Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1077A – The Hidden Dangers of the Thousand Mirage Demon Mirror

Chapter 1077A – The Hidden Dangers of the Thousand Mirage Demon Mirror

Qin Yu hesitated for a moment before he reached out and hugged Feature. She had a tall physique and her body was surprisingly curvy. Qin Yu had already verified this with his own eyes and hands.

But now that he hugged her she felt unexpectedly light. She was like a piece of paper that could blow away in the next gust of wind.

Just as he stood up and was about to disembark the carriage, Feature groaned and slowly opened her eyes. She slapped Qin Yu’s shoulder and said, “Let me down.”

Qin Yu furrowed his eyebrows together, “Are you fine?”

“Of course. I am fierce, I am impossibly fierce!” Feature stood up and stretched her body once again. She glanced out the window and said, “We arrived so soon?”

Qin Yu nodded. “If there’s no problem, let's get out of the carriage. The sooner we go back and rest the better.”

“Rest?” Feature shook her head, “That’s impossible. I’ve already slept a bit. How can I do something that so extravagantly wastes time?”

She slapped her cheeks and her face immediately flushed red and her eyes became bright and shining once again. She turned and glanced at the two children who had fallen asleep next to Mian Ya. “These two won’t be able to last much longer in their current condition. Let’s hurry up…after all, since you’ve spent 200 million demon crystals, we can’t just let them waste away.”

Mian Ya stiffened. Her eyes widened, “Miss…they…they…”

Feature humphed once. “You share their bloodline so can you tell me you haven’t discovered what danger they are facing right now? Put away your wishful thinking. We must extract this strength that surpasses their limits as soon as possible. If we wait too long, the only fate that awaits them will be exploding into pieces.”

She curled her lips and was the first to leave the carriage.

Qin Yu’s eyes lit up. As he thought, Feature also realized why he had purchased these two children without a care for how many demon crystals he had to spend.

He turned and glanced at the dazed Mian Ya. Qin Yu didn’t say anything. He stood up and left the carriage. He hoped that this woman was intelligent enough and could see the situation clearly enough that she wouldn’t do anything stupid.

Moments later, Feature, Qin Yu, and the rest entered an independent courtyard.

Being able to move into and stay in such a high-quality courtyard on the day that Netherworld Station’s auction began was certainly thanks to the prestige of demon crystals. Old Fox’s splendid communication skills also play a big role.

It was unknown what Mian Ya did, but the two nine-tailed demon fox children fell into a deep sleep. They were slowly laid onto the ground, with no sign of waking up.

She turned and fell to her knees, pleading with her eyes. “Miss Feature, Your Excellency Qin Yu, I know that these are slaves purchased with your demon crystals and that you have the absolute right and qualifications to do to them what you will, but I beg you, if possible, please keep their lives!”

This woman…

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes, his heart shaking a little. When she fell down into Great Deer City and was then interrogated for information about the Thousand Mirage Demon Mirror, although she wasn’t able to withstand the torture and eventually submitted, she had never revealed such a low and base posture.

It seemed that she really cared about the life and death of these two children.

Feature impatiently waved a hand and said, “All this crying is tiring me to death. Of all lives in this world, besides the eternally undying, who can escape the cycle of birth and death? If you cannot understand this then you will never have great achievements.”

Qin Yu looked at the pale-faced Mian Ya whose eyes were filled with despair. His lips twitched and he said, “Don’t worry. What we are extracting is just the strength within their bodies that they cannot control. We won’t harm their lives.”

With Feature’s temper, if this was inevitable then she wouldn’t have even bothered explaining. If she spoke so much, while she seemed cold, it actually represented a chance of life.

Mian Ya’s eyes brightened. “Truly?” Although she asked Qin Yu, her anxious eyes subconsciously landed on Feature.

“It’s true, it’s true, but if you continue whining like this I might get annoyed and change my mind!” Feature glared at Qin Yu. But there wasn’t much ferociousness in her eyes, instead it was a trace of an unexplainable emotion.

This smelly boy, it seemed that he understood her well!

“Ah…yes, yes, yes, I won’t disturb you further. I will immediately leave…” Mian Ya left in a fright. She gave one final glance at the two sleeping children before she bit her lips and shut the door behind her.

Even Old Fox and Black Astral weren’t allowed to stay here. She certainly knew her own position.

The door closed, isolating all outside senses. Qin Yu directly said, “I only felt that the strength within these two children has a certain attraction to me. But I need you to tell me what to do exactly.”

Feature curved her lips up in a smile. “Do you know who is the most important and most indispensable person to you now? Hehe, when you were arguing with me before, I never saw you be so polite!”

Qin Yu rubbed his eyebrows. “You and I both know that these two children are in a bad state, and the slave collars on their necks have stimulated their strength. They are like two firecrackers, ready to blow up at any moment.

“If you want to keep playing around, I will accompany you to the end once this is over. But can we get to business and finish this first?”

Feature glared at him. She humphed twice, “Then you must remember that you owe me another favor!”

Qin Yu nodded, “I remember. I will certainly remember.”

Feature curled her lips. She muttered a few perfunctory words beneath her breath but didn’t bother with him anymore. She said, “The method is simple. You must use the Blood Refining Art to extract their demon seed bloodlines. Take that unstable power in your own hands and use it for yourself.

“Originally, if you didn’t care about their life and death then this would have been easy. You would have simply needed to crudely extract their strength and the final effects would be perfect. However, since you spouted so much crap about preserving their poor little lives, you’ll have to expend some effort.”

Qin Yu nodded without expression, “I’ll do what you tell me to.”

He could tell that this was her original intent, but this time he didn’t choose to argue with her.

