Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1094A – Cloud Mist

Chapter 1094A – Cloud Mist

Demonic energy ran rampant through her body even as tidal waves of desire wildly impacted her heart. Cloud Mist’s surroundings flashed black from time to time as she felt her consciousness being swallowed up. She felt like a tiny piece of wood in a raging sea, about to overturn and sink at any moment.

As she felt the burning heat coming from Qin Yu’s body, while there was anger, there was even more uncontrollable fear.

She gasped for breath. Cloud Mist grabbed tightly onto Qin Yu with both hands, clinging to his body. She stuttered out, “If…if you dare…touch me…I swear…I will kill you…”

Her mind buzzed and her consciousness collapsed. The turbulent desire gushing out thoroughly broke apart all logic and reasoning.

Her consciousness fell into darkness but her body instinctively moved. She hugged Qin Yu tighter and her astonishingly soft body winded around him like a snake. She swayed left and right against him, as if she wanted to melt into him.

Her breathing became increasingly rapid. Cloud Mist was no longer satisfied with purely physical contact.

She started to tear off Qin Yu’s clothes. She gnawed and licked his face for a while, but it was obvious she had no experience in this area. Although her movements were wild, if one had to put it in a sentence – even though she was as wild as a tiger, her record for catching prey was 0-5!

But even though Cloud Mist didn’t know exactly what to do, her actions still threw Qin Yu over the crater. With just one final step, he would fall into that blazing lava and be swallowed up in the heat!

Hu –

Hu –

Qin Yu breathed in great heaving gulps. Every inch of his exposed flesh and blood fiercely shivered, as if a wild animal had taken control of him. He wished he could swallow this woman into his belly!

His hands subconsciously held onto her. The soft touch against his palms caused him to emit a deep growl. In the next moment, he grabbed Cloud Mist’s face with one hand and pushed her away. With another hand, he wiped the saliva from his lips and gritted out, “You woman, you actually used your drool to drown me to death…although I haven’t thought of dying like this before, it is far too humiliating…”

He randomly sputtered out words. Only like this could he disperse the desires he had towards this woman.

Cloud Mist was shoved away, but she fiercely struggled and tried to drill her way back into Qin Yu’s arms. With great difficulty and willpower that came from somewhere, Qin Yu had finally managed to shove her away. He wouldn’t give her another chance to approach him.

“Show some decency!” He grabbed her neck and slowly looked up, revealing a pair of red eyes. “Hehe, how interesting, this is truly interesting. This is the first time I have had such a feeling when seeing a woman. But whether I want to take you or not is my own business. Until I figure it out, wake yourself up!”

He raised a hand and fiercely struck his own chest. The wildly beating heart of the abyss immediately suffered a heavy hit.

With a stuffy cough, Qin Yu turned deathly pale and blood flowed out from the corners of his lips. When the beating of the heart of the abyss was forced to slow down, clarity returned to his mind.

Pa –

Cloud Mist’s forehead immediately turned red. After receiving a heavy slap from Qin Yu, her constantly struggling body finally slumped to the ground.

But this didn’t mean that the trouble was finished here. Yes, this was trouble. Although she had no idea what issue existed between her and this wicked girl, his intuition told him that if he didn’t do anything and watched helplessly as something happened to her, he would surely pay a price in the future.

Breathing heavily, Qin Yu bit down on his tongue. When the sweet and coppery smell of blood appeared in his nose and mouth, he raised a hand and placed it on Cloud Mist.

He had to figure out exactly what was going on. Otherwise, while he could control himself in his present condition, he wasn’t sure he could maintain his sanity forever.

She was someone who had the qualifications to enter Nine Nether Pagoda’s eighth floor to cultivate. In addition to their previous meetings, he already had an estimate of her strength.

Although the scene just now might have appeared romantic and erotic, that was all based on Qin Yu’s formidable demon body foundation. Without it, if he had been grasped by this wicked girl he would have been beaten unconscious. Even a Demon General would have been kneaded into a meat patty by her.

What was this? Thinking about it this way, are you still envious of that scene just now?

This told him one thing. Only those that were strong enough had the qualifications to enjoy it. Otherwise, no matter how fragrant and tantalizing that scene was, anyone else would end up with a miserable fate.

Of course, Qin Yu wasn’t in the mood to contemplate such things. As his palm fell onto her skin, he couldn’t help but be stunned.

This wasn’t tricky, but…it was too simple!

He hadn’t even done anything. He could clearly feel what was happening within her body.

A formidable demonic energy was rampaging through her like a wild pack of horses. If her mortal body wasn’t sufficiently tyrannical, she would have blown apart into pieces.

Qin Yu’s face clouded over. Because now, he found that not only could he clearly sense the power within her body…but most importantly…it seemed he could control this strength? That’s right, it was this unusual and especially intense thought.

It was extremely strange and inconceivable!

Qin Yu clenched his teeth. He didn’t have any other choice in this situation. If he wanted to save this woman, he had to try this.

With a thought, his divine sense broke into her body. The boiling demonic energy seemed to encounter some kind of suppression, immediately calming down.

What happened afterwards proceeded so smoothly that even Qin Yu thought it was unbelievable. He really could easily control the strength in this woman’s body. As if…this strength belonged to him!

