Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1165: Darkness Faction

Chapter 1165: Darkness Faction

Everyone that surrounded the severely wounded Shan Wugu widened their eyes.

This voice…this voice…

Whoosh –

Sorrowful screams came out from the spatial crack. It was clear that some existence was racing over at an astonishing speed.

Kacha –

Kacha –

With a shattering sound, cracks appeared and spread out from the spatial tear in all directions.

Bang –

Space disintegrated with an explosion and a form strode out. His robes billowed without wind and a tyrannical aura swept through the world!

He held an unconscious woman in his arms. As if sensing something, he looked down at Shan Wugu.

After a pause, he smiled and said, “Potato, I knew a kid like you wouldn’t be killed off so easily.”

Shan Wugu seemed to cry and laugh. His lips shook and he said, “A rotten Taro like you has lived well, so I certainly can’t die!”

Potato…Taro…just what was this? The surrounding Demonic Path cultivators felt as if they were going to go insane.

At such a time, they were still in the mood to make jokes?

However, the good news was that this powerhouse who broke through space to come here seemed to be Lord White Bone’s friend. If so, he really might be able to help him. They would be able to resist this assault from the forces of darkness.

A Demonic Path cultivator cupped his hands together, “Great lord, if you can help us today, my Demonic Path will remember this graciousness!”

Shan Wugu suddenly coughed violently. The Demonic Path cultivator who spoke revealed a strange look.

The Demonic Path cultivator was at a loss for what to do. What was Lord White Bone looking at him like that for? Seeing as how he kept coughing, the cultivator was afraid that the Demonic Path would lose one of its few remaining powerhouses.

Qin Yu lifted a hand and pressed down. “That’s enough, stop being so excited. You weren’t killed, but if you keep coughing you’ll end up disabled.”

Looking at the stunned Demonic Path cultivators, Qin Yu lightly said, “But, there’s no need for you to ask me, because this is something I should have done to begin with.”

The Demonic Path cultivator subconsciously asked, “Is great lord related to my Demonic Path?”

Shan Wugu finally stopped coughing. After evening his breath, he said humorlessly, “Of course he is related, and the shared origin isn’t small at all…although the Demonic Path’s small world has already been destroyed, you still entered the Holy Palace once in the past to pay your respects. Do you not think this person looks familiar?”

He vigorously waved his hand and said with a hint of excitement, “What are you all doing? Why don’t you all hurry up and greet His Majesty the Demonic Path’s Holy Monarch!”

Qin Yu was alive. He had returned.

The forces of darkness were strong, and even Solitary Westgate was only barely able to resist the devil life form. But at this time, Shan Wugu didn’t doubt that Qin Yu had the ability to solve all their problems…because many years ago, Qin Yu had given him a belief of ‘invincibility’.

It seemed as if all dangers and obstacles were nothing but illusions before him. Maybe this could be called…a confidence bordering on self-delusion!

His Majesty the Holy Monarch? The Demonic Path cultivators were stunned, because this name hadn’t appeared in their eyes for a long time.

The Holy Land small world was destroyed and the entire foundation of the Demonic Path had been destroyed. They had become fugitives, bereaved dogs that fled in panic for their lives all day long.

Every day, they thought about how to survive so that their Demonic Path inheritance wouldn’t be severed…and when they were at their most desperate and fearful, someone told them that His Majesty the Holy Monarch had returned?

Their first thought was that this was impossible. But once they returned to their senses, they knew that Lord White Bone wouldn’t crack a joke at this time.

All eyes gathered on Qin Yu, their pupils gradually widening and their breath quickening. Pictures were always different from the real person. In addition, over the years with the improvement of his cultivation, Qin Yu’s appearance had changed a little.

But once that barrier was pierced through, they could see that this person’s appearance overlapped with the portrait of the aloof and proud Holy Monarch in the Holy Palace.

It was the Holy Monarch! It was His Majesty the Holy Monarch!

Pa –

The speaking Demonic Path cultivator shook. He fell to his knees, “Disciple Jing Yang welcomes the return of His Majesty the Holy Monarch!”

“We welcome the return of His Majesty the Holy Monarch!”

In the legends, the Holy Monarch was the man who destroyed the entire Immortal Sect with his own strength and whose cultivation boundary reached the peak of the world…he had returned. He could surely lead the Demonic Path out of the swamp of death and despair!

Feeling excited eyes filled with joy aimed at him, Qin Yu felt a bit awkward. Although he had no idea what they had experienced, it wasn’t difficult to guess what happened to them in these past years.

Although he originally didn’t care much about becoming the Holy Monarch of the Demonic Path, since he was honored as their Holy Monarch, he should be responsible for the people who believed in him.

When he killed the single-horned large fellow, the forces of darkness fell into a brief silence. As they looked at Qin Yu, their eyes were cold and cruel but also filled with dread.

The single-horned large fellow wasn’t their strongest member. But to kill him in the blink of an eye, exterminating him in body and soul, that was too scary.

“Humph! The Demonic Path’s small world has been destroyed, so where can a Holy Monarch come from? Kill that man – anyone who does will earn the opportunity to bathe in darkness!”

A cold sneer came from the skies. Up in the heavens, it was pitch black. Endless black energy tumbled around like a raging sea on a cold winter night.

The silent eyes began to brighten with heat and greed. The forces of darkness licked the corners of their lips, as if Qin Yu was nothing more than food on their plate.

Bathing in darkness and transforming into a devil life form was the highest pursuit of their lives. And now this opportunity was in front of them…

As for the dangers?

Hum hum, everything in this world needed to be struggled for! If one didn’t risk their life, how could they rise above the rest?

“Haha, he’s mine!”