Moreover, to crudely extract their strength…describing it this way seemed a bit too awkward.

But at this time, Qin Yu was a little puzzled. Feature’s treatment of abyssal beings seemed somewhat wrong.

As the mortal enemies of flesh and blood beings, the two sides couldn’t see eye to eye. Once they met, they would instinctively feel hostility and loathing, and this would never end until one party was destroyed.

Her actions seemed too kind.

And, without him knowing it, Qin Yu had to acknowledge that he was also influenced. Would this be a problem?

After all, the abyss was destined to only be a part of their lives’ experience. They would eventually return to the living world.

His eyes flashed with confusion. Then, he slowly let out a breath. He would consider these matters later.

Feature’s eyes sparkled. She looked at Qin Yu as if sensing something. Then, she inexplicably said, “Sometimes, your eyes, your feelings, and even everything you’ve personally experienced is just deceiving yourself…the truth may not be what you believe it is.”

Before Qin Yu could ask further, she dismissively waved her hand, “I was just speaking some nonsense, don’t think about it further. And even if you do think about it further, don’t think that I will explain it to you. Go and figure it out yourself in the future! Now, restrain your thoughts and do what I tell you to. Remember, you must be careful, otherwise if the swallowing strength is too strong, these two weak little things will be sucked dry and turned into jerky by you!”

Qin Yu’s lips twitched. He took a deep breath and nodded.

“Now, let’s begin…” Feature walked over, wrapping her hands around Qin Yu’s waist and pressing her entire body against his.

Mm…when he held her before, she felt as light as a piece of paper. Now that she was even closer, he was sure that it had all been an illusion.

Where in this world could there be a piece of paper with such a threatening chest…

Two hours later, Qin Yu was drenched in sweat and his face was pale white. He finally withdrew his hands and took a few steps back.

Feature was also covered in his sweat. She loosened her hands and turned around, sneering as she said, “If you weren’t so weak to the pleas of women, would this simple swallowing be so difficult and distressing? Hehe, consider this a warning for yourself. It’s impossible to keep being a good person, otherwise you will ruin yourself one day!”

Her tone was poor and her words were unforgiving. But, her face was covered in a hazy rosy cloud. With sweat covering her skirt, it clung tightly to her. Not only did it outline her body, but it gave it a transparent feeling.

Feature clenched her teeth. She felt that this time she really had suffered too great of a loss!

But in truth, the exhausted Qin Yu wasn’t in the mood to peep at her or feel anything. He panted for breath as he waited for his condition to stabilize. Then, he squatted down and checked on the two nine-tailed demon fox children’s conditions.

It was good. While they were weak, their auras were stable and the demon seed bloodline within their bodies was almost perfectly preserved.

Of course, it was impossible to say that there were no accidental injuries. But having survived in their condition was already their greatest good fortune.

So Qin Yu wouldn’t feel any guilt over this.

He let go and turned around, “Feature, I have to thank you this time. I’m going to recover first. You should also take this chance to rest.”

Grabbing a kid in each hand, Qin Yu pushed open the door and walked out, handing them over to a nervously waiting Mian Ya. Without giving her a chance to speak he returned to his room and sat down. He suppressed the dizziness and discomfort that washed over him, and mobilized his demonic energy to restore his condition.

He couldn’t help but acknowledge that the abyssal demon race had an extremely strong ability to adapt and recover. This was probably related to the bad living environment of the abyss.

An hour later, although his complexion was still pale, the discomfort he felt had basically vanished.

He let out a breath. When he opened his eyes he smiled happily.

As he thought, his senses had been correct. After using the Blood Refining Art to extract the wild strength from the bodies of those two nine-tailed demon fox children, his harvests were enormous.

Before, because he had Feature’s help, after obtaining Mian Ya’s blood he had been able to use trickery to bypass the Thousand Mirage Demon Mirror’s limits and have it recognize him as its master.

Because of that, he was able to fully preserve the abyssal titan true body.

Qin Yu hadn’t realized anything was off at the start. But soon, he felt something was wrong.

The Thousand Mirage Demon Mirror had indeed recognized him as its master, and it had even helped Qin Yu complete the permanent solidification of his titan true body.

But Feature said that by using the Thousand Mirage Demon Mirror, he could mold an avatar. This ability had remained quiet in Qin Yu’s senses.

In other words, after the Thousand Mirage Demon Mirror recognized him as its master, it had regained its senses a little while later. Since it could no longer separate from him, it took this chance to block off a part of its abilities.

If it was just this, then Qin Yu wouldn’t necessarily care too much. Because things like avatars weren't something he had much desire to cultivate.

But the Thousand Mirage Demon Mirror involved the permanent solidification of the titan true body, and the titan true body was the most formidable card he had to survive in the abyss.

When it was related to this, he couldn’t allow any accidents to occur.

Thus, even if there were no other problems with the Thousand Mirage Demon Mirror right now, Qin Yu had to figure out a way to eliminate this hidden danger.

Now, by extracting the strength from the bodies of those two children, this hidden danger had finally disappeared…

The Thousand Mirage Demon Mirror’s ability to cultivate an avatar had opened up to Qin Yu. He could sense that as long as he wanted to, he could split out a portion of his soul and aura to mold an avatar that was connected to his main body, and was also one that he could completely control.

This was good. As for an avatar, that was something to consider in the future. At least for the moment, he had no plans to create one.

Feature…counting this time, he started to owe her more and more.

But that wasn’t a problem. Once he learned her secret, he would find chances to repay her.

There were still two days left from the ten day agreement before she had to confess.

He had to acknowledge that he was anticipating this…no, in truth, he was very, very, very much anticipating this!

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