The Evolution of a Goblin to the Peak

Chapter 461 - Disturbance In The Red Light District

Flames spread out in the red light district. A figure was on the center of it with his striking red color hair. It was Bryan and his body was oozing out a tremendous amount of energy.

He showed his power in the red light district to defeat more than twenty B-rank experts. It was a huge feat and twenty B-rank experts were a force to reckon.

He went to the person that asked them about the ritual of the Bentley Family. No matter where he looked in this place, he couldn't find the ritual place of the Bentley Family. It seems that the ritual wasn't going to happen in this place.

"Of course, they aren't going to start the ritual in this country. After all, it's going to cause a commotion and the whole country will notice it so the ritual will be held outside the country."

The man who answered his question was a B-rank adventurer before he was captured by the people from Bentley Family. He took a quest before to investigate this family but he got captured by a bunch of B-rank experts.

But then he learned a lot of things circling around this noble family.


A powerful energy shot in the sky in three directions. It was the energy of A-rank experts. This family really had powerful forces as they could easily dispatch several A-rank and B-rank at the same time.

"Listen carefully, I'll only tell you this once." The man said to Bryan where the ritual will be held. He also didn't forget to warn Bryan about the danger of going into that place.

The forces of the Bentley Family in the ritual were much more concentrated than the red light district which only had a few A-rank experts managing it. In that place, he should expect himself to encounter a shackled realm expert. Bryan was only at liquefying level and the shackled realm was too far from his level.

"I suggest that you shouldn't go alone."

The man said before he left to escape the red light district along with the other captives. He was a B-rank expert so his physical strength was enough to defeat some of the C-rank guards even if he didn't have mana in his body.

Bryan looked at the man before he narrowed his eyes as he felt that three A-rank experts were rushing in his direction.

"I need to get out of this place as fast as possible..."

He muttered as he also didn't forget the warning of that man. If he wanted to get out of this country he shouldn't let other people notice him or else the guards will notice him too and they will prevent him from leaving this country. Now that he didn't have much time left, he didn't need to report this to the authorities.

Boom!! Boom!! Boom!!

A saw a huge block of ice flying at him from above.

"They are already here..."

Bryan looked at it and moved his body to the side to avoid getting hit. If it was the other day, he would still enjoy fighting these A-rank experts but now that a lot of people were in danger he didn't have a time to thoroughly enjoy himself.

There was a time for that later...

Flames coated his fist and he threw it on the block of ice.


The flames collided with ice and it created a mist that covered the entire area.

The three A-rank experts narrowed their eyes when they saw this scene. Then, the A-rank mage raised his hand and dozens of wind spears formed above him. The other A-rank experts were a swordsman and a shielder. They fought side by side countless times so they didn't need to discuss their plan. They know each other very well.

The wind spears shoot at high speed and exploded on the ground. A gust of wind swept out and it dispersed the vapor created by the flames and ice.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The shielder went to the front with a fearless expression and the swordsman hid around waiting for Bryan to show up.

Bryan took a deep breath as his mana concentrated around his body. It strengthened his physical body to the next level.

"He's coming...!!"

The mage said as he felt the mana in the air changed. He then gathered his mana on his palm and prepared himself to cast spells to support his comrades.

[Titan Wall]!!

[Flesh Enhancement]!!

[Great Shield Will]!!

The shielder used his combat arts that could exponentially raise his defensive ability.


His eyes constricted when he saw a figure appeared in front of him. The figure has red striking hair and his fist was coated in several layers of flames.

Bryan was about to throw his fist when he sensed something. He crouched down and saw a blade passed above his head. If he didn't avoid it, he was sure that the blade would severe his head.

The next thing that he noticed was that the shielder and the swordsman were twenty meters away from him.

'They retreated...?'

He lifted his head and saw a five-meter ball of sharp winds heading at his body.


A smirk formed on his face. Even though he was fighting these guys to go to the ritual place, he still couldn't help but felt a thrilling sensation in his body. Fighting three A-rank experts at the same time was simply exciting.


Dust shot up in the mid-air and shockwaves swept out that destroyed several houses around them. The red light district was being demolished as the ones battling here were all A-rank experts.

The mage, swordsman, and shielder used their power to contain the shockwaves. They couldn't afford it if the whole district was destroyed. Their master would punish them for it.

But then...

The man who was fighting them was strong even among A-rank. A young man with red hair. They didn't know where did they offend this expert or why this expert was causing trouble in their territory.

But one thing was for sure... If they wanted to know the answer to their question, they had to capture this young man with red hair.

The shielder stepped forward and the mage was about to cast another spell when...


A lightning bolt from the sky crashed on the ground. Electric sparks spread in every direction like a spider web. Soon the whole place was flooded by lightning and it was followed by a sea of flames.


The shielder stepped back as he saw Bryan charged at him. A figure that was covered in lightning and flames.


Bryan threw a punch and the shielder raised his shield in response to block the attack. When Bryan's fist landed on the shield, spider web cracks formed on it and the force behind his punch generated a ripple across the shielder's body.

'What the- this power?!!'

The shielder opened his eyes widely as he spat a mouthful of blood before he flew away and crashed on several buildings leaving a trail of smoke.


"This guy is..."

The swordsman didn't even manage to finish his sentence as Bryan flashed in front of him. He sword his sword but the lightning around him reflected his attack and Bryan used this chance to land a direct hit.

[Blazing Strike]!!

A huge flame fist swallowed the body of the swordsman. Everything that happened exceeded their expectations. Bryan's physical strength and magical power were outside of their imagination.

He was simply too strong for them.


The mage roared and he tried to create a barrier to protect himself. Lightning on his left side and flames on his right side. He was being sandwiched between two powerful elements.

"This is the end..."

Bryan opened his palm and flames gathered around it like a whirlwind. At the same time, the mana in the air rose highly.

[Flame Blast]!!

A powerful beam of flames burst towards the mage that was trying to protect himself from being crushed by two elements.


The explosion caused by the attack shook the entire district. Heatwaves swept out in every direction and it melted the buildings near the explosion.

The battle scale between A-rank experts was eye-catching so a lot of people around the red light district felt the energy spiked and the sudden increase in temperature.

The authorities received the report about the red light district and they gathered at the entrance. Although they knew that something happened in this place, they still didn't enter because this place was the territory of the Bentley Family. A huge influential force in the Eternal Empire which had dozens of shackled realm experts.

Bryan sighed and looked at his palm. His power was greater than he imagined. It was several times stronger before he got captured. Also, his mana recovery was too fast.

"My fire and lightning element has grown stronger..."

He had four elemental affinities which were fire, lightning, wind, and wood. But he only trained two elements for the past months.. He will try to master his other elements later if he had a chance.

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