The Evolution of a Goblin to the Peak

Chapter 390 - Prison World

Chapter 390 - Prison World

Isabella looked at the sky with a concerned face. She didn't know what's going to happen.

Yuko went to her side when the light erupted forth in the sky. She too doesn't have any idea about what going to happen next. That's why she went to Isabella's side to protect her.

Taking down a ship was a simple thing for her. Her power level was above normal.

Lydia opened her eyes widely when the light surged upward. It was impossible for her not to know about this when she was a former commander of the 36th battalion of the Great Astley Empire.

"How could this be?"

She muttered in shock as she glanced at Jayce.

"I already said it to you. We're prepared in this battle and we're going to bring you towards the motherland." Jayce replied to her.

"Motherland is too far from this world so it will take a few trips before we've arrived there," Lydia said as she narrowed her eyes.

"That's why we're taking you to the world prison first. Several commanders and two generals are already waiting for us there." Jayce said as the smile on his face grew wider.

"What?!" Lydia was stunned. What he said was something she couldn't believe. The empire prepared several of its commanders and generals just to capture them.

Also, she knew that they wouldn't be able to escape right now. The transportation already started and once they leave the boundary light, they will arrive into a random place suffering injuries from the distortion of space. Most people who got out of it were trapped in chaotic space.


Souta looked in the sky. The black mist didn't have any effect on him so he could clearly see what's happening.

Blood kept pouring out of Denver's mouth. His eyes were already lifeless. He was dead but his armor was still moving. Flesh-like things were wriggling around like tentacles. It wanted to leave his body but the limbs were turning dry quickly.

The parasitic essence eater also died just like that.

Vagua turned to look at Denver's body. Part of his armor turned into his hand and his armor enveloped his face.

He was exhausted and tired but he still could fight for a few more rounds. The only problem was that Souta still hadn't revealed everything.

Well, that's not really important as once they've arrived in the prison world Souta would undoubtedly be captured. A whole army was waiting for them in that place.

Souta glanced at the system and saw that he leveled up. Well, he already expected it as he killed tens of thousands of people in the past two months. Also, Lumilia said to him that the Dark Oculus Legion has resumed its work. It means that he received points from his subordinates that completed the quest in Imperium.

[You've level up!]

[You've gained 1 skill point!]

[You've gained 2 free attribute points!]

[Strength attribute has increased by 15!]

[Agility, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Vitality attribute has increased by 10!]

Right now, he was level 38 Mutated Goblin Corruptor and he had two level-up cards in his sleeve. It's already time for his evolution.

Souta didn't wait for a while and used his two level-up cards.


[You've level up!]

[You've gained 1 skill point!]

[You've gained 2 free attribute points!]

[Strength attribute has increased by 15!]

[Agility, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Vitality attribute has increased by 10!]


[You've level up!]

[You've gained 1 skill point!]

[You've gained 2 free attribute points!]

[Strength attribute has increased by 15!]

[Agility, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Vitality attribute has increased by 10!]

In an instant, Souta reached level 40. The limit of the second evolution. Then, several notifications pop up in front of his eyes.


[You've reached the maximum level of the second evolution stage!]

[To proceed to the next level one must evolve first!]

"Yes, but before that let me finish all the problems."

Souta grinned widely as he launched himself towards Vagua. He didn't care about what's going to happen. He just wanted one thing and that's to finish everything so that he could evolve peacefully.

"Yuko, go towards Lydia and defeat her opponent. You can use your power to finish it quickly."

He said to Yuko as he slashed his sword horizontally.


Vagua blocked it but the power behind Souta's attack was great. He was pushed several meters away.

Souta was using [Possession] and [Soul Blood Mode] at the same time so his firepower definitely reached the realm of A-rank. He was going to overpower this commander with all of his strength.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Their figures collided several times before Vagua flew and crashed on the ground.


Just one commander wasn't enough to stop Souta at this mode. It will take seven to ten B-ranks before they could handle him.

"Damn! Just what is this power?!"

Vagua cursed as he tried to stand but Souta already arrived in front of him. He widened his eyes as he saw Souta's sword heading towards his neck.



The next he found was that his head was spinning in the mid-air. His blood splattered on the ground dyeing it in red.


Lydia was facing her opponent, Jayce. She still trying to process the information that she received when she saw a huge figure appeared behind Jayce.

Shadow enveloped him so he noticed it.


Jayce turned around and saw a huge flaming bear standing on her hindlimbs. He was about to say something when the bear releasing a heavy pressure that pressed down on his whole body.


"Wha-" Jayce opened his mouth widely as the pressure continued to grow stronger.

Even Lydia was shocked when she saw this. Her mana was being suppressed by high energy. She opened her mouth and muttered, "How? That's... the dragon's energy?!"

Both of them recognized the energy that Yuko was releasing. It was an energy that they've found in dragons. For them, they called this energy a dragon's energy because they haven't seen any other creature that reached the third evolution aside from dragons.

Dragons had monster orb the moment they were born so they thought that it was unique to dragons. They haven't thought that they would felt it in other creatures aside from dragons.

"Just what is this bear?!"

Jayce was stunned as he couldn't believe what he was seeing. The next thing that he found was that he was already flying with blood flowing out of his mouth.


It was so fast that he couldn't even see how the bear attacked him. He was already fifty meters above the ground with a few broken bones in his body. Part of his armor went to his body and it started fixing his broken bones. No, it was right to say that it was replacing his broken bones.

"The hell is that?!"

He flapped his wings to stabilize himself in the mid-air but he felt a large concentration of energy on the ground.

[Flaming Shout II]!!

Yuko opened her mouth and a large amount of flames burst out. The sea of flames shoot directly at Jayce and it swallowed his whole body.


Jayce screamed as the flames burned his body. His skins and armor were evaporating because of the intense heat. His whole body was getting dry.

But then his body fell to the ground. He was still alive but the wounds that he suffered weren't ordinary.

Yuko approached Jayce and was about to kill him when she heard Souta's voice.

"Yuko, stop. Let me do it."

She turned her head and saw Souta walking in their direction. Lydia also turned her head and looked at Souta. If Souta was here, it means that he defeated the two commanders.

Souta ignored their gazes as he approached Jayce. He already canceled the [Soul Blood Mode]. Using this mode consumed souls that he gathered so he couldn't afford to use it without fighting someone that he couldn't handle.

He raised the vajra sword and swung it down without saying anything. He chopped Jayce's head into two directly killing him.

"...How could Yuko use dragon's energy?"

Lydia asked him.

Souta glanced at her and said, "I'll explain it to you later but first I want to know what's happening."

"It's a large transportational gate that is used in traveling into another world," Lydia said to him. "We can't escape now and according to Jayce, the place we're heading right now is the prison world of the Great Astley Empire."

"I see... So we're really going to another world." Souta nodded and he looked at the sky. In the next moment, he found that everything around him changed.

Isabella, Yuko, and Lydia quickly looked around with a warily. They were in the middle of a large magic circle on the ground. The magic circle spans several kilometers and at its end, pillars of metal stood proudly.

"We're here."

They were here. They've finally arrived in the prison world of the Great Astley Empire.

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