The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 312 - Cover

"This isn't looking good."

Jin Wang looked back and saw the tens of thousands of beasts coming straight towards them.

"Yeah, we're not gonna outrun that horde at this speed," he commented. The situation's seriousness was apparent from his somber tone.

Hao Xuan turned towards him hopefully.

"You got any ideas?"

Jin Wang shook his head.

"Not much we can do at this point other than the obvious."

Hao Xuan let out a helpless sigh.

"I was afraid you were gonna say that."

The obvious Jin Wang was talking about was each of them taking turns and attacking the beasts below. Because as it were, the first wave of the horde constituted of the literal creepy crawlers that lived in this cliff.

These were relatively small 10 to 300-meter long bug-type beasts.

The cliff was almost a world of its own. It went on for god knows how long and even this supermassive tornado that could wreak havoc even in the kingdom of Mei wouldn't be able to do anything to it.

The cliff's environment was scarce in both the number of resources and their variety. There was barely any vegetation and ones that did grow here were even more deadly than these beasts.

Still, many beasts called this cliff their home and their hunting ground. They were the fastest at climbing it and hence were at the forefront. They were also the most brutal ones since they had to compete with one another for food on a daily basis.

All the creatures that called the cliff their home had a few similar characteristics. They had extremely long and sharp claws that helped them traverse the cliff wall.

They had almost inexhaustible stamina.

They had extremely fast sprinting speeds which could be maintained for several hours at a time even.

And they were ferocious to the point of being categorized as demonic creatures.

And if these creatures managed to reach the squishy little lizards and the humans riding on top of them, they would become their mid-sprint snack in an instant.

The tornado was still almost a hundred kilometers away but the air pressure was already starting to increase. The winds were picking up more and more and it was getting hard to even see properly.

"I'll take first turn," Jin Wang shouted. Hao Xuan nodded and stooped down, pulling Fortis who was dangling off his head and placed him in his shirt.

Fortis's cheeks swelled up in indignation as he protested and tried to climb back out, "Noo~, I wanna see the big wind!"

"The big wind will take your dumb ass away, stay inside for now!" Hao Xuan retorted while pushing him back inside.

Fortis whipped his tentacles around, slapping Hao Xuan in the face, "NO! YOU!"

Hao Xuan's face instantly changed colors.

"You little sh-"


An explosion took place a few dozen meters behind them, shutting both of them up. Hao Xuan turned to see Jin Wang standing straight up on his Lizard's back as it was sprinting up the cliff at full speed.

In his hand was a steel hammer that very much resembled a mallet, only this one had blue flames surrounding it.

Whenever Jin Wang swung it around a fireball would be shot out. It would impact with the cliff wall below them and break off huge pieces of rock.

Due to the high winds, these rocks were hurled left and right at even faster speeds. For the smaller creatures, just a simple brush was enough to be sent flying away, for the bigger ones it slowed them down a fair bit.

Jin Wang continued like this for 20 minutes straight before he got tired. He looked over at Hao Xuan and waved his hand, telling him to take his place.

Hao Xuan didn't do anything fancy. He simply waved his hand every few seconds and round glass bottles would be flung towards the beast horde. Sometimes they would light things on fire, sometimes they would melt the cliff wall, sometimes they would release poisonous gas.

These were hundreds of potions Hao Xuan had bought from the military store on his way out. He didn't even check what their uses were and simply bought 20 of each type.

You could say that only someone of his financial status would be using such expensive potions and tonics just to slow down the beast horde.

He continued this for 30 minutes straight before he ran out of the entire stockpile and then opted to use the glaive. He channeled Force Qi and started swinging it around.

With every swing a yellow 'sword glow' (check authors notes) imbued with the force Qi was shot out. It would explode with the force of several sticks of dynamite and have the same effect of slowing them down.

Unfortunately, even though they managed to slow these bug type beasts, the larger ground beasts simply ignored the attacks and continued. The distance closed between them until they were just a couple of hundred meters away.



A lightning strike hit a part of the cliff wall, breaking it into several large pieces that fell started rolling down.

"CAREFUL!" Hao Xuan shouted towards Jin Wang who reacted quickly and moved towards him, pushing his lizard to the left and barely avoiding a piece of debris that came flying out from the tornado.

Hao Xuan looked around with wide eyes. He didn't even see it coming and if he was hit by it, it would've been the end for him.

"Dear god, we need to get out of this," he mumbled to himself.


Thunder boomed again, lightning strikes impacting with a few other places around them and several of the beasts. Jin Wang looked over at Hao Xuan.

"We have to take cover, try to find a hole or something!"


Authors Notes:

The sword glow doesn't mean the glow from a sword, but the 'wave' you would see in animes and other media from swinging any weapon.. Naming it after each weapon sounded weird, so this was it.

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