The Evolution of a Goblin to the Peak

Chapter 965 Souta vs. Dargan I

Chapter 965  Souta vs. Dargan I

The clash between Souta and Dargan intensified with each exchange, sending shockwaves rippling through the sea and beyond. Their collisions echoed with thunderous booms, shattering the tranquility of the Mare Region.

Dargan's laughter reverberated through the tumult as he met Souta's challenges head-on. It had been years since anyone dared to challenge a top-ranking sovereign, and Dargan relished the opportunity to prove his dominance once again.

The energy fluctuations grew more intense, drawing the attention of nearby regions. Even from afar, the other sovereigns could feel the power radiating from the battle, a testament to the monumental clash unfolding before them.

Souta flashed forward, swinging his sword and sending dozens of energy blades hurtling towards Dargan. With fluid grace, Dargan maneuvered to evade each one, swiftly closing the distance between them with a powerful kick that propelled him through the water.


His claws elongated and sharpened as he surged forward, aiming a fierce strike at Souta. Reacting quickly, Souta shifted his sword sideways to intercept the attack. In a swift countermove, he conjured another sword from his blood, thrusting it towards Dargan.

Dargan responded by opening his mouth wide, unleashing a searing ray of energy.

The clash of sword and energy beam ignited a massive explosion, sending shockwaves rippling through the water with a deafening boom.

Emerging unscathed from the explosion, Dargan regarded Souta with a smile. "You're strong! This is good! Now, kill me!"

His energy surged, elemental power radiating from him like a tidal wave. Instantly, the entire sea reacted to his elemental energy, pressure intensifying several times over in an instant.


"I could say the same to you," Souta replied, a smile playing on his lips.

Retreating slightly, he noted the sea's attempt to crush him. With a deft movement of his hand, he summoned a gravitational field, countering the pressure. Simultaneously, he activated all his skills to boost his strength to its fullest potential.

Darkness spread through the depths of the sea as Souta activated his Second Mode. Swiftly, he moved through the shadows, appearing in front of Dargan.

Dargan's eyes widened in surprise. Reacting on instinct, he attempted to defend himself, but still felt a searing pain in his shoulder.


Observing the deep cut on his shoulder, Dargan's expression twisted into a wicked smile, his heart filled with excitement.

[Elemental Drive: Water Force]! It wasn't enough. He activated his skills on top of it. [Water Union: Sea Monster]! [Ocean Divine Will]! [Seven Sea Greater Body]! [Supreme Ocean Demolition]!

Dargan's energy surged, overwhelming Souta and pushing him back with its sheer force. This was the power of the Rank 11 Sovereign, a creature standing at the pinnacle of Vanko.

"Then, allow me to match your display of strength!" Souta declared, his own energy pulsating.

[Elemental Drive: Darkness and Light Integration]!

As they observed the six sovereigns before them, they sensed something peculiar. Although there was resonance around their bodies, there was an inexplicable aura about them, leaving the hullscan sovereigns feeling unsettled.

Alice, Eilish, and the others exchanged confused glances. The language of this realm differed from that of Imperium.

Looking to Yuko for assistance, Alice addressed her. "Um... Yuko, could you please inform them that we can't comprehend their language in the monster language?"

In this moment, Yuko was their only means of bridging the linguistic gap. No creature could be incapable of understanding the monster language; it was merely a matter of translating one's thoughts into any comprehensible sound.

Yuko regarded Alice for a moment before nodding in understanding. Turning back to the three sovereigns, she relayed, "Hey, you! We can't grasp your language, so communicate in a manner we can understand!"

Yvun, Elio, and Ohrno exchanged puzzled glances. Their suspicions were now confirmed: these six new sovereigns were not native to Vanko.

This revelation presented a new challenge.

Uncertain of how to proceed in light of the language barrier, Yvun hesitated. "Um... perhaps we should return," he suggested tentatively, seeking input from his comrades. The situation was unfamiliar, and they were unsure how to navigate it.

The clash between Souta and Dargan intensified, their blows resonating throughout the Mare Region. Waves of energy surged through the suspended sea as the combatants exchanged rapid, powerful strikes.

Dargan manipulated the water itself, directing it to assail Souta from all angles. Yet, Souta countered with his own techniques, using gravitational force to push back against the aquatic onslaught.

Dargan's admiration was evident in his words. "To think you could match me blow for blow! You truly are skilled," he acknowledged.

Souta returned the sentiment with a confident smirk. "And yet, you handle my assaults with equal finesse. It seems we are evenly matched."

"I revel in this clash! It's been far too long since I've experienced such exhilaration!" Dargan's laughter echoed through the waters as he surged forward, his claws poised to strike at Souta's vulnerable neck.

Souta met his attack head-on, his sword arcing upward to intercept the deadly assault. The collision sent sparks of energy sizzling through the water, illuminating the dark depths with their brilliance.

With a resounding bang, Dargan was sent hurtling backward, his form hurtling through the water until he crashed into a massive underwater island.

Undeterred, Souta propelled himself forward, a blend of light and darkness swirling around him as he pursued his adversary into the depths of the sea.

As Dargan emerged from the rubble, he underwent a startling transformation. His body elongated, his tail extending, and intricate black tattoos began to manifest across his scales. With each passing moment, his form grew larger and more imposing.

[Monster Orb Release]!

He roared, unleashing a surge of smoke and energy that enveloped the surrounding area in an eerie aura.

Souta narrowed his eyes at the display of power but pressed on, his determination unyielding. Despite his own formidable abilities, he knew that Dream Power was the ultimate source of strength in the Dream Realm. Compared to the seasoned sovereigns of Vanko, his own reserves were meager, acquired in just a fraction of the time they had spent mastering their abilities.

That's why he sought to claim Dargan's position—to amplify his resonance and bolster the nourishment his Dream Power received from the core.

With a swift movement, Souta closed the distance between them, his form unleashed. His vajra sword crackled with intense energy as it cleaved through the air, aimed directly at Dargan. Upon impact with Dargan's claws, a powerful explosion ensued, reverberating through the depths of the sea.

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