Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1183B. Soldier Statue

Chapter 1183B. Soldier Statue

But this time, Qin Yu seemed to have chosen correctly. The passage was safe. At least, it was like this for the time being.

As a careful person who didn’t miss out on details, Qin Yu wouldn’t forget to measure the length of the passages he traveled through.

If the number of passages changed but their length didn’t, then he would soon arrive at the next intersection.

As he thought, the intersection was soon within his line of sight.

Qin Yu let out a look of gratification. As he thought, people should believe in themselves! He had to keep this in mind for the future.

Pa –

He ran out of the passage and entered the crossroads. His previous experiences showed that while the inside of the labyrinth was dangerous, this place should be relatively safe.

But before Qin Yu could relax, his heart fiercely tightened. This was because there was something else in this intersection – a statue!

Or to be more precise, it was a tall and mighty armored soldier that held a great saber in its hand. It had an expression that was full of anger but not arrogant.

As Qin Yu was looking at it, the statue blinked its eyes and said, “I never thought that someone would rush here so quickly. Moreover, it seems you aren’t wounded at all. Brat, you’re quite lucky.”

Qin Yu turned into a block of wood.

He had no idea what to say. This was clearly a statue without any signs of life to it.

But, Qin Yu could determine that not only was this status speaking, but its facial expression was also lively and vivid, fully expressing admiration.

Was this a ghost or something?

The status lightly coughed and moved its body a little. Loud cracking sounds rang out as it took a few steps forward. “As you can see, I am a statue and not a ghost.”

When it finished speaking it rubbed its chin. But as its hands rubbed against its chin, there were harsh grating sounds. “But in truth, I am almost like a ghost. Living in this place, I fear my life has been more miserable than a ghost’s.”

Qin Yu took a deep breath, “You are…”

He was interrupted before he finished speaking. The statue drew its saber and its surface sparkled with a cold luster, “Don’t ask. Even if you do, I can’t tell you. Since you came here, either I chop you to death or you break me to pieces. Only one of us can survive.

“Although I’ve been impatient for my life to come to an end, since I’m in this position I can’t do nothing? Let’s cut the chit chat and get this started.”

A saber slashed down.

When the statue moved and made soft grating sounds, it gave people a crabbed and difficult feeling. Qin Yu thought that the status wouldn’t be fast, but he soon realized he was wrong.

Either the grating sounds had no effect, or this thing was just pretending all along. This saber couldn’t be described with ‘fast’ alone.

If Qin Yu hadn’t refrained from lowering his guard at all and instinctively moved backwards the moment the statue made its move, he feared half his head would be gone by now.

But even though his reaction was so fast, the tip of his nose was still almost sheared off by the blade’s edge. A burst of cold erupted from his heart, causing his complexion to change.

He had been lulled into a false sense of security!

Who would have imagined that the statue who kept speaking on and on would suddenly release such a fierce attack without any warning at all.

“Hehe, your reactions are fast, but this is just the first strike.” The soldier statue laughed out loud. Its blade didn’t stop as it drew it back and slashed out again.

From this action, Qin Yu could sense a bit of the sword dao that he felt when he faced the Transcendent Sword Sect cultivator.

A lifeless object was able to release such a terrifying saber strike. If he didn’t see it with his own eyes, he wouldn’t have believed it.

He drew back once again. This intersection wasn’t that large and there was a passage not too far behind him. In just another breath of time, he could enter.

This was the same as when he faced the flying mosquitoes. Rather than facing this statue head on, it was better if he just fled.

Since this statue had stayed here for all this time, then that meant there was likely a limit to its sphere of action.

Whether or not this was true, Qin Yu had no idea. But it was worth testing.

Before Qin Yu could break into the passage, the soldier statue suddenly opened its mouth and said, “You’re right, I cannot leave this place. But if you don’t defeat me…” The statue’s smile vanished, “Then be prepared to stay here with me!”

Shua –

As Qin Yu rushed through the passage, he soon understood the meaning behind the soldier statue’s words.

Looking at the end of this passage and the statue that was staring at him with a smile on its face and a saber in its hand, his complexion instantly paled!

“That face looks quite scary. If you don’t want to face reality, you can turn around and run back the other way.” The soldier statue boorishly smiled and waved its saber, “In any case, I may be lacking everything here, but the only thing I’m not lacking is time.”

