The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 213 - Valley Continued 7

A few hours ago, inside Poriverses's base.

"Poor creature..."

Hao Xuan looked at the last Amicus and sighed. He truly felt bad for the creature.

"System, create a portable device and move your entire framework into it."

Poriverse had spent a long time building this AI system. It wasn't very well suited for combat but it did have exceptional intelligence, and how could it not? It was built by one of the smartest beings in existence at the time.

Other than actually having Poriverse himself beside him as an assistant, this was the next best thing.

The most important thing on the entire planet was this. The AI system made by Poriverse himself for the purpose of keeping everything running after his demise.

"Acknowledged. Please define perimeters," the mechanical voice said.

Hao Xuan took out a pen and pencil from his storage ring and drew a watch, "Something like this. It should be secure and sturdy enough to handle everything thrown at it. Give it a battery big enough for several years, or something that recharges on its own."

"Perimeters accepted."

"Do you have everything you need for it?"

"Affirmative. The raw resources in containment unit two will be more than enough to produce the device."

"Great. How long is it gonna take?"

"ETA: 10 minutes."

"Damn, alright, go ahead," Hao Xuan beamed happily.


"Querry: There are enough resources available to produce a trial version of the user's device with the ability to act both as a storage and a communication device. Continue?"

A picture of Hao Xuan's spirit band and storage ring was projected on the screen ahead.

"Combine the two?" he frowned, but the answer was obvious. Whatever an AI this advanced recommended was probably better than anything he could come up with.

"Sure, go ahead. Do you need these two?" he said talking about the band and storage rings on his hand.

"Negative; All blueprints are available."

"Alright, go ahead. How long is this now?"

"ETA: 30 minutes"

"Confirmed. Do it!"


Hao Xuan had a satisfied smile on his face. The rewards from this journey were stupendously good. He got a head full of information, a personal AI assistant, Blood inheritances of a Nephilim, and everything that was stored in the 2nd compartment. Not to mention a space monster of unknown origin.

'Wait...maybe it could work...'

"Oi!" he shook his head up and down, startling the little octopus that was contently chewing on his hair like bubblegum.

"WHAT?!" Fortis's raging squeaks came from above as he angrily slumped down to look at Hao Xuan's face.

"The thing in the first room, the little container, can you pick it up and suppress it?"


Fortis's anger turned to confusion as he tried to remember what Hao Xuan was talking about.

"Tsk, this thing!" he walked out and stood in front of the first containment unit.

"System, open door to containment unit one."


Fortis looked up with furrowed brows, making his little chubby face even cuter. He got down from Hao Xuan's head and extended one tentacle into the containment field before turning around and looking at Hao Xuan.

"Can! Can eat!"

"Eat? No, no eat! Just keep it safe until I need it again!" he quickly clarified.

Fortis looked like he was in deep thought for a second before nodding.

"Mhm, can do, but then can't eat anything else!"

"Again with the eating, just suppress it!" Hao Xuan repeated himself.

"Un Un" Fortis bobbed his head up and down, "Fortis suppress in tummy!" he rubbed his stomach.

"...fine, I guess. But I'm gonna need it back so don't....digest it...?"


He happily walked into the containment unit and walked out a second later. The barrier around the unit receded back into the walls.

Hao Xuan could actually feel Fortis's energy level drop significantly. He also looked a bit bloated.

"H-Hey, if it's too much then just throw it out or eat it completely, don't do it if you feel uncomfortable."

Fortis jumped back up on Hao Xuan's head, "Not hurt, Fortis keep it!" he patted his chest proudly.

Hao Xuan could only sigh in response.

"If it's not a problem then."

Soon the device was done. It looked like a normal watch back from earth, only that it was completely black with a shiny exterior. As he picked it up, a small needle came out of it and pricked his finger, absorbing a droplet of blood.

The watch's strap which was complete metal opened up and small mechanical legs like those of a centipede appeared. Hao Xuan wasn't expecting that and almost jerked his hand out of instinct to get it off of him.

It went over to his storage rings, the dial's bottom opened up and literally ate the storage rings one by one.


Then it walked over to his spirit band and did the same to it before taking its place on his left hand.

"Um, system, please tell me everything in the storage rings is okay...."


The system's voice came from the watch.

Hao Xuan closed his eyes and concentrated. Very quickly a link was formed between him and the watch. He could feel absolutely massive amounts of space inside it. It was about a dozen square kilometers in size.

Previously he carried several different rings to be able to have everything he needed but with this much space, nothing else was needed.

His sight fell on the mounds of equipment and materials in one corner of the space. Apparently, the system had taken the liberty of transferring everything from Containment unit two as well as the Nephilim's container into the ring as well.

Hao Xuan was impressed.

"Alright, open the teleportation portal. Send me as close as possible to this lifeform. Also, start the self destruct protocol. Destroy everything as soon as I'm off the planet."

"Command accepted."


Several hours later.

The electric barrier was up so none of the undead could even get close.

The undead were creatures of Yin and darkness. Unless they were 'awakened' beings and had gained sentience, their one and only weakness would be Yang elements like fire and lightning.

This was one of the solutions that the 'System' came up with.

"Oi, can you open up this barrier?" he asked Fortis telepathically who was hiding in his shirt.



Hao Xuan squinted so hard that his eyes turned into slits, "And who the f*ck might you be?"

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