Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1104A. The Way Thing Are

Chapter 1104A. The Way Thing Are

Cloud Billow was a woman.

Qin Yu had seen this wicked girl’s true appearance before. In terms of looks and physique, she was explosive to the point that there was no need to say anything else. And such a woman had taken the initiative to try and force him into marriage…while he was dumbfounded and anxious, he still couldn’t help but feel a bit of prideful satisfaction in his heart.

Perhaps this was one of the incorrigible natural instincts of all men, something that couldn’t be changed. Some people could act and pretend that they felt otherwise, while others were more obvious.

Qin Yu was probably the kind that could act well…cough, well, this wasn’t the key point. The key was that it was impossible for him to marry her.

Not to mention the fact that abyssal life forms had no chance of ever coming into union with beings from the living world, even if there was he still wouldn’t recognize it.

That’s right, he did urgently need to enter Nine Nether Pagoda to cultivate. But, that didn’t mean he would abandon his bottom line and sell himself out.

He had to refuse, but he had to do it in a warm and temperate way so that the old King’s lineage didn’t feel ashamed. If that happened, things would become troublesome.

After thinking this, Qin Yu settled his mood and said, “The Clan Elder is kind, but I am aware of my own skills and abilities. I cannot match a daughter of the royal bloodline, so I can only decline his good intentions.”

Cloud Billow had a calm expression. After saying what she just said, she seemed to have thrown away a burden. She leaned back against her chair, seeming tranquil and serene, “Your Excellency Qin Yu, there is no need to be modest. With your cultivation and background, there is definitely no problem with marrying into my family.”

Qin Yu lightly coughed. Background…how did he not know he had something like that? But it was clear that refusing wasn’t going to work. So, he decided to switch strategies.

“After being so highly valued by you and the Clan Elder, it would be unappreciative if I continued to refuse. But my family has already made arrangements previously and marriage is not a decision I can make by myself. I ask for your consideration in this.”

Cloud Billow’s eyes darkly shined. She said in a soft and eerie voice, “Are you saying you wish to reject the offer?”

Qin Yu forced a smile, “It’s not that I refuse, but this matter is too important and I don’t dare to easily agree!”

The room fell silent. In this quiet, as Qin Yu was worried that this woman would become angry out of shame, she lightly sighed and said, “This matter is the intent of the Clan Elder…if I say it like that, do you understand?”

Was this a threat!? I can’t refuse a woman if I don’t want one? Where is the reserve of a royal woman? Where is the pride of the royal bloodline?

Qin Yu certainly understood this. Even if he didn’t understand, when he added those words along with how he met Cloud Boundless just before this, everything became clear.

This marriage had been arranged by Cloud Boundless. It was fine if he agreed, but if he didn’t, there would be nothing but anger.

Shit…this was simply unreasonable!

Moreover, this sort of unreasonableness where someone sent a daughter from their own family into a stranger’s bed was rarely seen!

Qin Yu’s thoughts raced. With the strength of the old King’s lineage, would they forcibly give him a woman just because he saved them? Hoho, that was impossible.

There had to be a problem.

Qin Yu recalled the last time he saw this woman and the uncontrollable desire he felt. It had to be related to this.

Could it be that they have taken a liking to my abyssal bloodline and they wanted to play a trick of marriage and having children to obtain it? Thinking of this, Qin Yu felt as if he’d had an epiphany.

The most outstanding junior of the old King’s lineage, someone who had great expectations placed on their shoulders and was recognized as one of the people with the highest qualifications to compete for the new King’s throne, was actually a woman.

In other words, no matter how this competition for the new King’s throne went, the old King’s lineage was helpless.

Qin Yu thought back to the rioting demonic energy within Cloud Billow’s body that he had helped subdue. It had signs of losing control…in other words, there was already a problem with her.

Taking this idea further, could the problem she experienced be because she had to maintain this identity as Cloud Billow?

If this was true, then it wouldn’t be long before she could no longer pretend to be Cloud Billow.

Once she was exposed or was seen through by others, the old King’s lineage would suffer a disastrous attack…

They would think, the one we followed was a woman?

Hoho, the old King’s lineage really did know how to play around. Even an idiot could tell how dire the consequences would be.

The assassination attempt at Nine Nether Pagoda proved that someone had already started suspecting Cloud Billow’s status. They likely even obtained some key information, otherwise they wouldn’t have caused such a commotion.

Without a chance to compete for the new King’s throne, they were almost struck down. This performance would soon have to come to a grinding halt…all of these little things were like swords hanging above their heads. If the old King’s lineage didn’t want a thousand holes pierced through them, they had to find a solution…for instance, finding a new partner to substitute for Cloud Billow’s position.