With a bang, someone from the Darkness Faction exploded, turning into billowing black energy that tumbled forward like a demonic dragon.

As soon as he attacked he used his strongest skill. The death of the single-horned fellow happened right in front of him, so he naturally didn’t dare to go easy.

Close, he was so close!

Seeing Qin Yu not responding, this person was overjoyed. He specialized in the power of corrupting darkness, and its strength was truly incredible. In addition, right now he wasn’t hesitating to harm himself to use this ability. As long as he drew this kid into his darkness, he would be melted into rotten meat.

The only thing leaving him puzzled was that Qin Yu didn’t seem too afraid, nor did he seem to be unable to react. This was because his gaze was too calm. So calm that there wasn’t a single fluctuation.

Before he could think further, the Darkness Faction cultivator’s consciousness fell into permanent darkness.

Outside…it was so quiet that one could hear a needle drop!

The eyes that looked at Qin Yu had now gone perfectly round. They were like frogs on the chopping block that saw the knife above them. There was only one thought in their hearts – they were finished, they were all finished.

Their bodies were cold and so were their hearts.

When the single-horned man had been killed, they had been able to comfort themselves by using the excuse that he hadn’t been prepared, or he had fallen for some trap and hadn’t been able to display his full strength.

But they could no longer deceive themselves.

The man who went forward, immediately using his strongest card and exploding into a mass of black fog, had been casually grabbed and popped. Then…there was nothing else.

That’s right. Just like it was said, as his dark energy faded away, he vanished from existence.

There was one point that was indistinguishable from the one-horned fellow – when they died, there wasn’t anything left of them!

Horror gnawed at their minds like a poison snake. Screw bathing in darkness…transforming into a devil life form was their greatest wish, but living was more important.

Bang –

Dark energy erupted in abundance. Without saying a single word of goodbye, the Darkness Faction cultivators fled.

Although the Darkness Faction had brutal punishments exacted on those who fled the battlefield, this was the same everywhere.

They couldn’t deal with this person. They should wait for the devil to deal with Solitary Westgate and then ask for its help to kill this man.

Now, preserving their lives was the most important!

As they ran away, one thought appeared in all their hearts – was this person really the Demonic Path’s Holy Monarch?

Even if he was, he shouldn’t be this strong, right?

“You bunch of trash!”

The aura of darkness that flooded the heavens roared out once again. It was clearly ashamed that its subordinates were running away.

Bang –

As far as one could see, endless dark energy shook. A phantom similar to an avatar suddenly descended.

This was a devil life form similar to an octopus. Its body was crimson as if it burned with flames, and its eyes viciously glared at Qin Yu.

The fleeing Darkness Faction cultivators revealed looks of joy. If the devil personally came down, then this person would undoubtedly die.

Thinking this, they slowed down in running away. They turned their heads, looking back.

But a moment later their eyeballs trembled and almost leapt out of their sockets!

They only saw Qin Yu lift a hand. And just like before, he grasped at the descending phantom and clenched his fingers together.

Space twisted and opened up like a terrifying mouth, swallowing the projection of the devil.


A shocked cry of anger and pain sounded out from the heavens. Endless dark energy shook and was directly dispersed. An incomparably massive shadow was vaguely revealed – this was the main form of the devil life form.

At this moment, it fiercely turned its head. Its scarlet eyes stared at Qin Yu, filled with endless hatred, “I’ll kill you!”

A moment later, the dark energy that slightly dispersed started to wildly surge.

The Darkness Faction cultivators relaxed a little. They thought that the devil was going to use his true powers. This person would soon die!

Qin Yu raised an eyebrow. He looked at the surging dark energy and his eyes glinted with mockery.

“You want to run? There’s no time.”

He flicked his sleeves and a pitiful scream sounded out. The dark energy that filled the skies like thick clouds was instantly smashed apart.

In the distance, the devil life form that had shrunk its tentacles into a ball was now twisted together and suppressed by an invisible strength.

The Darkness Faction cultivators felt their hearts stop. Their first thought was how could this happen? They were ready for the devil to erupt with its full might in a display of epic power, but instead it chose to run away?

If it hadn’t been seen through, were they all going to be tricked?

Then, fear submerged their minds like a rising tide.

“Don’t kill me! Please don’t kill me!” The devil life form blood octopus howled miserably. Its giant body trembled, its eyes full of fear.

It also had some status. If there was any other choice, it wouldn’t have put on such a humiliating performance.

But its strength didn’t allow it!

The aura coming from Qin Yu’s body felt like a vast and limitless sea. Any casual splash of water could swallow it whole.

If it didn’t escape, was it supposed to wait for death?

But the blood octopus never imagined that even after exerting all its strength, the dark energy that it erupted with wasn’t able to cover up the fact that it tried to escape.

It had been grabbed by Qin Yu. Unless it wanted to die, it could only beg for mercy.

The Darkness Faction cultivators soon responded. After a brief period of shock, they turned and fled.

But all they could do was turn around. When they did, they fell onto the ground like wooden planks.

All of them had wide eyes filled with fear, but they couldn’t even control themselves, not even to say a single word.

The blood octopus didn’t have the time or effort to care about the life and death of its subordinates. As it watched Qin Yu get closer and closer, its fear grew and grew.

“My lord, this is all my fault. Please give me a chance. I am willing to give a vow of darkness and pledge my loyalty to you…”

Seeing Qin Yu’s eyes not waver at all, the blood octopus almost peed itself. “I can help detoxify! Yes, detoxify! Many fellow daoists from the Demonic Path were injured by me before; I can help remove the poisons from their bodies!”

Qin Yu frowned.

Seeing that there was finally some response, the blood octopus said, “This is true. If you keep me alive, it is more advantageous to you!”

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