The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 122 - Hunger.....

Yangdi walked both of them out and stood by the entrance as Hao Xuan's back vanished in the darkness. He had many emotions bubbling in his mind right now.

Hao Xuan didn't tell him what he did to him or why. The only thing he knew was that till the end of either his or Hao Xuan's life, he would not be able to betray this man. Even on the way over, he had tried to strike him multiple times but his body never listened to him. It wasn't under his control.

The more he thought about killing Hao Xuan, the more his body wanted to prostrate in front of him and beg for forgiveness.

"Sooner or later, I'll break free, and then we will see what he can do," he thought inwardly and closed the door, returning to his room.

It hadn't even been 10 minutes until his spirit band vibrated and Hao Xuan's name popped up.

"Are there any rival gangs or unscrupulous organizations near here?"

Yangdi frowned and checked his "little black book" before randomly sending the location of a slave owner.

In the Beast world slavery wasn't illegal but was considered a legit business field. Some kingdom's main export was slaves. They would attack smaller kingdom's and tribes, enslave their people through various means and sell them for exorbitant prices.

But in the Mei Kingdom, it was 'frowned' upon and no person could force another into slavery. If one wanted to become a slave, they would have to give up their freedom in front of witnesses and clearly state that they were not being forced or threatened in any way.

But there were still some people that found loopholes and trick others in many ways. Of course, this could not be done by just anyone and they needed strong backing and connections in the government to pull it off.

The slaver Yangdi had just ratted out was called 'Kim Yun' and was a small-time slave owner in the West side of the city. His specialty was young vulnerable girls that he would get drunk or drugged and force to sign away their freedom.

The reason he hadn't been caught was that, One, he had the backing of one of the most powerful families in the Kingdom, and Second because the girls he abducted were normal mortals with no relations to anyone high up.

He was a coward through and through. Never even thinking about laying a finger on a cultivator's family and relatives, which is why he had managed to survive this long.

Fortuna city had millions upon millions of residents. It was the most populated city in the entire kingdom because of its strategic location and trade. So this kind of thing wasn't unheard of.

Who would notice a few dozen girls going missing every other year?


Hao Xuan got the details of Kim Yun and a smile crept on his face. This was exactly what he needed.

"Sixth brother, I have a few things to take care off so let's call it a day here. I'll meet you back in the base," he turned around and looked at Sixth who was silently following him.

Sixth looked at his left hand that was hidden in the jacket and wanted to say something but stopped.

"Sure, I'll see you tomorrow then," he nodded with a smile and walked off in another direction.

Hao Xuan waited till he turned around a corner and then proceeded to Kim Yun's office.

It wasn't hard to find as it was actually above a very popular club.

He walked up the few flights of stairs there were, passing by a few couples and some pretty women. One of the girls who was dressed in a mini skirt that barely covered her extremely long legs and a small top inhaled as Hao Xuan passed her. Hao Xuan wasn't paying attention but this girl was the very definition of the word 'sexy'.

She looked over at him curiously and smiled when she saw him go to the second floor.

The smile on her face got brighter and brighter, "Why do you smell like blood?" she mumbled under her breath.

"Sorry?" the guy she was talking to asked as he didn't hear her clearly.

"Nothing, I have to visit the ladies room," the girl said without turning around and quickly went back into the club.

Hao Xuan stopped in front of a door with a sign that read, "Kim's Travel Agency".

He waved his hand to summon Green and Red.

"Cover the entire floor. Don't let anyone in or out until I say so."

They nodded and extended both of their hands to let out massive amounts of Qi that covered everything.

Hao Xuan looked around and after making sure everything was good, opened the door and entered.

There was a reception desk in the middle of the room and two doors behind it. Behind the desk was a pretty middle-aged woman. She smiled when she saw Hao Xuan.

"Hello, how can I help you sir?"

"Hello, I'm here for some good ol' slaves. Heard this was the place to go?" Hao Xuan asked cheerfully that left the receptionist speechless.

"I-I'm sorry sir, we are a travel agency and do not deal in slaves," she replied with a stutter.

"Lady, I've got places to be, don't waste my time. Where is Kim Yun? Call him out," Hao Xuan said with a voice loud enough that everyone in the entire building would've heard if not for Green and Red's barrier.

"S-Sir plea-" the receptionist stood up quickly and extended her hand below the desk to grab something but the door behind her opened and a large muscular man came out. He had scars all over his chest and face and looked very threatening.

"Come in," he said looking at Hao Xuan, who nodded and entered the room without hesitation.

Inside the room was quite normal. There were about seven men sitting on either side of the room and one man on the opposite side in front of a huge desk.

He looked to be about 40 years of age and was slightly chubby. He was smiling ear to ear, looking at Hao Xuan. This was Kim Yun.

To his left were two young girls huddled up together. Their eyes were opening and closing and they seemed to have been drugged and weren't fully conscious.

"Welcome dear customer! Before we begin, could you tell me where you heard of my establishment?" Kim Yun asked in a soft voice.

"Yangdi. He told me you could get me what I wanted," Hao Xuan said as he looked over at the girls.

Kim Yun's smile vanished and he turned serious instantly.

"My mistake, you are senior Yangdi's guest? I apologize for the poor reception, please have a seat," he stood up and gestured towards the single sofa opposite to the desk.

