The Evolution of a Goblin to the Peak

Chapter 473 - 91st Floor To 100th Floor I

Souta's group tried to enter the 91st floor but the moment that they stepped inside the gate, they found themselves back on the 81st floor. They were shocked and surprised at the same time but then words popped into their minds.

[The 91st floor to 100th floor are conducted different...]

They could enter take the test at the same time but they wouldn't be able to work together. It means that they would have to finish this floor separately. If Souta was the one to clear this floor then he alone would proceed to the next floor.

"This is..." Alice furrowed her brows as this was an unexpected situation.

"Oho, it's entirely focused on a single person's strength. Cooperation wouldn't work anymore." Franklin laughed lightly.

"...This labyrinth is really good..." A grin formed on Souta's face while looking at the words that popped up in his vision.

Torkez turned to Souta and asked, "The danger ahead is probably higher and going there alone would akin to suicide. Are we still going there to clear it?"

"Of course, our goal didn't change at all but we could easily pull back if we find it impossible to clear," Souta said to him. Then, he looked at everyone and added, "From now on, it's up to everyone's strength to clear the floor ahead. You don't have any allies that you can rely on on the floor ahead of us. If you can't clear it then retreat to the upper floors and rendezvous with Yenxia."

Everyone nodded at his words. If they were confident in their strength then they could challenge the 91st floor but if they weren't then they should stay here and wait for the others to return.

"Does anyone have a problem with it?" Souta asked in a loud voice.

Alice, Torkez, Isabella, and the rest answered by shaking their heads. They don't have any problem with his arrangement. Soon, the people that were going to challenge the 91st floor and above stepped forward.

Isabella and Yuko back down from challenging the last ten floors. Isabella was the weakest among them so she knew her limitation. Actually, she hasn't been much help to them in clearing the 87th, 88th, 89th, and 90th floors. Even though she mastered controlling her parasitic essence eater, she was still a B-rank expert. She was lower than the others who reached the realm of liquefying mana.

Yuko didn't join the rest as Souta asked her to stay here and guard Isabella. The 81st floor has monsters that could pose a threat to Isabella. It would be better if Isabella had someone with her.

"We're going now. Don't forget to wait for us." Souta said to Isabella before he disappeared along with Franklin, Torkez, Doranjan, and Alice.

As soon as they disappear, Isabella sat down on the ground and breathed out strongly.


She turned her head to Yuko and saw that she was looking at her.

"We're alone now, Yuko. This place is full of monsters and I think that most of them have respawned."

Isabella smiled wryly and she looked up. She already decided what she would do while Souta and the rest were gone. She would unfold the legacy of the God of Hunt in her mind. She would stop studying for potioneering while they were away.

She could already use the blessing to temporarily boost her power. Also, the energy she got from the legacy rapidly increase her growth and she was now an intermediate B-rank expert. She would be able to reach peak B-rank soon and liquefied her mana.

Isabella closed her eyes and focused her attention on the legacy inside her body. She could judge that the energy coming from it would be enough to raise her power level to A-rank and she just needed two weeks to use it to liquefy her mana. At that time, she needed a strong body to handle the liquefied mana.

'This is the reason why Souta said that I should focus on improving my physical strength... F-rank to B-rank is all about physical strength. It's to build a good foundation so that the body could hold the liquefied mana in A-rank. If the body isn't strong enough then it would explode.'

She went through the legacy and found all sorts of techniques. She could find a technique that will help her liquefy her mana and solidify it. There were also techniques for the shackled realm. Then, she found the technique to help her strengthen her body as fast as possible.

There were combat arts and spells in the legacy. Also, knowledge about how to use it from the God of Hunt.

"Unfortunately, there are no knowledge about potions... Maybe, there is a God of Potions out there."

Isabella sighed but this was better than nothing. This was still a legacy of a god.

"I still want to brew potions..."


Souta arrived on the 91st floor. It was too dark that even his night vision didn't work on this floor. No, his vision was disabled in this place and he wouldn't be able to use his eyes.

His sense of sight was gone.

"Alice..." He called out the name of his comrade and just like he expected no one replied to him.

Alice and the rest were in different places but everything was the same. They also couldn't use their sense of sight and they needed to pass the maze which was the 91st floor with just their remaining senses.

This was the 91st floor of this living labyrinth of an unknown god.

But this floor was pretty much easy for Souta who could control his energy easily. He could release his energy like a radar and he would know the structure of his surroundings judging the objects that made in contact with his energy.

"It's fortunate that I trained to control my energy..." Souta sighed in relief.

'You should thank me for training you...' Saya's voice sounded in his mind. She sounded like she was proud of herself.

"Yeah, yeah..." Souta smiled as he walked forward.

He currently had two types of energy. One was the best feram which was unique to the monster and the other one was mana which was for humans and demis. The best feram came from his monster orb and the mana was in his parasite. He could store energy in his parasite so he decided to stock some mana using the mana potions that Isabella brew for them.

It was to fool those people in Great World Imperium but he doubted that he could fool the senses of the gods.

In just two days Souta cleared the 91st floor. It took him two days because releasing best feram constantly was draining his energy pool. He had to rest and wait for his energy to recover.

Then, the real challenge was the 92nd floor. He still couldn't use his sense of sight but he had to fight monsters of this labyrinth. The levels of monsters varies from B-rank to A-rank. Luckily, there's no S-rank or else he would be forced to use his aces.

Souta used all of his combat arts and spells just to defeat those monsters. At the last minute, he even used Saya's [Possession] skill. He had a hard time fighting while his sense of sight was disabled.

'You should just stay here. I'm that the next floor you still can't use your sense of sight. So I advise you that you should train yourself how to fight without relying on your eyes.' Saya said to him.

"Yeah, I didn't even clear this floor. I'm still in the middle part and I'm sure that there are still monsters out there guarding the passage to the 93rd floor." Souta said before he sat down. He should rest for now and recover his energy and stamina. He was quite tired after using [Possession] skill.

Then, he would train himself so that he doesn't have to rely on his eyes all the time.

"If they are struggling just like me... Well, I'm sure that they will train themselves just like me." Souta muttered while thinking about Alice, Torkez, Doranjan, and Franklin.

'You don't have to worry about them especially that old man Franklin. Although his power level is low, his battle instinct and sense are high.' Saya said to him.

"Yeah, that old man is a monster when it comes to battle. He is just like an older version of Bryan but Franklin will not hesitate to kill his opponent."


On the other 92nd floor...

Franklin was laughing like a mad man.

"Oh, fuck! This is really a great challenge!"

His body moved side to side as he avoided the attack of the A-rank monsters. Then, both of his hands turned into blades and slashed it towards the nearest monster.

"Disabling my sight will not work on me.... I'm a demi that uses an antenna to sense the surroundings so I'm not dependent on eyes. Hahaha, fuck! Just die! Fucking monsters! Let me kill all of you!"

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