The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 150 - Horde Part 6

"Hmm? What stream?" she asked with a frown.

"This!" Yun Wentian clicked on his spirit band and a hologram of Galena and the seven gigantic beasts with an army of smaller ones appeared.

"Send me the link," Xu Qing asked with a sigh. Even though she could see shapes and vague images with the help of her Spirit energy, she was not able to see holograms and such immaterial things.

She got the link from Wentian and logged in and finally saw the scene for herself. Her spirit band was different and would send the information directly to her brain, not eyes. That's why she was able to 'see' them.

She gasped as soon as everything became clear. Each of those seven creatures was bigger than Galena's city wall and could simply walk over it if need be. From previous conversations with Hao Xuan, she knew Galena was only a third-grade city and did not have the necessary manpower to defend against things of this magnitude.

She gave Xin Qiye back to Anya and stood up, "Sister, I have to go talk to someone," she said quickly before storming out of the house with Yun Wentian.

Anya wanted to say something but Xu Qing was gone before she had the chance to. Instead, she dialed First's number and called him angrily, "What are your people doing? Why is brother Hao fighting against a horde by himself?!"

Xu Qing walked out of the house to find Green standing there waiting for her beside a huge carriage. She quickly got in, "Back home, I need to talk to brother Yangdi!"

"Yes mistress," Green bowed respectfully and got on as well.

Ever since Xu Qing had taken charge of things while Hao Xuan was away, they had started calling her mistress. Even though she was against it, Hao Xuan himself never said anything about it so they continued calling her that. To them, Hao Xuan was their savior, and Xu Qing was someone close to him so even if they weren't romantically involved 'right now', it wasn't their place to question such things.


Back in Galena, everyone was marching towards the castle in long lines. The guards and Mad Saints were maintaining order while the civilians followed their commands.

"Sir, it has started," Cav's voice came through the badge.

"Good, activate the defense formation at full power," Hao Xuan replied. The Horde was still about a kilometer away but for beasts of this level, that would barely even take a minute.


Eight rows of thick golden chains that seemed to be made out of light came rushing out from the castle in the middle of the city. They reached the city walls and connected with them in each of the eight directions as small symbols on the wall lit up, making it look like a Christmas tree.

The entire wall glowed with these symbols and runes as they moved around like fish in the water. Each symbol connected with the other with small yellow threads and a bubble formed above the entire city, not leaving a single area uncovered. (Author notes)

The barrier shimmered in the dark night like a candle's flame about to go out. It was visible for thousands of kilometers and even some of the other city's could see it with a telescope.

Right now on the wall stood less than 20 people in total. This included only the top management.

"You guys know the plan," Hao Xuan looked at the different faces all around him.

"You guys will lead them towards the nearest grade two city while trying to protect as many people as possible. Obviously, not everyone will make it through the long journey so women, children and the sick come first. Then the elderly and after that the able-bodied men."

"Arm each of them as best as possible and leave it to the guards to keep the peace. The Mad Saints will protect the front and back, while guards protect the flanks. Any questions?"

This plan was already pre-approved by the civilian leaders and Hao Xuan and co. There wasn't much else to do at this point. They were going to use a hidden passageway in the castle to directly leave the confounds of the city and come out from behind a mountain about 2 kilometers away.

Cav had already cleared the passageway and expanded it multiple times with the help of other saints.

"Go, you know what to do," Hao Xuan looked at Kuo.

Kuo frowned, "But what about you captain?"

Hao Xuan shook his head, "That Griffin has been looking at me ever since it got here. If I just up and disappear, it will make it cautious. Just give me the control for the last phase of the plan and leave. I will stay here until the formation breaks and then escape towards Fortuna."

"Something weird is going on. It's not normal that there hasn't been any response from HQ at all, you need to be careful," he patted Kuo's shoulder.

Kuo turned around and looked at the massive Sanguine Griffin. It was indeed looking straight at Hao Xuan with its lantern-like eyes.

He turned back to look at Hao Xuan and sighed. It had only been a year or so since they first met and he already was a more resolute man than him.

"Yes," he bowed and saluted Hao Xuan before walking down the stairs. Hash and Maddy did the same.

Aria, and co. didn't move and stood behind him. He turned around to look at them with a raised eyebrow.

"We are your personal guards. How could we leave like this?" Luke chimed in when he saw Aria staring straight at Hao Xuan without saying a word.

"There are hundreds of thousands of civilians about to journey through the wild jungles filled with beasts and monsters, and you want to stay here and protect a single person? Remember our oath! Go, now. I can handle things here. I need you guys to protect the people so I can fight- escape without it weighing on my conscience," he replied sternly, leaving them no chance to retort.

"GO! This is an order from your leader!" he shouted with furrowed brows when they still didn't move. Zhurong woke up from his nap and quickly jumped into Hao Xuan's arms before falling asleep once again.

Mia looked at the little fluff ball one last time before jumping down. The others all did the same, only Aria still remained.


"Why are you not leaving? Do I really have to knock you out and send you with the-?" he asked threateningly but Aria cut in before he could finish.

"I know you're from earth."

Hao Xuan was surprised by her sudden proclamation but then smiled, "And? It's not that big of a secret. Many people know that," he lied.

"Why are you going so far for these people? Do you know how many earthlings died from that beast wave when we came here? They could have easily protected us but chose not to. We are still second class citizens here. For a normal person from earth, it is not easy to do anything in this world," she asked with a never before seen serious look on her face. Normally she was quiet and didn't speak much but now she seemed very aggressive.

Hao Xuan looked at her silently with a confused expression, "You were not like this before. Why the sudden change in behavior?"

"I saw the world for what it really was. People like me were 'allowed' such positions because they wanted to set an example that we could be like them as well, but it's not true. There is something wrong with them."

"They still have slavery, they treat non-humans as mere cattle, breeding and experimenting with them. It's...unnatural. These beasts, they also have feelings. Yet they are enslaved, beaten and eaten. Have you not talked to your pets? Are they worth any less than you or me?" her face adorned such a cold expression that it gave even Hao Xuan the chills.

He looked at Zhurong, Black and White who were playing in his arms and sighed.

"I don't know when, but something changed inside me after coming here. As a normal person from earth, I should have been disgusted at the thought of murder and slavery etc, but I wasn't. This place, it's not our home. We are allowed to live here because it sets a good example for others."

"Can you ask them not kill us?" he pointed at the horde.

"No right? They will because they can or they want to. Simple as that. And I don't want my loved ones being treated like that. Also, I'm pretty sure it's just you that are making these comparisons. There are several people from earth that have achieved quite a lot here. And we have only been here for a couple of years to boot."

He let out a deep breath and looked at her dead in the eyes, "I don't know where this came from, but we don't have time for it. The Mei kingdom doesn't owe us anything, no one does. If you want to blame others and live the rest of your life hating people that gave us a home, then you go right ahead. But don't bring other people into it," he waved his hand and turned away from her.

She stared at him for a few more seconds before silently following the rest.

"Where the hell did that come from?" he asked lightly, but there was no one else behind him. Black and White looked up at him and smiled.

"Of course you guys are different. I would let a million humans die rather than let you get hurt," he patted their little heads, making their smiles even wider.

Ensis suddenly appeared behind him like a ghost and bowed, "It's taken care of master, the family was among the first to depart," he said referring to the Millers.

"Good," Hao Xuan nodded and sat back down on the seat, staring at the beasts in front of him.


The sound of footsteps came from the stairs as a few elderly gentlemen walked up.


Authors Notes:

Something along the lines of this:

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