looked much paler than before.

"Greedy creature," she mumbled under her breath, cleaned herself up, and walked out after fixing herself up.

From these events, it was clear Uthyr had another plan than simply serving Ra for the rest of her life. Perhaps she was also trying to help out her people, albeit in a different way.


Hao Xuan and Jin Wang were hiding in a corner looking into a massive cavern. In the middle was a lake, or maybe it could be classified as an ocean with its current size.

It was completely purple in color and there were several rivers of the same stuff coming in from several different directions. and joining it.

"Sh*t, there's a lot more here than I thought," Jin Wang mumbled looking at the 5,000 or so people surrounding the river from all sides.

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