Hao Xuan shook his head, "No need. I'm not going to stay long."

He walked over to the girls and extended his right hand to examine them. There weren't any injuries on their bodies and they didn't seem to have been assaulted in any way.

One of them had short black hair and other had light red. Both were very pretty and looked to be about 15 years of age.

While Hao Xuan was looking at them, the girl with red hair opened her eyes and looked at him as her eyes started watering. Her mouth was quivering and it looked like she was about o break out crying any second but she didn't even have enough strength to push his hand away.

"What do you think sir? We just got them and haven't enslaved them yet but if you like then it can be done with the hour," Kim Yun said respectfully while rubbing his hands like a rat.

Hao Xuan didn't pay any attention to him and looked at the girls with a kind smile.

"Shh, don't worry, this is just a nightmare. It will be over quick," he whispered and hit them both on the back of their heads, knocking them out.

Kim Yun was standing behind him with twinkling eyes.

"If you would like to 'test' out one of them before buying then that can be arranged as well," he said with a smile.

"Hahahaha," Hao Xuan guffawed as he stood back up and looked at Kim Yun once again.

He walked over to the sofa and took off his jacket. Everyone saw his bloody stump and suddenly tensed up.

"Nah, they're not what I'm here for," Hao Xuan had a dazzling smile on his face that even made some of the men's heart beat faster. He walked closer to Kim Yun and patted his shoulder lovingly.

"I'm here for you."

Kim Yun was speechless and quickly backed up a couple of steps, "S-Sir, I'm sorry, I'm afraid we do not provide 'those' kinds of services."

"Oh but you will," Hao Xuan said with a chuckle and his hand extended like a snake, grabbing Kim Yun by the head and lifting him up off the ground.

"STOP!" The eight men that were already on alert suddenly took out their weapons aimed at Hao Xuan.

Hao Xuan turned around to look at them and couldn't help breaking out in laughter once again. These guys weren't very strong. The highest level one among them was at the Earth Realm. They never would have thought anyone would go against them and since their only real enemies were mortals, it explained why they were all so weak.

Hao Xuan turned back around to look at Kim Yun, "You've been a bad boy."

"Please, take whatever you want, I don't want any trouble!" Kim shouted hysterically.

"I intend to," and with that, Hao Xuan opened his mouth as his teeth turned razor-sharp and his jaw expanded like that of a wolf and he straight up bit off a large portion Kim Yun's throat.

Kim Yun wanted to shout but there were no vocal cords left. His spine could be seen clearly as blood spurted out like a fountain, covering Hao Xuan from head to toe.

"M-MONSTER!" one of the men screamed frantically, threw his weapon on the ground, and ran out the door.

Kim Yun's blood seemed to be following a specific path as every single drop rolled over to Hao Xuan and was absorbed instantly.

The bandage on his left hand slowly came off on its own and the flesh wriggled and extended outwards. A brand new hand was being formed right then and there!

The other men were absolutely horrified. Hao Xuan actually didn't look like a human at that time. His back seemed to be thicker and have gained some muscle with a small hump. His jaw was actually like a wolfs with rows razer sharp teeth everywhere.

In less than 30 seconds, Kim Yun was drained dry. Hao Xuan threw his body to the ground like a ragdoll and turned around.

"Pl..please.....I have a family..." said one of them falling to his knees with tears streaming down his face. Hao Xuan walked over with heavy steps and patted his head. The man stopped crying and looked up to see Hao Xuan's beastlike smile.


A yellow liquid quickly spread out with him as the center. Hao Xuan waited a few seconds and dragged the man away and with a jerk, ripped off his head, draining him as well.

The first man that had escaped could be heard shouting from the outside, "OPEN THE DOOR! PLEASE!!"

"There is no way out," Hao Xuan shook his head looking at the remaining six men who were still in the room.

They all looked at each other and tightened their grips on their weapons, "Kill this monster!" they shouted and attacked together.

But what could they do? Like a wolf in a chicken coop, he went through each of them like a hot knife through butter.

A few mins later he walked out of the room and the receptionist and the first man were standing on the other side of the desk.

The woman fell to her knees instantly, "Please, I wasn't a part of this. It was just a job for me. I have nothing to do with this!"

Hao Xuan walked over to them slowly. Each of his steps made their hearts beat faster.

"It is too late for regrets. I'm already.....hungry," he said lightly and ripped them to shreds within seconds.

His left arm had grown back completely. Only, it had a slightly different color from the rest of body and looked a bit weaker.

"Hmm, not enough blood," Hao Xuan frowned looking at it.

He looked around the office and there were body parts strewn all over the place, but not a single drop of blood in sight. Just the clothes had bloody marks which made him shake his head.

"Still not enough control," he mumbled while taking out a new pair of clothes and changing into them.

He walked out the door and called Yangdi once again.

"Send someone over here to clean up. And send the two girls back to their homes. They are in the office."

"Yes," Yangdi replied and hung up quickly.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this guy," Hao Xuan was speechless. He didn't have to be so rude.

"Let's go," he said to Green and Red while walking out.


On the building opposite to the club, there was a girl standing on the roof.

Her long hair billowed in the wind. She had glasses on and could clearly see everything that had happened in Kim Yun's office across from her.

"Interesting," she smiled and disappeared with a gust of wind like she never existed.

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