Boss Mo’s Predestined Love Brought by Surrogacy

Chapter 497 - Ignoring me

Chapter 497 Ignoring me

“Please stop asking me, okay? Hurry up. I am so worried now. I’ll tell you when I am free.” Gu Yan was too extremely anxious to have spare time to chat with Manla? Besides, it was not convenient to tell Manla the reason why Xiangyan was injured.

They were hurried downstairs to go shopping. Along the way, Manla asked Gu Yan about her current situation.

“How is your studio going on? Are you busy?”

Gu Yan said while she was picking vegetables, “There is no design project at all in early time, but recently we received a project, which is quite significant. I will still be busy with that design project if Mo Xiangyan isn’t injured. Are you busy recently?”

“Look at me. Am I look like busy? I have just finished a case, and my boss gave me a few days for a rest.”

“How great. You have been working so hard. It’s good for you to have a rest. Money is endless to earn.”

Gu Yan and Manla returned home after shopping and started to cook for Xiangyan.

Mo Yichen stayed by Mo Xiangyan’s side, for fear that he was uncomfortable.

Li Yunhong also stood in the ward, and her attitude was much better now. “Yichen, you have a rest. I will look after him.”

But Mo Yichen shook his head. Now he didn’t trust anyone. His child had become like this at his own home by his grandma. Although she was not intentional, he still untrusted her a little bit.

Mo Yichen said silently, “It doesn’t matter. Mom, please go home for a break. I will stay. Go back to have a rest, and you must be tired after the busy day.”

Li Yunhong blamed herself in her heart, because she made her grandson suffering. Li Yunhong wanted to do something to compensate him, “I am gonna go home and ask nanny to make something delicious for Xiangyan.”

After she said that, Li Yunhong turned around to leave, but was stopped by Mo Yichen, “Mom, just go home and have a rest. The doctor said that we should pay attention to Xiangyan’s diet recently. Gu Yan has already gone home to cook food by herself, so don’t bother the nanny.”

Although Li Yunhong was not unwilling to hear the name of Gu Yan, she couldn’t say anything now. After all, these things happened because of her.

She didn’t want to leave, but she had to. And there was also a reason why Mo Yichen ask her to leave.

There were some things that couldn’t be said in front of Li Yunhong, so Mo Yichen asked Li Yunhong to go back and wanted to know why it happened.

After Li Yunhong left, Mo Yichen took a closer look at his son. His head was bandaged with gauze; his look didn’t look well; and he was unwilling to talk with others.

Mo Yichen asked softly, “Xiangyan, does your head still hurt?” Now he was careful about everything and feared that something make Xiangyan feel uncomfortable.

But it seemed that Mo Xiangyan didn’t hear that, because he had no response. Mo Yichen thought that maybe his voice was too low, and Xiangyan didn’t hear him. Therefore, he asked again, but it was still the same.

Mo Yichen saw that Xiangyan didn’t look like himself, and asked hurriedly, “What’s the matter with you, Xiangyan. Are you fine?” He thought that Xiangyan was a little uncomfortable and didn’t want to speak.

After a while, he still made no response. Then Mo Yichen was relieved.

“Why don’t you answer me? Dad has asked you for several times. It is impolite. How did I teach you?” Mo Yichen sat on the edge of Xiangyan’s bed and pulled the quilt for him.

Unexpectedly, Mo Xiangyan turned his back to Mo Yichen this time.

Mo Yichen has never been treated like this. In the past, Mo Yichen and Xiangyan were very close, and they always kept no secret from each other. However, Mo Yichen has not communicated with Mo Xiangyan for a long time.

Although they stayed together, there seemed to be an invisible barrier in their hearts.


Mo Yichen was stunned, but he heard Mo Xiangyan grunted with a little anger.

“What’s the matter? Why do you ignore me? You were not like this and tell me everything before. We are good friends. But now you don’t talk to me.” Mo Yichen spoke in a child’s tone.

Mo Xiangyan was still a little angry, “Why don’t you come back to see me? You came back until I got injured.”

Why Mo Xiangyan thought in this way because when Mo Xiangyan asked Li Yunhong where was Mo Yichen, Li Yunhong told him that both Mo Yichen and Gu Yan abandoned him. So, the scene just now happened.

Speaking frankly, it was attributed to Li Yunhong and her some careless words in daily life. In Mo Xiangyan’s concept, adults never deceived, so he believed in Li Yunhong’s words.

“Do you really ignore me? I am extremely sad. I am abandoned by Xiangyan.” Mo Yichen pretended to cry and wipe his tears with his hand.

Hearing the sound, Mo Xiangyan turned his head and glanced sideways at Mo Yichen. He frowned as if he was thinking.

Mo Yichen saw that Mo Xiangyan still had no reaction, so he stopped acting. His acting skills were too worse to far from win an Oscar Award, so he gave up.

“Well, I had planned to take you to the amusement park. But now it seems that we can’t go. You have ignored me. I will go with Aunt Gu. It’s also interesting for us to play.”

“You dare not take me.” When Mo Xiangyan heard that, he was instantly refreshed.

Mo Yichen waved his hand, “You ignored me, and you don’t answer whatever I say. How could I take you to play? Forget it.”

“I don’t ignore you.” Mo Xiangyan hurriedly took Mo Yichen’s arm, and feared that Mo Yichen would not take him to play. It seemed that he had forgotten the injuries on his head.

“Well, you tell me why you ignored me when I asked you so many times just now. Besides, you miss Aunt Gu so much, but you also ignored her. Do you know that she was sad? Knowing that you are hurt, Aunt Gu left her work and came back to see you. She didn’t expect that you could treat her like that when she met you.”

Mo Yichen thought that there must be a reason why Mo Xiangyan ignored him. If he knows the reason, he should pay more attention to that.

Mo Xiangyan thought for a while, and said, “I ignored Aunt Gu because I am angry.”

“Why are you angry?”

“Why not?” Mo Xiangyan sat up, “I hear my grandma said that both you and Aunt Gu Yan abandoned me, so I got angry and don’t want to talk with you.”

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