Qin Yu turned his head and left. Of course he wouldn’t believe the statue just because of a few words it said. But reality was cruel and brutal, and it never went the way you hoped. Just as he reached the end of the passage and saw the statue lazily sitting on the ground ahead of him, Qin Yu’s heart sank.

It looked like the statue wasn’t lying. He had been trapped in some sealed space similar to a ring. Unless he broke through the imprisonment, it was impossible for him to leave. And the key to this imprisonment was this statue. All he had to do was kill it.

“Hey, what a coincidence, we meet again!” The statue clapped its saber with a hand before quieting down, “If you haven’t given up yet you can continue racing around. I can patiently wait here for you!”

At least, Qin Yu could determine that his plan to escape had failed.

He took a deep breath and stepped into the range of the intersection. Without hesitation, his feet landed inside.

“You really came? Haha, then it’s best that you defeat me. This life is far too boring!” The statue said this, and just like it said, it really did want to die. But, it didn’t hold back when it attacked. The saber’s edge cut through the air.

It wasn’t that it didn’t want to ‘accidentally’ lose, but that it couldn’t. From the day it was born, this was the only will that had been carved into its body.

Thinking about it this way, this statue was quite miserable. Even though it wanted to die, it needed to meet a stronger opponent.

Bang –

Thunderous rumbles rang out in the intersection, echoing through the air.

As Qin Yu was desperately fighting with the statue, the cultivators that rushed in behind him all fell into the middle of a tangled battle.

If Qin Yu could see their faces, he would be surprised to discover that his luck was actually ridiculously good.

All kinds of traps and tricks that he hadn’t encountered were fully blooming amongst these cultivators, and they all screamed and wailed for their parents.

Those who were able to cry for their fathers and mothers were all powerful elites. Those with weaker cultivations all lost their lives without even a chance to scream.

The weak would certainly die, otherwise why would the concept of a realm within a realm have such a grand reputation? In the eyes of everyone, this was normal.

Those that came to the Land of Disorder, no matter how confident they were in themselves, were all prepared to perish here.

But although they said that, the ‘killing moves’ in the labyrinth were far too terrifying. And, the most frightening among them were two mosquitoes the size of an adult’s arm. Their bodies were crimson all over.

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say these two beasts were made of metal. They were mostly immune to ordinary attacks and the speed of their wings was horrifying. Basically, by the time someone heard the buzzing in their ears, their heart would have deflated and shriveled away.

Almost half of the cultivators who died in the labyrinth so far had perished beneath these two beasts and their long proboscises.

It wasn’t until the two mosquitoes locked onto the Transcendent Sword Sect cultivator that they met their match. The two parties engaged in a full on battle.

In a crisis, the Transcendent Sword Sect cultivator unleashed a terrifying sword strike that was even more powerful than the one released onto Qin Yu.

The closer mosquito was sliced in half and died on the spot. The other mosquito was nearly severed in two. But, no one thought that only now would the true terror arrive.

The dead mosquito’s corpse blew apart, turning into a mass of red energy that wrapped around the severely wounded mosquito.

After several breaths of time when almost all the blood energy was absorbed, the single remaining mosquito’s body transformed into something similar to red crystal.

Soon, the Transcendent Sword Sect cultivator ran away. One of his eyes had been torn out and half his body was withered away, making him look like a ferocious ghost. After this battle, the blood crystal mosquito became a taboo existence in the labyrinth. Wherever it appeared, cultivators would flee for their lives.

The terrified crowd never could have imagined that the blood crystal mosquito they all regarded as a nightmare came from the hands of Qin Yu.

They joined forces to kill Qin Yu, forcing him into the realm within a realm. Now, they all had to suffer the slaughter of the blood crystal mosquito…perhaps this was what it meant when people said that every bite and every sip was preordained. This was the fate they deserved.

However, no matter how terrifying the blood crystal mosquito was, only a small number of cultivators encountered it.

As time passed, they made their way forward in the labyrinth. There were always some lucky people that made their way into the next level – that was, the intersection where there were fewer forks.

Then, they discovered that the difficulty of surviving had risen to a new level!

A group of puppets that didn’t fear death began to emerge from the passages. They held swords, spears, sabers, and all sorts of weapons, but they cooperated perfectly like a trained army. The cultivators were surrounded and assaulted. In the end, they fled in distress, panicking like stray dogs.

But there were some people whose luck was similar to Qin Yu’s. After a while, they encountered a long-winded statue who held a saber in hand.

As if they were locked in a cage, they could only bet their lives fighting against it, otherwise there was nowhere to go.

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