Martial God Asura

Chapter 5726: Survivors of the Ordeal

Chapter 5726: Survivors of the Ordeal

“What’s wrong, Xuanyuan?” an old ape asked from the sky.

The ape was extremely old, but the sunlight shining from behind made him look like a war god. The black metal rod he carried on his shoulder, his black armor, and the white cape fluttering behind added to his imposing appearance too.

But upon careful examination, his blood-red eyes and seething killing intent made him look more like a demonic god instead.

In particular, the black metal rod he wielded was eye-catching. The bottom portion of the rod looked normal, but the rod extended for an inestimable distance, stretching straight out to the horizon… and that was considering the black metal rod was swiftly contracting at the moment.

Its true size must have been even larger.

Blood was splattered all over the black metal rod, suggesting that countless lives had just died to it.

“It’s nothing,” the middle-aged man raised his head and said.

“Shall we go?” Old Ape asked.

“Let’s go,” the middle-aged man replied before rushing into the sky in a whiz of light.

It only took the blink of an eye for him to leave the realm.

Old Ape’s black metal rod finally reverted to its normal size, and only then was it apparent that it was actually a black spear, just that it was impossible to tell earlier when the speartip was out of the atmosphere.

Old Ape pondered for a moment, but he quickly left the realm too.

Looking at the realm from a higher altitude, one could see tattered earth and overflowing lava. Many dead bodies were strewn over the ground, and blood flowed like rivers. Countless figures lay in those bloodied rivers, most of them torn into shreds, with just a rare few lucky enough to retain mostly intact carcasses.

The deceased were from the same lizard race. They were shaped like humans, and their armor-like scales were black and dark green. They resembled the sample Chu Feng had seen at Taishi Xingzhong’s place—Serpentine Ferocious Beast.

But unlike the sample Chu Feng had seen, these lizards had an additional trait—they had dragon horns on their heads.

Meanwhile, in the realm where Chu Feng was, many people were still frantically escaping or hiding in hopes of surviving the ordeal, but Taishi Xingzhong suddenly opened his eyes to reveal a flicker of relief amidst the despair.

“It’s over?” He could hardly believe the situation.

His judgment couldn’t have been wrong. The terrifying energy had been powerful enough to destroy everything, but it had disappeared out of the blue.

“Did an expert stop it?” Taishi Xingzhong wondered.

Long Lin was still channeling the treasure inside the ancestral dragon’s forbidden land to protect Long Xue, but he, too, had noticed that the energy had vanished. He glanced at the formation and saw that the secret skill he was channeling had been destroyed.

Not even the ancestral dragon’s secret skill could trap Chu Feng.

Chu Feng and the Totem Dragon Clansmen were now free.

“Chu Feng, were you the one who did that?” Long Lin murmured with a tight frown.

That earlier burst of energy was too terrifying. There was no way his plan could have ever succeeded if Chu Feng was behind it, but given that the energy had come from Chu Feng’s direction, it was hard to imagine that anyone else was behind it.

Meanwhile, at another place in the realm, a plain had been transformed into a massive crater, and lava could be seen spurting from its deepest point. It looked like doomsday had arrived.

Outside the crater was a sphere that was about three meters in radius. It was currently black in color, but it was probably golden before. It was a treasure from the Ancient Era, harnessing an incredibly powerful formation, but it was now tattered and its energy was almost depleted.


The metal sphere was kicked aside, and two silhouettes crawled out from within.

It was Daoist Heavensniffer and Beast Shadow.

The two of them were cautious, choosing to observe Chu Feng from a distance away and even constructing a teleportation formation in advance. As soon as they sensed that something was awry, they immediately fled via the teleportation formation.

Unfortunately, the lightning energy was too powerful. Despite having been teleported a far distance away, the lightning energy still quickly caught up with them.

Seeing that it was impossible for them to escape, Daoist Heavensniffer whipped out a treasure from the Ancient Era that he had hoarded for a long time. It was a life-preservation treasure that provided incredible defense while allowing one to control the sphere’s movement from within. Furthermore, the sphere was able to move at a speed far faster than their cultivation.

Even so, they were unable to outrun the lightning.

Just the mere shockwave from the lightning was enough to reduce the treasure to its current state. It was a relief that the lightning energy had suddenly dissipated, or else the two of them would have been goners.

Even so, Daoist Heavensniffer still sustained severe injuries. His eyes, ears, nose, and mouth were bleeding profusely. Beast Shadow was in an even worse state.

Daoist Heavensniffer crawled to his feet with great difficulty. With a wave of his sleeves, he stowed away his tattered treasure before staggering into the distance. An expert of his caliber actually didn’t even have the strength to rise into the air; this showed how severe his injuries were.

“Where are you going, Daoist Heavensniffer?” Beast Shadow noticed that Daoist Heavensniffer was heading in the wrong direction and weakly asked.

“I’m escaping for my life,” Daoist Heavensniffer replied.

“Escaping for your life? Have you forgotten about our mission?”

“Mission?” That word prompted Heavensniffer to halt his footsteps, turn around, and walk back. He marched up to Beast Shadow, raised him up, and pointed in Chu Feng’s direction, saying, “Are you blind? Are you goddamned blind? Did you not see the lightning coming out from that boy’s body? You would have been dead if not for my treasure!”

Daoist Heavensniffer was infuriated. Not only was his trip in vain, but he had also depleted one of his precious treasures and nearly lost his life. As a matter of fact, they had only survived by a stroke of good luck.

“Daoist Heavensniffer, the circumstances earlier were precarious, and I thank you for saving my life. I’ll report this matter to Lord Mansion Master, and you’ll be rewarded for it, but think about it. The lightning suddenly disappeared earlier. Chu Feng must have run out of strength. The Totem Dragon Clansmen can’t possibly have survived the lightning at such close range. We’ll definitely be able to apprehend Chu Feng if we head over right now,” Beast Shadow said.

Daoist Heavensniffer stared at Beast Shadow with a mouth widened with disbelief.

“You’re out of your goddamned mind! You’re so desperate to prove yourself that you’re willing to throw your life away! Why do you think Chu Feng has reached his limit? He could have dispelled the energy of his own accord because he doesn’t want to kill innocent cultivators too!” Daoist Heavensniffer exclaimed.

“You’re the one who has lost his mind. Think about how tremendous that energy was. How could someone of Chu Feng’s cultivation have dispelled it?” Beast Shadow refuted.

“Why can’t he? Isn’t he the one who channeled the World Spiritist Immortal King’s formation and wreaked havoc in the Seven Realms Sacred Mansion?” Daoist Heavensniffer retorted.

“…” Beast Shadow was rendered speechless.

“The earlier lightning was not a protection treasure but a protection formation, but regardless, have you ever seen such a powerful protection treasure or formation? It’s clear that Chu Feng is backed by a powerhouse, and that person possesses incredible means. I don’t dare to offend that person, and I think the Seven Realms Sacred Mansion should think twice before crossing that person too,” Daoist Heavensniffer said.

“What a joke! There’s no one our Seven Realms Sacred Mansion fears in the world of cultivation! Daoist Heavensniffer, you can obtain what you want once we capture Chu Feng. This is a rare opportunity from Lord Mansion Master. Are you going to give up on it like that?” Beast Shadow asked.

“Screw you! Are you telling me to die? Tell your Mansion Master I quit! Send whoever else he wants to! Just don’t bother me when it comes to anything involving Chu Feng. I’m not tired of living yet!” Daoist Heavensniffer angrily smashed Beast Shadow into the ground before tottering away.

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