And at this time, Qin Yu just happened to appear. As long as they got married and produced a bloodline descendant, this woman could find a chance to fake her death and return to her original identity. Then, all problems would be solved.

But how could the old King’s lineage determine the ‘quality’ of the seed they borrowed? Just because the two felt a sudden lustful urge when they met each other? This was completely unreliable!

Whether it was reliable or not, Qin Yu wasn’t in the mood to debate this. He looked at Cloud Billow, one thought in his heart…if his guess was correct, the old King’s lineage would never let him go.

What nonsense, this was a life-saving rope that had delivered itself to their door. Anyone who let go of it would be a fool! The more he thought about it, the more accurate this seemed. As a result, Qin Yu’s complexion grew increasingly ugly.

His intuition told him…he was right!

Cloud Billow had a calm expression, “Qin Yu, the Clan Elder has always been rash and reckless. It is best if you agree to this matter, otherwise there will definitely be problems.”

Qin Yu’s lips twitched. If he brought up the matter of Cloud Billow being a woman, could he use it to threaten the old King’s lineage? But he immediately suppressed this idea.

From that old freak Cloud Boundless’ shameless actions of pushing a woman into his arms, it could be seen that the old King’s lineage had no other path they could take.

Otherwise, was he really supposed to think that a royal bloodline wouldn’t care about face? It was just that compared to face or life, they chose the latter without hesitation.

There was not much else to say about this. If it was anyone else they would have done the same. Face was important, but it was nothing when compared to one’s life. Face? Could that be eaten?

If Qin Yu really dared to bring this issue up, Cloud Boundless would become enraged. Then, he would give Qin Yu two choices. Either marry this woman or be killed.

Qin Yu still had some assurance in escaping Adversity Peak City. If things really went south, he still had one ultimate last resort – to summon the Abyssal Demon Dragon Clan Elder, Ao Fa.

But if he did this, he would surely be placed on the top killing list of the Nightmare Clan. No one could expect a happy ending if they caused such trouble in Adversity Peak City at such a time.

As for entering the Nightmare Ancestral Land and finding a way to undo the Path of 10,000 Souls? That would become the babblings of a madman!

Thus, unless he had no other choice, Qin Yu would never take this step.

Calm down! Impulsiveness was the devil!

Today’s matter had come too suddenly and he hadn’t even prepared himself at all. For a short time, he couldn’t figure out what to say.

He could only delay.

Qin Yu took a deep breath and slowly said, “Sir Cloud Billow, this matter is far too important. I must contact my clan before I can make a decision.”

Cloud Billow nodded. “Of course. But I ask you to please give an answer as soon as possible.”

Qin Yu nodded. Without pausing, he stood up and bid his goodbyes, leaving the courtyard with a gloomy expression.

When Old Fox and Black Astral came out and glanced at him, they followed behind him without saying a single word.

“Haha, little friend Qin Yu came out so soon? I thought you would still be talking with Cloud Billow. The young should get to know each other better.” A hearty laugh filled the air as Cloud Boundless appeared. The demon guide who was leading the way hurriedly bowed, astonishment in his eyes.

The Clan Elder had appeared? This was too much of a coincidence!

The corners of Qin Yu’s eyes twitched. He really wanted to punch Cloud Boundless’ smiling face. This old thing, he must have been waiting out here!

But thinking this was all he could do. So, he forced out a smile and said, “There are some matters I must deal with, so I cannot stay much longer. I’ll be leaving first.”

“Oh. There’s something urgent? Then you should deal with it. Only after dealing with these trivial matters can you concentrate on major events, right?” Cloud Boundless smiled as he stared at Qin Yu with eyes full of meaning. “The situation is just how things are. Little friend, you understand me right? Haha, think about it as soon as possible. I favor you very much!”

As he spoke he walked over and patted Qin Yu’s shoulder. A mass of demonic energy instantly shot into Qin Yu’s body. Without giving him a chance to speak, he turned and walked away.

He disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Qin Yu paled. This old freak, he had given him a marking, warning him not to secretly run away.

Although the demonic energy had integrated into his body, with Qin Yu’s soul force he could easily feel this marking.

Destroying it was simple. It would only take a thought. But since Cloud Boundless hadn’t even concealed the fact that he shot it into Qin Yu’s body…

This was a stance.

If Qin Yu left behind the marking, then nothing would happen. But if he tried to destroy it? That would not be showing him due respect and he would be forced to be angry.

Whatever. It couldn’t harm him in any case. He would endure it for now!

Qin Yu let out a breath, “Let’s go!”

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