The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 129 - The Visitor Continued


Hao Xuan's Spirit band vibrated and a notification popped up, interrupting his jolly mood. He was about to pour himself another cup of tea but stopped and looked outside in a certain direction.

"Why don't you come inside? It's been an entire week now, don't you think we should introduce ourselves?" with a smile and a wave of his hand an opening appeared in the barrier of the camp. There was no reply but Hao Xuan seemed like he expected it and took out another chair and cup and started making a whole new batch of tea.

After about 3 minutes or so the sounds of footsteps came from the area in front of the opening and out of nowhere materialized a figure. It was a female but her face was entirely shrouded in black mist.

As she got closer there was no hesitation in her movement and without any reluctance, she sat down on the chair opposite to Hao Xuan.

He waved his hand once again and the barrier closed up and the illusion formation that was disabled before was activated.

"Milk?" he asked while pouring her a cup and she nodded silently. They both sat there and took a couple of sips. Hao Xuan liked a teaspoon of sugar in his but she didn't even touch it and emptied the whole cup as is.

He also drank his and got up to clean the dishes, but not before asking her the most important question, "So, if you don't mind me asking, why have you been following me since the city?"

She stayed silent for a good 20 seconds or so and then gently shook her head. The mist that was covering her face slowly dissipated, showing her true appearance.

This time, Hao Xuan was prepared so he didn't zone out but it was a damn close call.

The first thing he noticed were her lilac-colored eyes which looked crystals under the sunlight. She had a very fair complexion and dark-red lips that seemed to be painted with blood. It was quite eerie. There was a small mole under her left eye which only made her look even more stunning.

This appearance along with her body that looked like it was sculpted out of marble, would make anyone's heart tremble.

But even though he was prepared, this was a bit too much for the 'inexperienced' Hao Xuan and he couldn't help but get dazed for a few seconds. When the girl saw the look on his face, a mischievous smile crept on hers as well.

"See something you like?" she asked while tilting her head adorably and Hao Xuan's heart literally skipped a beat.

He quickly looked away with a flushed face and berated himself inwardly, "Oh my f*king god! This is it. This is how I'm gonna die. Some chick is gonna smile at me in a fight and I'm going to lose my damn head!"

What Hao Xuan wasn't aware of was that this wasn't just because of her looks. She was exuding an aura, a natural charisma that was normal for her kind. It would take someone with a LOT of willpower to resist this 'ability' and Hao Xuan obviously wasn't one to be included in this group.

"Well, you are very beautiful. You can't blame me for this," he unknowingly complimented her and started cleaning the dishes.

"So, why are you following me?" he asked when she didn't answer his query the first time.

"No reason. You're cute and I was bored, so why not?" with a playful tone she replied while looking at him like a hungry beast.

Hao Xuan was taken aback at first but then shook his head, seeing through her 'schemes' and nonchalantly replied, "Ahan, sure." Only an idiot would believe her but as long as she didn't want to hurt him, it didn't really matter.

"Did you see the things last night?"

"Mhm. Do you know what they were?"

"No idea. You?"

"If I knew why would I ask you."


"But I do have an idea..."

Hao Xuan put away the dishes in his hand and came back to take a seat, "I'm listening."

"A necromancer. All those 'things' were made out of actual corpses so my guess is there is a necromancer nearby who is learning a new type of magic."

"Magic?" Hao Xuan was surprised. Did magic really exist?

"Yeah. Although it is pretty rare here. Most of the magicians live on 'Medeis' so you don't normally see them that often.

"Medeis?" the more this girl talked, the less Hao Xuan knew. This was certainly a new development.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I said something unnecessary. Nevermind that, but I still think its a necromancer. If we can catch him alive then the reward would be huge. We can even sell him to an Empire or something," the more she talked, the more her eyes lit up.

"Necromancer? Sell him?" Hao Xuan shook his head. Although he didn't know what exactly those creatures were, it was certainly not a necromancer's doing. If it was something this simple then the Kingdom would have figured it out by now.

"Are you a bounty hunter?" since she was talking about capturing and selling people, maybe this was her thing.

"Not exclusively but I do dabble. Why, need someone captured? I'm not cheap you know," she said with a wink.

"N-No, I was just asking. Do you know where we are?" he quickly changed the subject.

"Of course. We are right next to a few towns and villages. That's where I spent the last few nights," she said as a matter of factly which left Hao Xuan speechless. He was this close to human settlements and didn't even know? Here he was sleeping in the wild when he could've spent the night in a cozy hotel room with room service.

"Take me to the closest town," he said despairingly. It was extremely easy to pack up since he only had to press a single button on the round metal ball and it would store everything.

"Oh by the way, what's your name?" he completely forgot to ask before. She looked at him with a smile that would topple cities and seductively extended her right hand with the palm facing downwards.

"You can call me Sin."

"Oh, nice to meet you Sin. I'm Hao Xuan," he shook her hand unceremoniously and started walking away. Now it was her turn to be left speechless, since she had extended her hand to be kissed, not shaken. But how could Hao Xuan be aware of these things?

"Simpleton," she mumbled under her breath and started walking in the exact opposite direction.

"This way," her voice interrupted Hao Xuan's march as he quickly turned around and followed after her with a slight blush.


Authors Notes:


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