Moments later, Qin Yu let out a long breath and slowly opened his eyes. The unconscious woman’s aura had stabilized. Besides her flushed face and quickened breathing, there weren’t any other problems.

The riotous demonic energy had been subdued. It slowly flowed through her body, repairing all the damage it had caused.

He withdrew his hand and drew back a certain distance. The flood of desire that was crashing into his mind quickly faded away.

Qin Yu’s lips twitched. He was growing increasingly confused. Just what relationship did he have with this woman?

Could it be because of his demon seed bloodline? Although he hadn’t verified it, this was the greatest possibility.

He shook his head and restrained his thoughts. He sat down and started to restore his losses.

Although only a short period of time had passed since he grabbed the woman and brought her to his room, he felt as if it had been incomparably long.

He was left exhausted from dealing with the wild rush of desire. A stabbing pain coursed through his body.

Two hours later, Qin Yu opened his eyes and let out a long breath. Only then did he think he had survived from the brink of collapse.

Coincidentally, as Qin Yu opened his eyes, in another corner of the room, Cloud Mist also opened her eyes.

Shua –

Their eyes met. Although she had a calm expression, Qin Yu discovered that her face was red with some awkwardness.

It seemed that she wasn’t completely unaware of what just happened.

Although he had gained some advantages from her body, Qin Yu felt that accomplishing this in that situation was already incredible. If this woman really wanted to pretend to be a victim and blame him, he absolutely wouldn’t be polite!

He was already prepared for her cold sneer and words. But Cloud Mist only stood up and said, “Just now…thank you.”

To be honest, this response was beyond Qin Yu’s expectations. He only said, “There’s no need to thank me. But, if you can tell me the reason for what just happened, the debts between us can be cleared.”

Cloud Mist hesitated for a moment and shook her head, “Sorry, I am not sure right now…” She let out a breath and turned around, “I must leave.”

“Hold on.” Qin Yu looked at her and said, “Although there is no basis for me to care about your current condition, there is clearly some sort of strange and unexplained connection between us right now. If something happens to you, that will also be troublesome to me. You should understand my meaning.”

Cloud Mist responded without expression, “What are you trying to say?”

Qin Yu said, “The reason for what happened to you today is that the demonic energy within your body surpassed the limits of your control. Although I have no idea why such a phenomenon occurred, I could only temporarily smooth out your demonic energy. Even if you choose not to cultivate, the demonic energy will automatically circulate, growing stronger and stronger as it absorbs more abyssal demonic energy. Before too long, you will face the same situation as you did today, and it will be even more dangerous.

“I can help you extract a part of the demonic energy that surpasses your limits…of course, you can refuse. Just pretend that I didn’t say anything. But next time you have a problem, stay away from me and don’t cause me trouble!”

Qin Yu’s words were impolite, but he believed he had no reason to be polite to her. From the moment he ran into her, she had been nothing but trouble.

Cloud Mist’s eyes turned even colder. She could feel Qin Yu’s rude attitude. But after a brief silence, she unexpectedly nodded.

“I’ll have to trouble you then.”

Her expression was still faint and without any fluctuations.

Qin Yu drew in a deep breath. “You are in a sober state right now. During the extraction process, I hope you can focus your mind and not cause any unnecessary accidents.”

When he walked to her side, the flood of desire exploded once again. But with the previous experience, he could temporarily suppress it.

Across from him, Cloud Mist reddened and her breathing quickened. It was unknown what she was thinking, but shame filled her eyes. She closed her eyes and said nothing else.

Qin Yu also couldn’t bother with asking her anything. He held onto her hand. Then, like a switch had been turned on, the demonic energy within her body started to flow into his. It was directly absorbed, becoming a part of his strength.

There were no hindrances in this process and it proceeded unbelievably smoothly.

Cloud Mist stiffened. Shock rose in her heart. Because she discovered that at the moment Qin Yu started to extract her energy, she couldn’t resist it at all.

The demonic energy even seemed to be impatient, almost cheering as it flowed into him.

If Qin Yu had some evil thought to plunder all of her demonic energy, she discovered that it would be difficult for her to resist.

This chilled her heart. She couldn’t help but feel fear and regret.

Why did she agree to Qin Yu’s request? Even though she knew what he said was right, she had never been so negligent before. Otherwise, she would never have managed to survive until now.

She might not be able to perish together with him, but she was still confident she could destroy herself!

At this moment, Qin Yu took back his hand. He said, “You can leave now!”

To speak the truth, what Cloud Mist had felt, he had felt even clearer.

If he had really plundered all of her demonic energy, his strength would have risen drastically.

It could be said that as he drew out her extra energy, he was withstanding an incredible temptation.

But he didn’t do it in the end.

This wasn’t because he felt mercy or affection towards women. He was a member of the living world. While Feature had revealed a different attitude towards abyssal beings, he wouldn’t feel any psychological burden in killing an abyssal demon woman.

It was just that Qin Yu could feel there wouldn’t be any advantage in killing this woman.

In fact, the temporary benefits might bring about endless future troubles.

Cloud Mist had no idea what was going through Qin Yu’s mind. She only knew that this man who was capable of seizing all her strength hadn’t done so.

She looked deeply at Qin Yu. Without saying anything else, she stood up and left.

Pa –

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