The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 114 - Buying Spree

There were about 40 men all clad in gold armor from head to toe surrounding the group. These were the kingdoms Royal Guards and their attire conveyed their status.

The boys tried to act tough and stand in front of the group of girls protectively but Lois and Beatrice pushed them away.

Beatrice just wanted to get a better view of Hao Xuan whereas Lois just wanted to see what would happen. Surely they wouldn't drag her into the fight.

The guards stood in silence for about 30 seconds or so until the ones in the front opened a pathway and a young man walked in. He didn't have the same armor on and the only 'gold' on him was a rapier on his waist.

He was about 6 feet tall with a lean build. With blond hair and 'pretty' features, he looked like a pretty girl cross-dressing as a boy.

From his looks and demeanor alone it was clear he wasn't an ordinary person. He had an aura of nobility and arrogance exuding from his body that few could match.

He walked towards the group without any fear or hesitation and looked at Hao Xuan and Sixth who were standing at the front.

"Where is he?" he asked calmly.

"Who?" Sixth asked with a confused expression.

"My cousin. He said some people were disrespecting the Royal family, and you people perfectly fit his description," he looked up at Hao Xuan while answering Sixth's query.

Hao Xuan frowned listening to his excuse. "Why would I give a shit about the royal family when I don't even know them? Stop making foolish excuses and get out of the way little girl," he said while acting like he was swatting away a fly.

The young man in front of him was neither a girl nor little, yet standing in front of Hao Xuan he did look like one by comparison.

"Peasant! Speak before I pull out your tongue. If I find out something has happened to him then I will skin you alive," his face became red with anger as Hao Xuan had mentioned his taboo. He had a complex about his looks since he was young and everyone always said he looked like a girl so he went out of his way to act 'macho' and dress 'manlier', whatever that meant.

Sixth sighed listening to his empty threats. He had just defused a dangerous situation and now another dumbass popped up out of nowhere.

"Captain, I think its best if you leave right now. We both serve the kingdom and there is no use fighting amongst ourselves. The situation has been handled and your cousin is fine," Sixth came forward with a smile and specifically enunciated the part about them both serving the kingdom.

"Hmm?" the young man frowned and looked over at Sixth. After about 10 seconds or so he took out a small gold medallion and held it in front of him.

This was his identification badge. It looked like a gold leaf with some vines over it. He inserted some Qi and after a few seconds, his expression suddenly turned ugly.

He had just used to badge to try to identify Sixth. Anyone ranked at Captain or higher would have this feature in their badges where they would be able to find the name and rank of anyone below them.

He used this feature thinking the two in front of him would be some recruits trying to act cool but instead got the shock of his life. Normally, if the person being 'investigated' had their badge on them then it would buzz and send their information to the badge that had started the inquiry.

But when he tried it, there were only two big black flashing dots in front of him. Which meant that, one, the people in front vastly outranked him, and second, they were in one of the six specialized units directly under the great generals of the kingdom.

"Satisfied?" Sixth who still had the same smile plastered over his face like a clown asked as he saw the man's expression change.

"Y-yes. My apologies. I was not aware that seniors were here. I will take my leave," he made a slight bow and quickly turned around, stunning all the spectators.

"Wait!" just as he had taken a few steps, Hao Xuan's voice came from behind. He slowly turned around and put on a fake smile, "Yes?"

Hao Xuan then took out his own badge and used the same feature. All of the young man's information from his background, age, and gender to his parent's name was sent to Hao Xuan's badge.

The young man's smile vanished like a fart in the wind. Normally no one would use this feature as it was considered extremely rude and forceful. But just now all of his information was sent to these guys.

Hao Xuan smiled and looked at him in the eyes, "You said something about skinning me alive right? I'll look forward to it. Soon I will send someone to pick you up so we can have a more private chat," he said while patting his shoulder lovingly. From the outsider's view, it just looked like a senior giving some advice in a caring manner, but that was obviously far from it.

"Of course. I'll be happy to oblige senior whenever needed," he smiled once again and quickly ran off with the rest of the guards.

Everyone including Peter who knew they were in the Red Legion were left speechless. He knew they were special, just not this much.

"Alright, now that that's taken care of, let's have some fun. What did you want to do Ninth brother?" Sixth clapped his hands and smiled looking at them.

"I wanted to see if I could buy some of those vehicles. Do you know a dealership or something that sells them? I need something high-end, not like what that fatass was driving," Hao Xuan forgot about the unpleasantries and his mood changed quickly.

"Vehicles? Do you mean cruisers? Sure, I know a few people who specialize in them. What did you have in mind?"

And with that, they both walked off into the crowd followed by the tongue-tied group of boys and girls. Even their conversations were mind-boggling.. Each cruiser cost up to tens of millions, even the cheapest one. And Hao Xuan wanted more than one of the high-end types? And even more surprising, Sixth knew where one could buy them? What the hell were these guy's backgrounds?

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