The Evolution of a Goblin to the Peak

Chapter 969 Thrones

Chapter 969  Thrones

"Then, I'll take my leave," Souta said before exiting Isabella's lab. He couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the developments in her research. While he had hoped for Isabella, Doranjan, and Kessa to go to the Dream Realm to enhance their Dream Power, it seemed that plan would need to be postponed.

As he walked away, Souta pondered on the potential implications of Isabella's research progress. He eagerly awaited the results of their live testing, hoping it would bring positive outcomes. However, he also realized that Isabella's research had taken longer than expected, primarily because she hadn't initially realized the broader connections beyond the pill itself. It was clear to Souta that the pill was just one component of a larger project, with the other half revolving around the parasitic essence eater.

Souta arrived in his office, mindful not to disturb Isabella in her research.


Souta glanced at the door and said, "Come in."

The door creaked open, and Erkigal entered the room. She scanned the surroundings before focusing on him.

"What do you want?" Souta inquired.

"I just wanted to inform you that I'm leaving today. I'll be visiting the remaining members of the Five Master Clans," Erkigal replied.

"You can do whatever you want. You didn't need to tell me," Souta waved his hand dismissively.

"Well, it would be rude if I left without saying anything to you. I just wanted to thank you for fighting for my country," Erkigal turned around, offering a wave.

"It's nothing. I'm just fulfilling my mission," Souta replied.

Erkigal left the room, leaving Souta to ponder her next moves now that their country had become a battlefield.

Would she choose to join the fight once she had recovered?

Souta leaned back in his chair, his gaze drifting to the ceiling of his office. The mysteries surrounding the Five Master Clans lingered in his mind, their secrets hidden away despite his investigations after the war.

Even Paente Botano, once a mere man, had ascended to formidable power, transforming into something beyond human. Yet, Souta found no concrete answers. It was as if someone had erased all traces of information or clues, leaving behind only unanswered questions.

Their memories... must have been wiped clean.

As he pondered, Souta's attention returned to the door, sensing someone's approach. A knock sounded, and he called out, "Come in."

Alice entered the room and took a seat, her gaze fixed on Souta.

Raising his eyebrows, Souta inquired, "What's the matter?"

"Tenth Grain War Leader has arrived," Alice informed him.

"Grain Leader Carmel?" Souta's surprise was palpable.

"Yes, Grain Leader Carmel wishes to speak with you," Alice confirmed.

"You should have escorted him directly," Souta sighed.

"Very well, I'll summon him," Alice conceded, rising from her seat.

Over the next three days, Souta allowed his men to engage in continuous combat. They were only permitted rest during sleep. Most of their waking hours were spent sparring with each other, and gradually, they showed signs of improvement.

On the fourth day, Souta granted permission for them to utilize their mana. The battleground expanded, and the barrier strengthened to accommodate their enhanced abilities. With the ability to use mana, the intensity of the battles surged even further.

He watched the battle unfold with keen interest, eager to witness the extent of their improvement over the course of one week.

"Let's raise the stakes," Souta declared, pressing his hand downward.

Instantly, a powerful gravitational field descended upon the entire area. Caught off guard, everyone dropped to their knees under the intense pressure.

"Endure it! Push yourselves! Use this to toughen your bodies!" Souta urged firmly.

He desired to exert even greater power, but he refrained from doing so, mindful of the potential harm it could cause him.

The soldiers struggled immensely. The gravitational force was overwhelming, pressing down on them relentlessly. Despite his depleted energy, Souta still wielded enough power to challenge hundreds of experts at various ranks—B, A, and S. His true strength far surpassed that of any individual present, the gap between them akin to the distance between heaven and earth.


In the three theaters—Bruim Principality, Fedru Republic, and Selnes Country—countless warriors gazed skyward. The entire battlefield fell into an eerie silence as several beams of light descended from above, carrying with them an immense amount of energy that suffused the area.

A deep, resonant hum filled the air.

Various creatures experienced a peculiar sensation as the energy penetrated their senses and emotions. Their rage began to subside as the intensity of the light increased.

Whether they belonged to the Alliance Army or the Gluttony Army, all felt the same inexplicable effect. They couldn't help but swallow nervously, unaware of what was about to transpire.

Only those at the highest echelons had any inkling of what awaited.

Ice Death observed the battlefield from a distance, his brow furrowing with concern as the battle abruptly ceased. A sense of unease gripped him, though he couldn't discern the cause.

"What's happening over there...?" Ice Death muttered to himself. Beside him, Thousand Earth and Spatial Whisperer remained silent, equally perplexed by the sudden halt in combat.

They weren't alone in their confusion. Even renowned experts from both factions were left bewildered.

Thud! Thud!

A thunderous pounding resonated within the minds of all present, as if originating from within their own bodies.

Something ominous was on the verge of descending.


From the rays of light emerged figures resembling concentric rings forming a spherical shape. They bore no resemblance to humans or demis; their monstrous appearance was unmistakable.

Each of these beings consisted of several interconnected rings revolving around a central crystal, with multiple eyes adorning their surfaces.

In every theater of battle, two of these creatures descended, wielding immense power.

"This...?!" Shen Yao, stationed atop the wall of Selnes Country, widened her eyes in shock. Memories of a book from her homeland flooded her mind—a tome detailing creatures exclusive to the Angel Faction's territory.

The Apocryphal Monster - Throne.

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